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Last night I dreamt I was playing a video game about extraterrestrial colonization survival. It was a top-down 8-bit style game where most of the life support aspects had to be manually activated by colonists. In particular power was provided by an exercise bike.

The main issue was that colonists would progressively become mad one by one, turning on their former teammates. At the end, the local wildlife also showed up and a giant space giraffe was wrecking havoc in my simple base while being mostly unharmed by the Tesla coil defense tower installed on the roof.

@Michael Vogel The top-down aspect, the square grid, complete vision over each room and the power/food indicators were definitely not from a movie!
What an elaborate dream. I look forward to the next episode, “Return of the Giant Space Giraffe”.
@alysonsee (Fca) See, the thing is that I usually barely remember my dreams. I can tell you it was about a general topic, but not much more. This was very vivid, and stayed with me long enough I was able to write it down.
@syls Yes you may, although I'm familiar enough with the game that I was part of the official forum during the Kickstarter and made the first version of the Rimworld website managing the rewards. I took my distances with the creator once he started spewing men's rights bullshit though.
Oh I never heard about the MRA stuff at all. crazy
@syls The game itself has had a few subtle biases (fixed since) but nothing as concerning as what he ended saying privately.