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Items tagged with: capitalism

I love how this “Created by AI, edited by humans” summary of the chat I had with Doc this month starts off mildly enough with “A great chat on FLOSS Weekly regarding alternate funding models to support ethical tech projects…“ and ends a few paragraphs later with “…Balkan provided an urgent call to action to avoid extinction at the hands of unchecked capitalism.”

Well that escalated quickly!

😬 👍

#tech #ethics #BigTech #SmallTech #BigWeb #SmallWeb #VC #capitalism

Our capitalist rulers, and the politicians they own, are playing the long game. Since the 1950s they have been working steadily to shift the Overton window, to reduce the influence of labor unions, to boost consumerism, and to concentrate wealth and power in the hands of a few.

A large part of that strategy involves privatizing services that used to be (and should be) public.

They're playing the long game, and they are winning — much to the detriment of you and me and the environment we live in.

#Politics #Capitalism #Environment

Cartoon image of a man pushing over the first in a series of human-size dominoes. The dominoes are arranged in a circle and gradually grow in the size, until at the end the final domino is about three times as tall as the man and will fall to crush him. TITLE: How to destroy public services, a step-by-step guide. The steps are: 1) Reduce the budget of public services; 2) Elimination of positions in public services, because the budget has been reduced; 3) Complain about the decline in quality and efficiency of public services; 4) Claim that the degradation of public services is proof of government inefficiency, and so privatization is needed; 5) Privatize.

Banner at a protest rally says: "Capitalism isn't working. Another world is possible."

Message posted by Corporate Accountability and the Institute for Policy Studies. 

Message says: "Net Zero is Fake Zero. We need real emissions reductions, not gimmicks and false promises."

This is not planet Earth as we found it. The world we’ve known all our lives is vanishing in front of our eyes.

Human civilization was built upon the certainty of a stable, predictable climate allowing consistently reliable agriculture producing decade after decade of steady economic growth and allowing huge, thriving coastal cities.

But now we're seeing what happens when human industry pumps a *trillion* tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in only a few decades, when we warm the oceans to levels never seen before, and when we threaten the survival of everything that makes our lives possible.

The past is gone. Continue to hope and work for the best, but *prepare* for the worst.

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual #CO2 #Emissions

Line graph shows levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide over the past 800,000 years. After a steady and predictable range of ups and downs, suddenly in the past century the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere shot off the charts.

Very amusing to see capitalism apologists on the Fediverse

I mean, it's more understandable on Xitter or Macebook

But here? The place that's sustained by twine, chewing gum, patreon, and the hopes and dreams of two dozen catgirls? The place that's been going strong without a profit motive for half a decade now?

#Capitalism fucked your mind.

It takes a village…

…of billionaires to wreck a planet.

They don’t need to have a majority, or anything even close to a plurality. All it takes is a few thousand sociopathic billionaires — the population of a village — to take full control of everything and then completely ruin our livable biosphere while further enriching themselves.

The scale on the image below is NOT exaggerated. In less than two centuries, and especially just within the last 30 years, capitalist oligarchs have burned so much coal, oil, and gas that our climate system simply can’t handle it.

It’s almost out of control now. But the people who are to blame have names and addresses.

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Capitalism #CO2 #Emissions #ClimateAction #ClimateJustice

Image source —
Graphic shows average global temperature from 20,000 BC until the present, then extended until 2100. Also indicated are the safe climate temperature zone, the rise of human civilization, the start of the industrial revolution, and the extreme temperature danger zones that we will reach before 2050 and before 2100 if current policies are not changed.

🥥 I learned everything I needed to know about "free-market #capitalism" watching the rise of #Microsoft under #BillGates and the charming #SteveBallmer.
Start like a pirate, appropriate the work of others, spread #FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) about competing (and superior products), steal ideas from others and crush them in the cradle. And Gates was following the model laid down by others before him. 🥥

This article is sickening to read. It perfectly encapsulates the disgusting horror of consumer capitalism at its very worst while presenting the stark difference in reality between the Global North and South.

‘It’s like a death pit’
How Ghana became fast fashion’s dumping ground

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual #Pollution
Graphic illustrates in seven steps "How T-shirts donated to charity are causing pollution in Ghana."

The Dangerous Religion of the Corporate Space Race w/ Mary-Jane Rubenstein

One of the best interviews I have listend to this year.

#space #spacerace #capitalism #religion #colonialism @parismarx

Chart that shows trends in atmospheric CO2 versus global temperature change.

CO2 concentration rises from ~315 ppm in 1962 to ~420 ppm in 2021. Chart is annotated with dates of international meetings to address climate change, none of which have had any appreciable effect.

TROM II: A Message to The Aliens (trailer)

We live in a world where everyone is busy, everyone is consumed, everyone seems confused. Money, social credits, ads, data collection, prices and billionaires. Climate change? Who cares!

A one-marble world, floating in a giant soup of stars and planets, clustered in donut-shaped galaxies.

What are these humans living for?

In a 5 hour, 4 parts documentary, we try to explore their world, to understand what makes them human, what makes them enslave their kind, destroy their habitat, and be unaware of their place in this universe. But also what makes them so special.

Through the lives of 5 humans, we look at the culture that creates them, their struggles growing up on this planet, and where they are headed toward.
Watch it here:

You're Not Immune To Propaganda

This video hits hard, we're all immersed in propaganda without even realizing its influence on us, so when someone points it out you're in shock of how you didn't see that before.

#YouTube #educational
#propaganda #news #media
#capitalism #neoliberalism
Thumbnail of the video from YouTube. The text reads "You are not immune to propaganda" with the drawing of a person staring directly at the viewer.

"It took 10,000 years of violent aggression to force almost everybody around the world into the position where they have to follow a boss’s orders to get access to resources essential for survival. It took only a few generations to convince most people that this situation was natural and inevitable. That false lesson needs to be unlearned."

Karl Widerquist and Grant S. McCall "The Prehistory of Private Property"


I know there are hundreds of #mutualAid requests on here already (yay #capitalism) but here's another one for you to consider. Marlee has been a member of the Topless Topics community and a good friend for years, he's spent most of his life #houseless, and being openly #queer in a very conservative state, has trouble finding steady employment (you don't even want to know some of the horrible comments from coworkers and bosses he's had to endure...). this is a rare chance for him to experience housing security for at least a little while, so please consider helping him make rent. thank you.
Gofundme request from Marlee Gould for $1,500 for rent:

"Hi, my name is Marlee and I need help with rent. I currently live in a weekly-rate motel and work full time and go to college. On 2/28 I slipped on some ice while walking home and injured my knee. The doctor at the ER put me in a brace and crutches, and work said I couldn't work with crutches so I ended up out of work for almost a week. My weekly rent is 297 after tax. I have enough to cover this weeks rent, but not next week and possibly the week after. Any help would be appreciated! "

Oh look, Google being Google.

(In case you were thinking of learning/using Go, I’d say skip it. There are plenty of other fish in the sea. Unless you like telemetry by default in your programming languages and tools, that is. In fact, just don’t touch anything tainted by Google if you can help it.)

#google #alphabet #go #surveillance #capitalism #peopleFarming #privacy #development #dev #software

A billionaire Silicon Valley venture capitalist setting up a fediverse account isn’t the win you might think it is.

Who do you think funds and benefits from the Twitters and Facebooks of the world?

We can’t stop these folks from setting up their own servers but please don’t feel a need to federate with them or subsidise their existence on servers you pay for and maintain.

And remain vigilant against embrace, extend, and extinguish.

#billionaires #vc #SiliconValley #mastodon #capitalism
Paul Graham (@paulg) on Twitter on 11/16/22: “It’s remarkable how many people who've never run any kind of company think they know how to run a tech company better than someone who's run Tesla and SpaceX.”

When billionaires say they don’t care about privacy, it‘s your privacy they’re talking about not theirs. Mark Zuckerberg says “privacy is dead” in one breath and buys the four houses around his house in the next because he values his own privacy. It’s yours that he’s actively engaged in strangling the life out of.

#privacy #markZuckerberg #elonMusk #SiliconValley #surveillance #capitalism

Beware of billionaires peddling “decentralisation”.

Anyone seeking a decentralised world would never allow themselves to do the things it takes to become (or remain) a billionaire. Billionaires and trillion-dollar corporations are the epitome of centralisation.

Decentralisation begins at decentring yourself.

#JackDorsey #BlueSky #billionaires #capitalism #twitter #fediverse #centralisation #decentralisation #corporateCapture #embraceExtendExtinguish #warning

#Capitalism will never solve #ClimateChange. Doing so would be putting something other than profit ahead of the primary drive, which is an antithesis to capitalism.

@Hypolite Petovan I totally agree with you. #Capitalism sucks at this point and also a lot others. In November I worked 37 hours by a 40 hours contract in a half month. Now their #tax consultant made 1/2 payment (255 EUR instead of "full" 450 EUR). Okay, he was not aware of how much I actually worked so today I gave them my time sheet as PDF and I hope they can find a good way to fully pay me because I didn't work 20 hours but 37.