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Banner at a protest rally says: "Capitalism isn't working. Another world is possible."
This entry was edited (11 months ago)
@Bread and Circuses One would have to wonder how the production of such technologically complex things as f.e. microprocessors, motor vehicles, etc., could (if ever...) function in such a small business model. Specifically, things that require billions of dollars to design and produce.
I agree wholeheartedly. However it is difficult to see how it could be made flexible enough to ensure that certain industries can exist - like the ones that produced this phone I am posting from. We have to find a way to make that work.
Take a look at some of the other responses in the thread -- which refute the idea that capitalism itself is ever a source of innovation.
@Bread and Circuses @Simon Green
Innovation and who creates it is one thing.
But we (for at least one other person besides me) here are writing about a different problem:
"How very complex technical products, e.g. microprocessors/chips, which require extremely complicated and expensive production processes, can be produced by some small company, which in addition (as the author postulates) will certainly not grow to dominate the market."
I have nothing against all these anti-capitalist postulates but just expect a serious discussion of how we can move from one system to another with such concrete examples.