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Items tagged with: Google

Unfassbar - diese Kommission soll den nächsten Chef der irischen Datenschutzaufsichtsbehörde empfehlen, die Google und Meta kontrollieren soll. A&L Goodbody ist die Kanzlei, die Google in Rechtstreitigkeiten u.a. mit der Behörde vertritt.

thx @maxschrems #dsgvo #meta #google #datenschutz

Liste der Ausschussmitglieder, die eine Empfehlung zur Besetzung der irischen Aufsichtsbehörde geben sollen, thx Max Schrems

#Google: Here’s a new and easy way for you to share your browsing interests with advertisers.

#Firefox: *rolls out a TLS extension to hide the websites you visit from your ISP and anyone else sniffing your traffic*

See the difference? Choose wisely.

#privacy #googleChrome

A new low, even for #Google. Giving Google permission to share information about you with third-party websites is being falsely advertised as an "ad privacy feature". This is privacy washing at its most extreme. But it gets even worse.

There is a dark pattern on the second screenshot. It isn't just informing you about the fake privacy features. Clicking on "Got it" actually turns on these features that allow Google to use your recent browsing history for ads on third-party websites:

A screenshot of the Google popup asking you to turn on their "ad privacy feature".
A screenshot of Google's "other privacy ad features" popup.

You need to stop using Chrome NOW. It’s not hyperbole: Google just rolled out a change to Chrome that tracks the sites you visit, builds a profile, and shares that with any page you visit that asks.

This is real. It’s not tech bro conspiracy shit.

#privacy #google #chrome

If you’re switching to #Firefox, remember Firefox is not private by default. Consider the #LibreWolf fork, which is. Otherwise, go into your settings and adjust its tracking features (like having #Google as the default search engine), turn off telemetry, “experiments”, etc.

(Also, if you all switch and Google goes bankrupt, #Mozilla will go bankrupt too because they exist thanks to half a billion dollars a year from Google. So remember Google must survive for Mozilla to survive.)


If you have been following us for a while, you know that we like to speak up against unethical practices.

Let's be frank: spying on people's behavior is wrong, and #browsers should not #track or #profile its users. Period. :tony_unhappy:

If you agree with us, know that there are alternatives. Our mission is to stay true to our users and respect their privacy, and that's why we have disabled #Google #Topics API and made sure it doesn't work in Vivaldi. 🔥

Read more👇

Pretty good article about attestation on the web and what effects it could have when (not if) #Google #Chrome introduces WEI

Google's Software Is Malware

"Back Doors


The Google Play Terms of Service insist that the user of Android accept the presence of universal back doors in apps released by Google."


#Malware #Google #FreeSoftware

Back Doors


The Google Play Terms of Service insist that the user of Android accept the presence of universal back doors in apps released by Google.


Did a web search on GDPR lawyers in a given city. Only one apparently relevant result led to a law office specializing in #GDPR. And that website was a tor-blocking #Cloudflare site.

Then I searched for a #humanRights lawyer.

1st hit: tor-hostile website

2nd hit: tor-reachable website but lawyer’s email address resolves to #Google.

I’m not joking… can’t make this stuff up. Society is drowning in #hypocrisy but no one sees it because most people don’t know how to look for it.

Perhaps we need tools to make it easy for normies to be more informed. Tools exist but they are for advanced users.

"Starting on August 24th, we will no longer support the anonymous creation of rooms on, and will require the use of an account (we will be supporting #Google, #GitHub and #Facebook for starters but may modify the list later on)."

Since it seems #Google has decided to uni-laterally force through their new anti-#adblock #DRM euphemistically named "Web environment integrity", I decided to add a little bit of code to my website that blanks out the page and displays a protest message with a link to the firefox download page when you visit it from a browser with this DRM feature. Here's the source inside one toot, feel free to copy and put it at the end of your website's <body> before the closing tag:

A list of recent hostile moves by #Google's #Chrome team; handy for sharing with your entourage, to explain why they should stop using #Chromium / #GoogleChrome and use #Firefox or #Epiphany as their main #web #browser :

* The "Manifest v3" sabotage of content blocking extensions:
* The attempted sabotage of #JPEGXL:
* #WebEnvironmentIntegrity a.k.a. #DRM for whole websites would hurt the web, #opensource browsers and OSes:

Bad news

#Google finally released more info about their new #GooglePlayPolicies:

Personal accounts must give Google legal name, legal address, email and phone number.

Google will publish legal name, country and email for developers.

Organization accounts must give the above info and a D-U-N-S number.

Google will publish legal name, address, email and phone number for organization accounts.

Google is effectively going to dox every single trans dev on #GooglePlay.
New developer verification requirements from August 31, 2023

To boost trust and transparency on Google Play, we're expanding developer verifications as part of our Play Console requirements policy.

To create a new Play Console developer account for an organization after August 31, 2023, you'll now need to include:
- A D-U-N-S number for your organization: Provided by Dun & Bradstreet, a D-U-N-S number is a unique nine-digit number that is used globally to identify businesses. Google will use your D-U-N-S number to verify your organization.
- A contact phone number and email address for Google Play users: These will be shown on Google Play so that users can contact you. You'll need to verify them by receiving a code.

To help you prepare for these changes, we recommend reviewing your Dun & Bradstreet account to make sure that it's up to date with the latest information about your organization.

Developers with existing Play Console accounts will also be required to provide this information soon. We'll give existing developers plenty of notice to verify their accounts, and we'll send an update about these requirements later this year. Creating a developer account for an organization

When creating an organization account, you must provide the following information:

- Developer name; can be different from your legal name
- As per your linked Google Payments profile: D-U-N-S number, Organization name, Organization addres
 - Organization phone number
- Organization website
- Contact nam
- Contact email address
- Contact phone number
- Developer email addres
 - Developer phone number

Your developer name will appear on Google Play and can be changed any time.

Your organization name and address is taken from the Google Payments profile that you linked to your developer account during account creation. You will need to verify these identity details before publishing on Google Play.

To help improve transparency and user safety on Google Play, Google will display your legal name, legal address, developer email address, and developer phone number on Google Play.

Your contact email address, contact phone number, developer email address and developer phone number must be verified using a one-time password and remain operational for the duration of your developer account.
Creating a developer account for personal use

When creating a personal account, you must provide the following information:
- Developer name; can be different from your legal name
- Legal name
- Legal address
- Contact email address
- Contact phone number
- Developer email address
- Developer website

Your developer name will appear on Google Play and can be changed any time.

Your legal name and address will be taken from the Google Payments profile that you linked to your developer account during account creation. You will need to verify these identity details before publishing on Google Play.

Google will display your legal name, your country (as per your legal address), and developer email address on Google Play. If you decide to monetize on Google Play then Google will display your full address.

Your contact email address, contact phone number, and developer email address must be verified using a one-time password and remain operational for the duration of your developer account.

What happens if #Gmail decides only #Chrome users can access it? Well, that's what #Google's new API would do if its new DRM for the #web moves ahead.

@markhachman covers it on @pcworld ⬇️

Repeat a 1,000 times: #Google is an #advertising moloch and #Chrome browser monopolist, NOT your friendly free service provider!

Google is about to smack down on the #OpenWeb, killing it with their so-called "Web Environment Integrity API" #DRM proposal.

"Wanna watch those #Netflix or #Youtube vids? Better have Chrome without #AdBlocker then"

"Here's plenty #ads. Now hand over your #PII so we can grow our #SurveillanceCapitalism empire"

#GiveUpGoogle #DitchChrome
A paintbrushed mural made by activists showing the Google logo with the O's replaced by surveillance camera's.

Google: Here’s our latest evil plan…

Folks: That’s an evil plan, we don’t like it.

Google: Please keep the discussion to technical issues only.

#Google #EvilAsAService #PeopleFarming #SiliconValley #BigTech #DigitalImperialism #adtech #DRM #web #standards #WebStandards #w3c

#Google is trying to #kill the #OpenWeb.

Using the proposed "Web Environment Integrity" means websites can select on which devices (browsers) they wish to be displayed, and can refuse service to other devices. It binds client side software to a website, creating a silo'd app.

This penalizes platforms on which the preferred client side software is not available.

I will only access #Google products when I must, and then only in a dedicated container in the desktop version of #Firefox

This standalone #Google error page is absolutely hilarious to me:
If clearing your cache and cookies doesn't resolve the problem, try adjusting your browser's privacy settings. If your settings are on high, manually add to your list of allowed sites.

Huh, I wonder why they would have a problem with browser #privacy settings being set to high. 🤔

#newpipe has been removed from #google search recently. The homepage is not listed in Google search results anymore. This is due to a #DMCA. For now, only our landing page is affected.

More info in our blog post:

Logged on #Facebook with my partner's credentials to handle Marketplace orders (for my LEGO sets) while she's away at a work conference, then browsed to an Instagram reel for completely different reasons, and #Instagram shows me a banner prompting me to log in as my partner's account.


I do understand #Google cross-login between apps because they're all under the same domain, so cookies can work across apps, but between and I hate it.

Google wants to track you - no matter what. Now it is threatening to take down Invidious, a popular platform on which you can watch YouTube videos without being tracked!

#google #business #data #legal #privacy #opensource #foss

We've been told Google Play transparently shows what data is collected etc, right? And whether an app has Ads? Well, dream on. I've just checked an app to see if it would fit my repo. Below is what Play ( says about it (no "Ads" marker), then the results from my library scanner.

Careful what you believe and whom you trust.

#Android #apps #Google #GooglePlay
"Data Safety" section of the app on Google Play, saying "No data shared with third parties. No data collected"
For the very same app: Results by my library scanner, showing the app contains libraries of 2 Analytics frameworks (Crashlytics, Firebase Analytics) plus Google Ads. This must mean that Google is no "third party" and doesn't collect any data. And the pope is muslim I guess, or so.

Prasówka 2-9.06.2023

Muszę się pochwalić #kuchenne rewolucje prawie ale #google rewolucje zaczynamy trzymajcie kciuki

#Google just announced that going forward, any account not logged into for two years gets deleted.

This means huge amounts of rare or unique #video is about to disappear from #YouTube as accounts get flagged as inactive, such as when the user dies. Families' #HomeMovies (often posted by an older relative for their family's benefit), historical footage, rare #television clips, etc. What an incalculable loss to human #history and culture!

If there are videos important to you on someone else's video channel, find a way to download them. And if you have rare #media of historical importance, consider leaving it to institutional #archives or lending it to archives for digital preservation.

FTR - #Google sat for 9 years on the .zip TLD before now deciding to actually market it. That’s 9 years of time to make sure that the expected abuse gets managed. They simply didn’t care, it seems. The first obvious scam sites are already popping up. Le sigh.

Simple Mobile tools

ICD #34 - Co jeśli nie Facebook, Instagram i reszta? Fediverse!

Content warning: #aplikacje #apple #bezpieczeństwo #big #czas #działać #facebook #fediverse #firefox #google #internet #kontrola #korporacje #linux #media #mozilla #nowoczesne #opensource #Podcast #prawa #privacy #prywatność #security #social #tech #technologia #technolog

Jako następny proponuję temat "Strona rootblog,pl udostępnia google, disqus historię odwiedzanych przez Was stron. Bez waszej zgody. Wiemy, jak to wyłączyć, ale nie chcemy!"

Analiza strony przy pomocy pluginu #rentgen od @Internet. Czas działać! 🇺🇦 :

screenshot - analiza prywatnosci strony wtyczką rentgen

#google #disqus #prywatność #rootblog

So Google is now preventing people from removing location data from photos taken with Pixel phones.

Remember when Google's corporate motto was "don't be evil?"

Obviously, accurate location data on photos is more useful to a data mining operation like Google.

From Google: "Important: You can only update or remove estimated locations. If the location of a photo or video was automatically added by your camera, you can't edit or remove the location."

It's enshitification in action.


#technology #tech @technology #business #enshitification #Android #Google @pluralistic #infosec

A few absolute shockers in the list of websites the Washington Post has revealed are used to train Google's generative AI tools. Apparently including the likes of 4Chan, Breitbart, and RT.

From WaPo:

"Meanwhile, we found several media outlets that rank low on NewsGuard’s independent scale for trustworthiness: No. 65, the Russian state-backed propaganda site; No. 159, a well-known source for far-right news and opinion; and No. 993, an anti-immigration site that has been associated with white supremacy.

"The top Christian site, Grace to You ( No. 164), belongs to Grace Community Church, an evangelical megachurch in California. Christianity Today recently reported that the church counseled women to 'continue to submit' to abusive fathers and husbands and to avoid reporting them to authorities."

#technology #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #GenerativeAI #Google #tech #news @technology @politics #trans #lgbtqia #lgbtq

Edit: main site unblocked. #Yunohost login page still blocked.

Website of Reykjavík #Hackerspace, Hakkavélin, just got flagged by #Google Safe Browsing as "deceptive"; anyone who visits this site gets a scary red warning:

Thing is, I manage this site. It's literally a single static HTML file.

This is what we get for allowing shitty journalists to farm clicks by abusing the words "hacker" and "hack" to mean "cybercriminal" and "attack".

#FuckGoogle #Hackers #InfoSec
Full-page red scary warning about, in Icelandic.

@Electronic Frontier Foundation Why the hell are you using #google maps - a #private #surveillance tool - to show #government surveillance tools and not, for example, the open #openstreetmap, which in addition has an editing scheme for such data in its database ????

Apropos #openai refusing to disclose any information about the training data for #GPT4 and #Google being similarly cagey about #Bard...

From the Stochastic Parrots paper, written in late 2020 and published in March 2021:

@timnitGebru @meg
Screencap: "When we rely on ever larger datasets we risk incurring documentation debt, 18 i.e. putting ourselves in a situation where the datasets are both undocumented and too large to document post hoc. While documentation allows for potential accountability [13, 52, 86], undocumented training data perpetuates harm without recourse. Without documentation, one cannot try to understand training data characteristics in order to mitigate some of these attested issues or even unknown ones. The solution, we propose, is to budget for" and footnote 18 "On the notion of documentation debt as applied to code, rather than data, see [154]." Screencap "As a part of careful data collection practices, researchers must adopt frameworks such as [13, 52, 86] to describe the uses for which their models are suited and benchmark evaluations for a variety of conditions. This involves providing thorough documentation on the data used in model building, including the motivations underlying data selection and collection processes. This documentation should reflect and indicate researchers’ goals, values, and motivations in assembling data and creating a given model. It should also make note of potential users and stakeholders, particularly those that stand to be negatively impacted by model errors or misuse. We note that just because a model might have many different applications doesn’t mean that its developers don’t need to consider stakeholders. An exploration of stakeholders for likely use cases can still be informative around potential risks, even when there is no way to guarantee that all use cases can be explored." 2nd-4th sentences highlighted in blue.
Screen cap: Running header "Bender and Gebru, et al." and text "documentation as part of the planned costs of dataset creation, and only collect as much data as can be thoroughly documented within that budget." Screencap: "In summary, we advocate for research that centers the people who stand to be adversely affected by the resulting technology, with a broad view on the possible ways that technology can affect people. This, in turn, means making time in the research process for considering environmental impacts, for doing careful data curation and documentation, for engaging with stakeholders early in the design process, for exploring multiple possible paths towards longterm goals, for keeping alert to dual-use scenarios, and finally for allocating research effort to harm mitigation in such cases." Highlighted in blue: "for doing careful data curation and documentation"