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Items tagged with: sustainability

Why do we call developed countries „developed“?

If they still need to grow indefinitely, why are they „developed“?

Shouldn’t we call them „insatiable“ countries instead?

#growth #degrowth #postgrowth #overshoot #Development #sustainability #infinity

Hi David,

how did you manage it to be so successful without depending on Youtube (Google) or Instagram (Facebook/Meta) or any other closed source software of a big company?

I find it depressing to spread out a good message / a video about #sustainability on Youtube, because I don't want to make rich people richer and it's pretty paradox if you're an utopian propagating an utopian world, but publish on Youtube. But otherwise I am afraid I don't reach anyone on Peertube or similar platforms.

How did people find you? I guess you didn't pay thousands of Euros for advertisement 😀

Sorry to bother you, if you already answered the question, I couldn't find it in your Q&A:

Have a beautiful day 🙂

Along with the 'Bits & Bäume' village the FSFE is seeking inspiring talks, workshops, and more for the Chaos Communication Camp 23. Submit your proposal by June 9th to help build a sustainable future. #CCCamp23 #BitsAndBäume #FreeSoftware #Sustainability

If you're even vaguely familiar with #RightToRepair , care about #ClimateChange #Sustainability and #PlannedObsolescence this is amazing news!

Credit where it's due ... thanks to #LouisRossman and many more for 10 years of work to finally have a major victory over #JohnDeere which was lobbying hard to stop farmers from having the right to fix their own property.

After ten years, John Deere FINALLY lost

Louis Rossman giving the finger to John Deere

My ~10y old #Peugeot #iON is very low on #battery capacity by now (~50-60km range in winter). During my research, I stumbled over which apparently has licensed installers in Hungary and the Netherlands. Not sure about the quality, but this really looks attractive, and I'm thinking about getting the battery upgrade. look interesting (although a bit like a commercial as well). #ecar #sustainability

Upcycling your Android - Train the Trainers

Every time we keep using our current phone instead of buying a new one we help avoid the production of new phones and the increase of e-waste. "Upcyling Android" is an initiative to overcome software obsolescence and to extend the lifespan of our hardware with the help of Free Software.
Upcycling our devices this way is an important step to rethink our short-term, linear consumption of electronic devices in favor of a circular economy. We explain the connections, offer help and make your voice heard by decision makers.

01:03 Erik - Upcycling Android Campaign
23:25 Erik - Upcycling Android Campaign - Q&A
26:35 Max - Upcycling Android Workshops
46:04 Max - Upcycling Android Workshops - Q&A
56:10 Marvin - microG
01:11:10 Marvin - microG - Q&A
01:26:15 General Q&A
01:45:04 Closing

Erik's presentation -
Max's presentation -
Marvin's presentation -

I never did an #introduction and I keep hitting the character limit on my profile blurb, so:

I'm Michele Ann Jenkins aka Maj.
I was federated before it was cool and have just been biding my time on FB and Reddit until a critical mass happened somewhere better and now here we are!

I am equally interested in anachronisms, futurism, and current events. In all timelines, looking to listen & learn from a diversity of voice and lived experiences.

Ever evolving tag cloud because I keep being reminded of other interests:

#Equality #Justice #Socialism
#Liguistics #SciFi #Taxonomy #OpenWeb #IA #UX #DigitalGovernance #Feminism #Journalism #Writing #Français #Geek #90s #Marginalia #UrbanPlanning #Expat #Immigrant #Python #Perl #Costuming #History #UrbanPlanning #Sustainability #Upcyling #Repairing #DIY #MLIS #InfoSci #Sighing

This comic hits home, but when you see the 2007 publishing date in the lower right hand corner it hits even harder.

#climate #nature #sustainability #environment
Comic from 2007 with an adult man lecturing a young girl: “How about if your generation spends less time studying how my generation destroyed the environment, and more time figuring out a magical solution?” From

Hello #twittermigration folks! 👋🏼 If you want to know more about

🐍 All things #PyData & #SciPy
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 #PyDataMadrid and #Python
🤝 A bit of #futureofwork, #sustainability, #cooperatives
🎶 A bit of algorithmic music with #foxdot
🔥 Rants about bad #UX in free software
🇪🇸 Pensamientos ocasionales en español

You're at the right place! Please say hi 😊 #introductions

Hey, anyone in Canada or the UK want to do some paid #translation #work, English to #French? It wouldn't be much, maybe some 3-5 hours of work per month, technical translation of #GreenhouseGas and #sustainability terminology.

The size of the task per month could vary and you would bill for your time, not per word or page.