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Items tagged with: Fediverse

Meta's #Facebook, #Instagram, and #Threads are down due to outages. However, #Fediverse instances of #Hubzilla, #Friendica, #Mastodon, #Misskey (family), #Pleroma (family), #Pixelfed, are up and running, with everyone in the #ActivityPub network continuing with our digital lives. ^_^

Beim #OERcamp gestalte ich eine Einführung ins #Fediverse. Ich möchte dabei v.a. auch zeigen, dass das Fediverse viel, viel mehr ist als einfach irgendeine andere App bzw. Alternative zu einem bestimmten proprietären Dienst. Dazu suche ich Zitate von hier aktiven Menschen, mit denen die Vielfalt der Vernetzung deutlich wird. Ich sammle hier:
Danke, wenn Du mitmachst und teilst!
(Das Material teile ich danach natürlich offen für alle)

I made a thing to help me find RSS feeds, and I really liked it. So I made it prettier so you can use it too, if RSS feeds are your thing.

As it turns out, in my corner of the fediverse there’s a ton of them…

#rss #fediverse

Pixelfed Account Migration will transfer your followers to another Pixelfed or Mastodon account!

We could limit this to only other Pixelfed servers, but why?

The ability to easily migrate your followers between platforms and servers is what makes the #fediverse special ❤️

Pixelfed Account Migration

Fediverse pokazane jako sieć połączonych serwerów

Hey #Fediverse, something I've been missing from the :birdsite: features is the ability to tag accounts on a photo. Namedropping @\lumi every time I post a picture of her feels awkward but I would love to have her account there for people who want to look her up. Same for photos of friends. I don't see an issue filed for this (for Mastodon).

Are there maybe any issues (spam, harassment) that I'm unaware of for which this feature would be a bad idea? I remember on Twitter this used to be feature one could turn off, I'd imagine here it would be opt-in.

Any information about the current state of the Fediverse integration by Threads users? I mean the number of AP activated users from that Fediverse instance?

#Fediverse #Meta #Threads

Nie wiem czy to tylko przypadek 🎲 czy już jakiś trend 📈, ale...
w ciągu kilku ostatnich tygodni aż 3 osoby, które poznałem w realu , bez związku z #fediverse , w trakcie rozmowy (też bez związku z fediverse) podało swoje konto fediverse albo w wyniku prośby o jakieś dane kontaktowe albo w momencie kiedy wyszła w rozmowie potrzeba pokazania jakiejś swojej pracy/projektu.

#Fediverse #TradingCardGames #FediCard

Here’s an awesome, fun project to start off the week. Fedi Trading Card Maker is a simple, easy-to-use app programmed by nash, with art assets made by hexephre.


The app is extremely easy to use, and the included guide at the bottom of the page gives good suggestions for image size and additional features. There isn’t really a standard format to go with, but it’s incredibly fun to use, and we were able to whip up some pretty fun ones in short order:
A bunch of people are all making their own and posting them to #FediCard. Maybe we can come up with some kind of rules and do battle? Regardless, I’d love to have a printed version on card stock.

Ulotka ze strony z instrukcją wsparcia OPP swoim 1,5% podatku dostępna pod adresem

Since we integrated with ActivityPub at the end of last year, Minds has added 32,000+ new users to the network via federation, from 2,200+ different ActivityPub networks.

With our new Networks product (, anyone can launch their own network in a matter of minutes. These networks can federate with Minds and the rest of ActivityPub too. Your data, your community, your rules.

Building a network of networks.

#decentralization #growth #opensource #activitypub #fediverse

Many thanks to all the people who have worked on the various parts of the Fediverse long before it was cool to be here!

#Fediverse #ilovefs

@abu Und entfolgen und dann wieder folgen auch nicht. Tja, solche Dinge hatte ich hier auch bei Sharkey... Die Avatare sind offenbar eine grosse Herausforderung im #Fediverse - auch in Bezug Speicherplatz... @helpers @powo01 @heluecht @zwovierzwo

@raroun Nein, nicht abstrus, sonderen dem Zweck angepasste Plattform auswählen.
#Friendica ist Micro- und Macroblogging
#Pixelfed ist fürs Teilen von Bildern.

Dea ist eben das #Fediverse. Es gibt nicht die ein und alle Plattform für ein und alles. Sondern es gibt verschiedene Dienste - sie sind alle über #ActivityPub verbunden.

@cantences @tux @helpers

@Augie Ray Since I'm being personally called out by your post, I'll give an honest answer: it took me years to finally leave Twitter, during which I was (re-)building my social network on the #Fediverse in parallel. And sure, Joe Rogan's presence on Spotify is awful, but it is incomparable in magnitude to Musk's takeover of Twitter in terms of impact on the platform itself. And then there's the Family Account aspect, moving off Spotify wouldn't impact just me, but my partner as well, so the move cost is higher.

Why do you like Mastodon (or any open source Fediverse app of your choosing) the most? (You can choose multiple choices)

Boosts appreciated for reach.

#Fediverse #Mastodon #SocialWeb #SocialMedia

  • It's free (3119 votes)
  • No ads (5157 votes)
  • No commercial algorithms (5439 votes)
  • It has many apps (1330 votes)
  • Features towards healthier social media (like content warnings) (3722 votes)
  • Most features in general (975 votes)
  • Not owned by a single company and cannot be bought (5627 votes)
  • You own your data (3351 votes)
  • You can choose your privacy level even per-post (2784 votes)
  • Something else (836 votes)
Poll end: 7 months ago

Just curious, have you purchased anything from creators who've posted about their creations here on the #Fediverse? Please boost for more visibility.

  • Yes (57%, 20 votes)
  • No (25%, 9 votes)
  • No, but I recommend stuff I see here to others (17%, 6 votes)
35 voters. Poll end: 7 months ago

I won't go into details because they aren't mine to share, but a fash publication dropped dox (real name, location, years of internet history) on an antifascist member of the #fediverse today, based in large part on their activity on @kolektiva dot social and elsewhere on #Mastodon.

Just a reminder that the enemy is aware that we are gathered here and is watching us, and as we head into these dangerous times it's important to remember that. Think twice before posting anything here you wouldn't want linked to you in a court of law, for example. #SocialMedia #fascism #antifa #SecurityCulture #feditips

Uruchomienie polskiej instancji #Pixelfed przez naszą fundację zbliża się szybkimi krokami 🚀

Od poziomu waszego wsparcia zależy, ile przestrzeni będziemy mogli przeznaczać na Wasze zdjęcia, jak szybki serwer będziemy mogli zaangażować do pracy 🏗️

Rozważcie prosimy wsparcie tego projektu 👍

Dla osób mocniej zaangażowanych przewidujemy bonusy. Dla wszystkich Pixelfed w rodzinie usług #fediverse od #PolSocial

#WspieramFTdL #WspieramPolSocial

Same can be said for the aggregate #fediverse opinion on #capitalism in general. In that case though, we *are* gradually getting more and more of what they wish for, and to paraphrase #HLMencken, we’re getting it good and hard.

A follow-up post regarding the Mastodon search tips:

If the search options don't work, the reason might be that your Mastodon instance maintainer hasn't implemented Elasticsearch.

Also important: do not use capitals anywhere in the search conditions. E.g.: "From:me" doesn't work.

Further reading:


#mastodon #MastoTips #FediTips #tip #tips #information #knowledge #fediverse

I took some time to work out the exact #formatting that #Elasticsearch demands. If you think this might be useful, go ahead and boost. If you find any errors or would like to suggest additions, please also post a reply!

Hopefully this can help prevent a lot of frustration and trouble people might encounter and give them a better Mastodon experience!

(Updated to Revision 2)

Mastodon Elasticsearch - Essential Search Formatting

Capitalizing the "F" returns posts you made that include @joeybohij (Search doesn't run correctly?)

Putting a space between the colon and @ returns posts you made that include @joeybohij (Search doesn't run correctly?)

This returns posts from @joeybohij - assuming their posts are searchable
from:@joeybohij@spallone.somedomain apple
This returns posts from @joeybohij - assuming their posts are searchable, containing the word "apple"

from:@joeybohij@spallone.somedomain before:2023-09-01 apple
Elasticsearch uses the following date formatting:
This returns posts from @joeybohij - assuming their posts are searchable, containing the word "apple"
", before September 1st, 2023

from:@joeybohij@spallone.somedomain apple before:2023-09-01
This returns posts from anyone before September 1st, 2023, with "apple" in it.

TL;DR in Elasticsearch CAPITALIZATION is significant, SPACING is significant, DATE FORMAT is significant, and ORDER of search elements is significant! (And make sure to hit the blue "see all" once you've searched or only some results will load.)

From - October 23rd, 2023 (Revision 2)

A list of issues I have with Friendica, specifically as a replacement for other Fediverse software

Big thanks to those who support our 200 for TROM donation campaign - there are 44 people donating 5 Euros a month and we need 200 in total. We provide a lot of materials and tools - see the donation page. Your support allows us to keep these alive and relevant, and if enough support to continue to produce more.

Remember, among many things, we provide a video platform with unlimited uploads for anyone, a file hosting platform with 10GB of storage for any user that registers, a social network and a chat platform. Also a Linux Operating System. A lot, and for everyone. So please, consider donating 5 Euros a month if you can. It is the only amount we accept.

Thank you!


#opensource #foss #fediverse #help #donation #campaign #free #trade-free #tradefree #tromlive

!Friendica Support How long does Friendica try to send a post to a instance (server) in the #Fediverse which is offline forever?

test answer with the same text as the direct answer to @DaveDiamond's comment. In this case as an answer to the original post to see how this behaves on the diaspora side of the fediverse.

thx @ dldnh @ !

added to the image as alt text by editing and simply copy/pasting.
this is a #friendica acount so it's time to check how this looks like on #mastodon. 🤔

this post appears on #diaspora* too so with some work your #alt4you will show up over there, example (magnetlink):

#fediVerse #fediHelp #fediTips #alt4me

Black and white image in carbon drawn style of the standard Bauhelm tumbsup

Unter #UnisinsFediverse versuchen wir möglichst viel öffentlichen Druck aufzubauen, damit die Hochschulen endlich X verlassen und stattdessen die sozialen Medien im #Fediverse nutzen. Teil der Kampagne ist eine Petition:

Jede Unterstützung zählt: Unterschriften, weiterverbreiten, mit Uni-Leitungen reden und sie überzeugen Musk den Rücken zu kehren und das Fediverse zu unterstützen!

#mastodon #science

There needs to be consequences for getting lots of downvotes.

One of those could be something like this, where everyone can see that you get downvoted a lot and decide whether and how to engage with you in future.

#lemmy #PieFed #fediverse

Inspired by, I've added a function to #PieFed so authors can acknowledge their mistakes and de-escalate difficult discussions.

I'm committed to building a happier & healthier social media. Read more at


a screenshot of a forum discussion with a notice at the top indicating that the author has said they made a mistake in their post.
a screenshot of a dialog box which is used to indicate a mistake was made