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Items tagged with: russia

Content warning: Ukraine Russia War Stuff

Content warning: Ukraine Russia War Stuff

Whatever is going on right now in #Russia, I do note this: #Twitter is now useless at tracking this. Junk accounts everywhere, no verified accounts, swarms of sketchy bluechecks.

The ONE thing that place was good at was breaking global news. But not now.

See everyone here tonight.

⚠️ Confirmed: Metrics show that the Google News aggregator platform has become unavailable for many users in #Russia; the incident comes amid heightened tensions between the Wagner paramilitary group and Moscow

Does anyone have a live stream on YouTube that has decent Russia coverage (as much as can be expected during these times).

#youtube #russia #wagner

Outra questão...

Porque é que o PCP está sempre ao lado da Rússia quando a Rússia é um regime fascista?

#política #PCP #russia #portugal

As the #Ukraine offensive unrolls, #Russia intensified its disinformation campaign on previously unseen levels, here's just two examples of decent quality fakes that many Ukrainian and Western groups happily shared and discussed... Don't believe anything posted in low quality, all these 640×480 "drone videos" can be dismissed as fakes straight away. Don't believe any still frames "taken from UAV videos" unless a video has been also published in high quality. Be very careful about drawing any conclusions about anything else and remember during the Izyum campaign Russians were also confidently claiming they control the front firmly.
Fake: 2023 photo of a Leopard tank burning on a dirt road. In reality, the Leopard figure was copied onto an older photo of a damaged T72. Fake: Russian helicopters destroying two Leopard tanks. It's a real 2022 video but the targets were not tanks but John Deere combine harvesters.
Original: 2022 photos of a T72 tank burning in Kherson

Here's a link to a very interesting (and very long!) blog article about the history of Russian colonialism and imperialism.

The key statement for me is this one:

“The Russian colonization of Siberia and conquest of its indigenous peoples has been compared to the European colonization of the Americas and its natives, with similar negative impacts on the natives and the appropriation of their land."

And then the author adds:

"I hate ALL imperialism: American imperialism and Russian imperialism.”

Me too!

#Russia #USA #History
Map of Russia -- showing full extent today compared with Russia in 1471, comprised of a much smaller area in eastern Europe.
⚠️🇺🇦"We must throw Russia out of the sky": Foreign Minister Kuleba asks friends of Ukraine to speed up the decision on training Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighters #Ukraine #NATO #Press #News #Invasion #Russia #9yearsOfWarInUkraine #WantedDeadOrAlive

The status as of today is that in 2025, the UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF 2025) is to be held in #Russia. If this country, ruled by ((already officially prosecuted)) #war #criminals , has just assumed the presidency of the #UNSC then I guess there is nothing inappropriate for it to host such a forum, right ?

DeSantis dismissal of Russia’s war in Ukraine as a vital US interest will invite the Kremlin’s cyber & disinformation tools to amplify his message, charge his base and further sow American division. Deliberate on #DeSantis part, I believe

#Russia #Ukraine #WWIII #news #war #PutinsWar #Putin #florida #uspol #Floridaman

Whom the #sanctions hit the most?
According to the @OECD by far the worst performance projected is for #Russia, which will see a 5.6% slump in GDP next year. In the euro area, #Germany and #Finland are seen shrinking the most, with 0.3% declines.

#Russia seems to plan the annexation of #Ukraine:

#StandWithUkraine #FreeCrimea #FreeDonbas 🇺🇦

Many self-proclaimed “peace activists” are demanding the unconditional surrender of the #Ukrainian resistance in favour of a russian dictatorial #peace. They fail to understand, however, that a #russian military victory would not alleviate the Ukrainians’ suffering in the slightest, because #putin’s goal is evidently the annihilation of the Ukrainian people and culture.

[1/3] #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #russia

Somebody reported me to myself, y’all. How’s your day going? 😀

Hint: if you don’t like my comparing Israel to Russia, go tell Israel to stop acting like Russia.

(And find out how the fediverse works before you go making an arse of yourself trying to censor me on my own personal instance.)

#censorship #moderation #fediverse #embarrassing #israel #palestine #russia
Screenshot of the report showing my account header. Screenshot of the report showing the reported content (my post comparing Israel to Russia for murdering innocent journalists.)
Screenshot of the report showing that it was reported by Screenshot of the report showing me resolving it with the note “I approve this message.”

Just heard that in #russia most young people never have heard about #chernobyl, that's why they were oblivous when simply walking through and digging in the Red Forest.

It was incredibly brave. This will be remembered. The linked article gives good overview of the situation as well. #Russia #Ukraine #NoWar

Tver of course has the other side too. Most of the malls seem to be half-deserted. This one is right in front of the train station - it even has McDonalds! But it clearly had better days. I am not sure if pandemic is to blame or it is general stagnation in smaller cities.

Children playgrounds look just like I remember them - covered in wild grass. In Moscow and Saint-Petersburg the most of them are paved with rubber or gravel and structures are made of soulless bright plastic.

Like many other smaller cities Tver got rid of the tram system because "trams got in the way of cars". Of course it backfired and now they are planning to restore it. For a few years there is no success.

Marriage Hall. It shares the building with apartment block which is kind of telling newlyweds what kind of future awaits them here.

#myphoto #Tver #Russia

This is Tver. I went there on the last day of long May holidays just to see how it was there. Here is view of Volga river which splits the city in two parts.

For some strange reason some of views reminded me of Vienna - although these two cities have very very little in common in every imaginable aspect.

The city was mostly quiet and empty, the center looking very pristine.

Again reminding me of some European cities I visited in the past.

#myphoto #Tver #Russia

I honestly don't know, Mattew. It puzzles me for years now. I mean there isn't much dissent even, let alone industry resistance. Some don't care, some think it won't touch them, some are all about "this too shall pass".

The peak of resistance was when they dropped PlayStation network by mistake while trying to block Telegram and teenagers joined the protest. It was good while it lasted and it had some results but it tells us something when you see kids coming out while adults (including professionals who literally depend on this sector) are sitting with dicks in their mouths.

#JustSaying #Russia

Tomorrow Moscow closes seven central subway stations in anticipation of "illegal" protests. Also parts of city centre will be blocked for pedestrian access and surface transit will be diverted. Cafes and malls in the area will be shut down. Various government agencies keep warning that anyone joining protest action will be considered participating in public disorder.

Interesting day is coming...

#MeanwhileInRussia #Russia #Moscow #Protests

Wait…so they don’t believe that most cops are racist, they don’t think mask mandates plus lockdowns work, they don’t believe that #Trump colluded with #Russia, and they don’t believe that #JoeBiden won this year’s election?

As far as I know, leftists believe all of that hooey.

leftists don’t actually have dumb conspiracies that are mainstream
Umm…the claim that #Trump colluded with #Russia? Masks and lockdowns combine effectively stop the spread of #COVID? #JoeBiden won the 2020 election? Three MASSIVE left wing conspiracy theories that are mainstream, and those were just the past four years.