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I honestly don't know, Mattew. It puzzles me for years now. I mean there isn't much dissent even, let alone industry resistance. Some don't care, some think it won't touch them, some are all about "this too shall pass".

The peak of resistance was when they dropped PlayStation network by mistake while trying to block Telegram and teenagers joined the protest. It was good while it lasted and it had some results but it tells us something when you see kids coming out while adults (including professionals who literally depend on this sector) are sitting with dicks in their mouths.

#JustSaying #Russia

In the US they use public peering points to spy on everyone.
Yes, I heard about this. It pisses me off a bit less because it is passive and similar to listening to radio transmissions on air or monitoring airspace - you can't really prevent countries doing that.

These things are active though. They have DLP and routing capabilities so they can shape, block and reroute traffic. The purpose is pretty much the same as Chinese Firewall.