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Items tagged with: opensource

Updated our TROM Files to Nextcloud 28. Biggish update. We had to remove the following apps tho, since they were not compatible: files_3d, files_markdown, metadata, video_converter, extract. Whenever these are available for Nextcloud 28 we will enable them.

Take advantage of our TROM Files - you get 10GB of storage space and access to better tools than Google's Drive. All trade-free.

#tromlive #foss #opensource

Please, please, please add a reminder to your calendar so that you do not forget to thank a #FreeSoftware #OpenSource contributor or organisation on 14 February (#ilovefs). 🙏

Some more background and ideas are available here:

Well that's #annoying

#opensource chat server Rocket Chat decided to make their latest upgrade plain abusive. If you run your own, you are now *required* to enrole in a trial of their premium proprietary nonsense and it's likely the server is spying on it's admins and users.


Looks like #inkscape is going to have to move chat systems. There's just no way to regain trust in an upstream that is abusive. Not without forking away from the abusers.

Big thanks to those who support our 200 for TROM donation campaign - there are 44 people donating 5 Euros a month and we need 200 in total. We provide a lot of materials and tools - see the donation page. Your support allows us to keep these alive and relevant, and if enough support to continue to produce more.

Remember, among many things, we provide a video platform with unlimited uploads for anyone, a file hosting platform with 10GB of storage for any user that registers, a social network and a chat platform. Also a Linux Operating System. A lot, and for everyone. So please, consider donating 5 Euros a month if you can. It is the only amount we accept.

Thank you!


#opensource #foss #fediverse #help #donation #campaign #free #trade-free #tradefree #tromlive

@Łukasz @Michał Górny :autism:🙀🚂🐧
To podsumuję jak rozumiem co napisałeś:
#Korporacje są dobre dla #opensource pod warunkiem, że mogą dobrze sprzedać coś co dostały od innych za darmo.
A kodu opartego na #GPL nie można dobrze sprzedać bo nie można legalnie zabronić żeby ktoś (kto nawet za niego zapłacił) nie puścił go dalej za darmo.

"Najlepsze" jest zdanie "jak dodajemy coś co może się komuś przydać i nie jest specyficzne dla naszego produktu to wrzucamy takich patch do upstream" bo jest dość odważnym przyznaniem że bierzecie z opensource ile się da (na ile licencja pozwala) a oddajecie tylko tyle ile sami uznacie - czyli nawet zero.

📣 Wir sind dabei: Tausende #OpenSource-Developer treffen sich am 3./4.02.24 auf der #FOSDEM in Brüssel.

Die Vorträge von Heinlein und OpenTalk:

👉 Heinlein-Consultants Carsten Rosenberg und Manu Zurmühl fragen, ob man eine effektive #Mail-Security-Infrastruktur mit Open-Source-Komponenten bauen kann.

👉 Entwickler Wolfgang Silbermayr gibt Einblicke in unser #OpenTalk-Projekt, die Service-Architektur und den Stand der Entwicklung unserer souveränen #Videokonferenz.


Falls jemand noch nicht glaubt, dass die öffentliche Hand auf Open Source / freie Software setzen sollte: Hier ein feines Interview (auf Englisch) zu Open Source in der Münchner Verwaltung mit der Laura Dornheim @schwarzblond

#opensource #freiesoftware #freesoftware #publicmoneypubliccode #verwaltungsdigitalisierung

TROMjaro 2024.01.07 (and a longish article) - improvements to our Layout Switcher thanks to @Rokosun and new default apps ;)

#tromstuff #linux #foss #opensource #arch

"Ferret beinhaltet den vollständigen Code, darf jedoch aufgrund fehlender kommerzieller Lizenz nur für Forschungszwecke genutzt werden." - das ist nicht #OpenSource - zumindest nicht nach der allgemein akzeptierten OSI Definition.

"#Apple überrascht... Das Unternehmen hat sein grosses multimodales Sprachmodell Ferret als #OpenSource-Code freigegeben. "

Berichtet t3n:

Chess pawn wearing a king crown, on a chess board.


Open source #AI has been a key issue in policy debates, and #AIAct includes provisions that regulate development and sharing of #opensource AI development.
We've been following the proposed rules as they meandered through several different approaches. Now elements of the final version have been made public.

The big question was whether transparency and other obligations need to be mandated for open source AI, or they can be self-regulated – under the assumption that open source developers ensure these elements based on principles of open development.

The agreed upon wording of the AI Act assumes the later, and makes open source exempt from regulation of general purpose AI models, including transparency obligations.

We think that this is a problem, especially that lack of agreed standards that define open source AI means that there is an risk of open washing.

You can read more about this on our blog: Paul Keller wrote a detailed analysis of the provisions:

hi everyone i'm creating an open source fast and simple digital painting software
right now i have:
- brush engine similar to popular manga software
- antialiased bucket fill with gap closing
- opengl canvas view
- first bits of intuitive ui/ux

i'm preparing a demo for linux folks, next i will do layer system also similar to popular manga software


#art #mastoart #gamedev #indiedev #opensource #linux #foss

So did I mention that no company or government pays me for the work I do?

But you can support my work if you want to live in a world where we have the Small Web as an alternative to the Big Web of Google, Facebook, and other people farmers.

#SmallWeb #SmallTech #funding #foss #freeSoftware #openSource #web #dev #tech #technology

Cathedral or Bazaar? We made our choice.

Over the last 15 years, we have supported the use of open technologies in public administration.

The Open Source Observatory has helped the European public sector leverage open technologies effectively and efficiently by providing various resources, including a knowledge centre to reveal the benefits and follow #EU open source software development.

Join us on 21 November to discuss #OpenSource policies, funding, and more →


A visual with text at the centre: "Brussels 21 Nov - OSOR turns 15 - From Pioneering to Mainstreaming Open Technologies in Public Services"

On the top-right corner, the text "interoperable europe." 

On the top-left corner abstract elements.

KeeperFX open-source remake and expansion of Dungeon Keeper 1.0 out now

#DungeonKeeper #OpenSource #FOSS

The EU is moving forward with #eIDAS despite warnings from over 500 scientists & privacy advocates.

With no requirement that server-side code be released open source, we cannot be sure that our personal data is secure.😱

Thankfully, the #Pirates 🏴‍☠️ in the EU Parliament did manage to push for an #opensource release of the client-app & the eID will be voluntary.

This isn't over. EU citizens please contact your representatives and demand they respect our #privacy !🥊

If anyone else has noticed the delay of videos being posted from #bcon23 on the official #peertube instance, not to worry, they are still encoding, but unfortunately not being published as quickly as hoped.

All the videos are being mirrored, and available, though not fully transcoded, on the #bcon23 playlist here:

Go watch them there, hot and fresh😀

#blender #b3d #foss #opensource

Bcon23 playlist on the official Blender Peertube instance.

Dobra, znowu szukam polecajki.

Planuję zmienić Todoist, aplikację do tworzenia list zadań, na coś open source. Ogólnie chcę być bardziej niezależny od aplikacji pochodzących od firm, dodatkowo płacę za Pro dla przypomnień, a to jest dość absurdalne, jak o tym pomyśleć.

Moje wymagania:
- tworzenie projektów
- pod-zadania
- aplikacja mobilna
- dobrze by było, gdyby miała synchronizację
- możliwość ustawienia przypomnień

Ktoś coś?

#help #opensource

#BraveBrowser is installing VPNs without users' consent, even if you didn't willingly enable their #VPN service. Just stop using #Brave, it's garbage.

Edit: the services are disabled by default, but they were still installed with very little to no transparency about them towards the user, alongside all the other stuff that's often unwanted from Brave users (Pocket on Firefox is to blame too, lol.)

#Browser #Security #Privacy #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #LibreSoftware

Screenshot of the Windows Services console taken from the article where two services are highlighted: "Brave Vpn Service" and "Brave Vpn Wireguard Service."

Open-sourcing #AI raises concerns about misuse and adherent risks. In this opinion, Zuzanna Warso argues that calls for regulation must be more proportionate and weigh the impact on freedom of expression. #opensource #opensourceai #freedomofspeech

Hey all! Another YouTube change means another FreeTube release!

Version 0.19.1 has just dropped and this aims to fix the recent issues going on with the title bar not showing up for videos. There's much more than fixes for this release so be sure to check out the full changelog below.

Download the new version over on our website.

#freetube #privacy #opensource

Hello contributors!

We want to reach as many people as possible. That's why we need your help to translate Penpot in your language 😃

We're so close to have another 10 languages at 100%!

Check the translation guide!


I just rediscovered #BumpTop, an alternative 3D desktop for Windows 7 that had a major focus on Touch gestures and was eventually bought out by Google.

I remember using it on my first Windows 7 machine even though my laptop could barely handle it.

It's #OpenSource now, but I'm still waiting for a Linux port. :blobcatupsidedown2:

LibreWolf: Custom version of Firefox, focused on privacy, security & freedom

* HN discussion of some interest: back and forth ... mainly regarding forks and trust vs. companies (Mozilla; others) and trust ... [transparency ...]

* free OS web browser; fork of Firefox w. emphasis on privacy & security

#WebBrowsers #OpenSource #Firefox #LibreWolf #privacy #surveillance #Linux #Mozilla


Main Features

* No Telemetry. No experiments, adware, annoyances, or unnecessary distractions.

* Private Search. Privacy-conscious search providers: DuckDuckGo, Searx, Qwant and more.

*Content Blocker Included. uBlock Origin is already included for your convenience.

* Enhanced Privacy. Hardened to maximize privacy, without sacrificing usability.

* Fast Updates. LibreWolf is always built from the latest Firefox stable source, for up-to-date security and features along with stability.

* Open Source. Everyone can participate in the development of LibreWolf. Join us on GitLab, Codeberg and Matrix.


Hit me with your best #opensource #linux #rust #nixos #podcast links!

Both English and German language is okay.

Additionally, German podcasts about other topics are okay as well.

You have until tomorrow morning UTC, so I can download enough episodes for 26hrs of travel starting Saturday evening.


#BlueHats is for those who believe that the digital transformation of public administrations should rely on #FreeSoftware #OpenSource.

With supporters among EU OSPOs and beyond, #BlueHats is now going global 🌐 Join the movement!

Free Software and Open Source supporters gathering in New York in june 2023 for sharing good practices wrt public sector OSPOs.

Hello #OpenSource #FOSS comrades. Any suggestions on open source alternatives to Harvest time tracking that you'd recommend. I had used Harvest for years as my main freelancing invoice and time tracking software, but I'd love to use something free and open source if possible.

Looks Like #Fedora #Linux #KDE Spin Is Switching to the Calamares Graphical Installer


Screenshot of the Calamares graphical installer on the Fedora Asahi Remix distribution.

Gitlab Is Finally Becoming A Useful Git Forge #YouTube #Linux #opensource

#writers and #authors , do you know of any #opensource solutions to help plan and write a novel? I’ve tried Joplin and like it but it’s not the most streamlined. I’m looking for something minimal (like Vim) but that is available on either web, iOS/iPadOS, Linux, Windows.

We've jazzed up your XFCE desktop by swapping out the ordinary applications menu with the versatile Whisker menu. This little change not only gives your XFCE desktop a fresh, modern vibe, but it also supercharges your workflow. Learn more:

#linux #opensource #xfce

Xfce Whisker menu

TFW when a YT channel with over 200k subs makes a video about your indie pre-alpha game and people comment that it's ugly 😁

#Liblast #GameDev #Gamefromscratch #Godot #Godot4 #GodotEngine #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #LibreSoftware

MuseScore is an awesome program ( But avoid the sinking sands of the service set up on domain, made by the company that acquired both MuseScore and Audacity in recent years.

This stuff is a racket. I'd advise to install MuseScore from your Linux distribution's repository and never visit any websites associated with it.

MuseGroup's monetization schemes are vile.

Read more here:

#MuseScore #MuseGroup #OpenSource #FOSS #DarkPatterns