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I had a sudden "what if…?" intuition for a potential #productivity speedup in my #opensource bug reporting workflow when tables of data are involved, and… it turns out that it is actually possible.

As you can see in this short demonstration I recorded below, you can paste #LibreOffice #spreadsheet cells into a #GitLab ticket, and it automatically converts it to a proper #MarkDown table. It just works! What is this sorcery!? 🤯 What a time to be alive.

What? 🤯 Amazing! Thanks for the info. I never post table in my reports because lazy to enter the markdown's table syntax, but *this* makes it really easy. How have you discovered that?
I just thought about it out of the blue: "Boy, writing tables by hand sucks... especially when I already assembled my info in a spreadsheet while benchmarking anyway… Hmmm, I wonder if the GitLab folks secretly implemented something crazy like parsing stuff pasted from spreadsheeting software. Let's try that for the lulz."