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Items tagged with: Fediverse

The ActivityPub ecosystem

We have a big world to build.
In this talk, I’ll discuss some of the cool stuff that’s been built, and cool stuff we still need.

Evan Prodromou

Teared up a little at @evan's post here today:

> This protocol was made by trans people and this culture was built by trans people.
> If you love the #fediverse, thank your #trans friends, colleagues and allies today.

Given how instrumental Evan has been to *everything* on the fediverse, that was a wonderful thing to read. But yes, ActivityPub the standard was primarily authored by trans folk and so much of fediverse software development, so many instances being run have happened thanks to many wonderful trans folk.

This protocol was made by trans people and this culture was built by trans people.

If you love the #fediverse, thank your #trans friends, colleagues and allies today.

This protocol was made by trans people and this culture was built by trans people.

If you love the #fediverse, thank your #trans friends, colleagues and allies today.

WE DID IT! The Texas Observer will remain open!

Our board just voted to rescind both the layoffs and the closure. We'll have more news soon, but we believe this is the start of a very positive transformation at our publication—and you were a huge part of it. THANK YOU! You proved to the world that #TexasNeedsAnObserver!

#Fediverse #Mastodon #WeWin

Fe-Diversity, no, thanks?

If you're interested in topics on the Fediverse, you should think about attending Fediforum tomorrow and Thursday. It's an unconference on fediverse topics.

#fediverse #federology #unconference #fediforum

For non Journalists only:

How do you feel about Investigative Journalism in the :fediverse:?

If you can, explain your answer.

#fediverse #journalism

  • Positively. (100%, 3 votes)
  • Mostly positively. (0%, 0 votes)
  • Mostly negatively. (0%, 0 votes)
  • Negatively. (0%, 0 votes)
3 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

For Journalists only:

How do you feel about the :fediverse:?

If you can, explain your answer.

#fediverse #journalism

  • Included. (66%, 2 votes)
  • Excluded. (0%, 0 votes)
  • See results. (33%, 1 vote)
3 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

I've been running user-testing on the process of signing-up onto the #Fediverse (including #Mastodon , #Pixelfed , and others).

My tests suggest a lot (probably most) people find it very difficult & confusing.

I think most people who try to sign-up — fail and give up.

Which means that if about 2,000 people are joining the Fediverse every hour, then — A LOT more than that tried to join, failed, and gave up.

The good news is — the sign-up user-experience ( #UX ) process can be improved.

OSM Town is a Mastodon server for OpenStreetMap fans:


Their official description: "An independent community of OpenStreetMap people on the Fediverse/Mastodon. Funding graciously provided by the OpenStreetMap Foundation."

You can find more map-themed servers at

#FeaturedServer #Fediverse #OpenStreetMap #Mapping #Maps

If you want people's advice about any topic, type your question and tag it with #AskFedi, which is kind of like a bat signal for advice on the Fediverse 🦇

If you want a post to be shared, try adding "Boosts appreciated!". Some servers may even have an emoji for this such as :boost_ok:

By the way, remember that if you want your post shared publicly you have to give it a Public or Unlisted visibility setting. (More info about post visibility settings here:


Is there any people here on the #Fediverse that have deep knowledge of DC #excitation systems for #synchronous machines, so #powerelectronics, for machines that have field current up to a few thousand ampere?
This is about #eletronic, but the kind with higher voltage and "real" current like in #thermalpowerplants, but preferable in #hydropower plants, mainly for #generator in such setups, but it can also be synchronous #motors, both up to 1.5 GW (most likely a generator then 😀.

So #electrical engineers or masters of that profession that work with high current applications.

Oczywiście JEŚLI.

Spodziewam się jakichś min od FB, ale liczę na kreatywność devs #Fediverse, które może bloknąć co złe w interkonekcie, a przyjąć te lepsze elementy.

Jeśli nie musisz działać dla zysku, masz ogromne pole manewru ;)


👋 If you can see this toot you are on the #fediverse enjoying #BetterSocialMedia

How flippin' awesome is that!?

In one sentence, tell why you're having a good time here.

(And if you're ok with me using your answer in promotional material to get more people here, add the tag #TellEveryone)

“What Twitter had (still has, to a certain extent) is this one global namespace, and this idea of like:

> I can broadcast a message, and then immediately, or within seconds or minutes, N thousand or million people can receive that message.

There’s a power to that. I think that’s been a key to its rise, but also a key to it being so troubling, in reality…”

@jerod and @evan on #fediverse pros and cons:

Content warning: tl;dr: All that cool new stuff you want in the Fediverse already exists in the Fediverse, right outside of Mastodon

Content warning: tl;dr: All that cool new stuff you want in the Fediverse already exists in the Fediverse, right outside of Mastodon

The rise of the Fediverse is only accelerating as companies like Mozilla and WordPress make moves to support it. Even Meta is rumored to be working on a decentralized social network.

But there's one particular start-up that seems determined to go its own way.

I spoke with @tchambers and @evan about what's driving the Fediverse migration - and the obstacles that can thwart some would-be users.

#fediverse #mastodon

@Genders: ♾️, 🟪⬛🟩; Soni L. #ActivityPub. The language which (most of) the #Fediverse speaks.

It is how Mastodon instances talk to other Mastodon instances. And it is how, for example, Pleroma instances talk to Mastodon instances. Or to each other.

Re-inventing the federated wheel because you don't know that wheels exist

Thank you! I'm already hunting down your Patreon. This is far and away the best experience I've had in the #fediverse. Well done!

My “here's to the crazy ones" thesis:

• any #Fediverse self-hosted instance as easy to set up as a Facebook account

• #Fediverse must easily straddle;

consumer individual family safe spaces
#privacy #encryption

shared public resource, common carrier status,
actual virtual-public-square not #Elmo absolutist illusion w/corp asses covered by #Section230

• SysAdmin a pain = opportunity

• market for #Privacy enabled

• new Laws needed, incumbents will resist

Are you a #Fediverse developer?

There's a new initiative by @gabek (the lead developer of the Fediverse livestreaming platform @owncast) called FediDocs. It aims to provide an easy-to-find set of documentation for how to federate with a Fedi platform, in order to promote better federation between platforms.

The FediDocs website is still very new and empty ( but if you are a Fedi developer please contact @gabek about contributing info on federating with your project.

Heute um 18 Uhr spreche ich beim @AntiStalkingProjekt (in der Proskauer Straße 7) übers #Fediverse. Wer in #Berlin und weiblich* ist und spontan Zeit und Lust hat: Kommt vorbei!
Aufsteller vor einer Haustür mit der Aufschrift: "Fediverse - das alternative Netzwerk für soziale Plattformen. Workshop. Wichtige Vorzeile des Fediverse sind u.a. der Schutz der Privatsphäre und der Selbstbestimmung. Mit Leena Simon, Mittwoch 15.03.23 18-20 Uhr

Hallo, ich habe auf dieser Instanz (aktuelle RC) ein Problem mit der Suchfunktion. Wenn ich nach Hashtags suche, werden mir generell keine Treffer angezeigt. Suche ich nach dem gleichen Begriff, nur ohne "#" werden mir Treffer angezeigt, die auch den jeweiligen Hashtag besitzen.
Beispiel: Eine Suche nach "#Fediverse" liefert null Ergebnisse. Suche ich hingegen nach "Fediverse" werden zig Treffer angezeigt.
Irgendwie scheint die Suche nach Hashtags kaputt zu sein?
Ist das sonst noch jemanden aufgefallen?
!Friendica Support

The #fediverse needs an agenda. What are we trying to do here in the next 12 to 36 months?

Leave everything as it is? (Not even possible, big cos like #meta are circling.) What improvements do we need in protocols? In apps? In user experience? In governance? In moderation? In funding?

What can be done by each app/instance/user on their own? Where do we need to coordinate? Where and how do we coordinate? Lots of big questions. How do we answer them?

Flying back from #SxSW where I evangelized #ActivtyPub, #Mastodon and the #Fediverse. It’s crazy how few people have even heard of this movement and all anyone could talk about was #GenerativeAI. I felt like an eccentric prophet holding a sign with scrawled writing “The end of the walled gardens is nigh”

But as many of you on Mastodon already know, the dawn of the open social web is here now and next SXSW is likely to be very different.

There's a tiny, but very significant change to the ActivityPub plugin for WordPress. Exciting times for blogging. 😀

#WordPress #Fediverse

@Casey Newton writes that Facebook/Meta is now trying to get on the "decentralized network" bandwagon greenwashing too. It is always fascinating to me how very not decentralized all of these things end up looking: from the web3 nonsense, to BlueSky, to now whatever the hell they plan on calling this. "Well you see akshully the technology allows for decentralization therefore it is decentralized even though we control 99.9% of it!" You know what else is a decentralized technology? The world wide web and HTTP. Hopefully the fediverse fix some of our shortcoming before the world buys the techbro bullshit so they can get another successful market monopoly operation. #facebook #meta #SurveillanceCapitalism #decentralization #fediverse