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Have you ever made a donation to a fediverse server admin?

#fediverse #mastodon #MastoAdmins #poll #survey #SocialMedia #donation

  • Yes, once (15%, 15 votes)
  • Yes, a few times (15%, 15 votes)
  • Yes, on a regular basis (37%, 37 votes)
  • No, not yet (32%, 32 votes)
99 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

The hosting is actually paid by my company 😃
@Anders Rytter Hansen This makes it even more so, haha 😁

Wish I had your luck, I'd selfhost so much stuff.
@Stefan Bohacek
@Anders Rytter Hansen @Stefan Bohacek getting hosting paid by the company you work at 😁

Ah no. Not the one I'm working at. My own company. Which i don't really use for much now that I'm employed but still has some small activity here and there and some money to spend 😃

But the hosting is only around 10 dollars a month, hosted in Germany. And it's a 9GB RAM server with 4 CPU cores and 700 GB storage. Really really cheap. And it's hosting a lot of stuff that I use. The only downside with this company is that they don't do backups in case something happens to the server but it's easy to safeguard against, because I just take an HDD, plug into my laptop and rsync from the server to the hard drive and on the external HDD I do snapshotting with BTRFS.