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Items tagged with: Twitter


The Antifa Turtle on #Twitter shared a Twitter API okta leak that shows there is a list of "protected accounts", all of them right wing, who are allowed to break #X Terms Of Services without consequence and includes a list of whitelisted slurs they are allowed to use.

The whistle-blowing Twitter account was suspended by mods shortly after.

#elonmusk #freespeech #whistleblower #leak @UnicornRiot @freedomofpress @OffTheHook

On the Twitter blocking follows to Harris2024 account on announcement day:
a. Nadler is right about the asymmetry of every hiccup like this the GOP launches investigation if they don't go along with this.
b. I doubt this was intentional by Musk but definitely a by-product if him cutting staff to the bone so they or the infrastructure couldn't respond to it accordingly.
c. Since Musk didn't step in to fix it immediately like he does whenever a groyper, right wing edgelord, or Nazi shreeks at much smaller issues it is still proof of his desire to have Twitter be explicitly a right wing vomit hose. At the very least Twitter users should create primary accounts on the fediverse (Mastodon, Bluesky, even eek Threads) and at most secondarily post to Twitter.

#ElonMusk #Twitter #Election2024

A bus crashed into a shop in London. Two people were reportedly hurt, but obviously the incident could have been worse. An X user named Mark Arby took close photos of the crash, and companies then relentlessly kept asking him for permission to use the photos. A lot of other netizens also wanted to make sure if he was ok.

#twitter #x #humor #news

"...wrote on the system Musk calls X and everyone else calls #Twitter."

Just login and see for yourself how bad the content is. This is Instagram only with more words.

This is yet another social network for content and not for discussion.

Mark Zuckerberg ist unable to re invent Social Media!

But it is able to kill #Twitter and #bluesky ...

Prasówka 29.09-6.10.2023

I can't help wondering if a lot of these #twitter converts to #mastodon post everything that should be in a #thread as totally separate posts (making it super hard to understand) because they've been trained by mainstream #socialMedia to think that if you post a reply instead of a top-of-thread post, it'll be suppressed so no one sees it.

Polski Instytut Ekonomiczny:
📌Naukowcy migrują z X (dawniej Twitter) na inne platformy społecznościowe

➡46,9 proc. nowych kont zostało utworzonych na Mastodonie

➡ 34,8 proc nowych kont utworzono na Linkedin

Blisko połowa ankietowanych osób (47,7 proc.) twierdzi,
że w ostatnich sześciu miesiącach rzadziej korzystało z X, a 6,7 proc. w ogóle przestało
korzystać z platformy

#nauka #twitter #statystyki

Wykres  Najpopularniejsze platformy na których naukowcy otwierali nowe konta – Mastodon 46%, Linkedin 34%, Instagram 27%

Your Twitter/X account is a microphone connected to a mixer controlled by a fascist. You can speak all you want. The fascist controls your volume and can mute you whenever he wants. And you might not even know you’ve been muted because you can still hear yourself in your headphones.

It’s not called resistance when your volume knob is in someone else’s hand.

#twitter #x #algorithmicTimeline #elonMusk #fascism

users have been miffed by #Mastodon and moved over to software like #Firefish instead

community feedback, while listening to feedback from former #Twitter users who are rejecting #Mastodon due to the lack of this feature.

Also @alex how hard is functional search to actually integrate? I couldn’t imagine it being that hard, but you’ve done it before, so I’m sure you’d know better than me.

users have been begging for this features for years, and the devs have ignored them consistently. The only reason they are acquiescing now is because former #Twitter users are begging for it. The devs seem to care more about disaffected #Twitter user feedback than the feedback of the very #Mastodon users who have helped build #Mastodon up to what it is today.

Is this type of behavior deserving of thanks?

So, Twitter :twitter: decided to pull a DeviantArt move and change its Terms Of Services to include anything you post there on their AI dataset, to re-publish your art and benefit from it without your consent or compensation.


I will only leave my contact information there, nothing else.

#Twitter #artistsonmastodon #TwitterAlert #AuthorsRights #AI #DeleteTwitter

You grant us a worldwide, non- exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute such Content in any and all media or distribution methods now known or later developed (for clarity, these rights include, for example, curating, transforming, and translating). This license authorizes us to make your Content available to the rest of the world and to let others do the same. You agree that this license includes the right for us to provide, promote, and improve the Services and to make Content submitted to or through the Services available to other companies, organizations or individuals for the syndication, broadcast, distribution, Retweet, promotion or publication of such Content on other media and services, subject to our terms and conditions for such Content use. Such additional uses by us, or other companies, organizations or individuals, is made with no compensation paid to you with respect to the Content that you submit, post, transmit or otherwise make available through the Services as the use of the Services by you is hereby agreed as being sufficient compensation for.

#SocialMedia #Twitter #Musk: "Before Musk, the person setting the day’s news agenda on Twitter was Donald Trump. As it became clear during his first campaign that Trump mostly did not tell the truth, the press corps gradually brought more scrutiny to the candidate’s statements. In some cases, cable networks stopped carrying his public appearances live, since they could not be fact-checked effectively in real time.

Musk’s broken promises have yet to reach anything near the volume of lies that Trump told as president. But given his recent track record, it’s well past time for the press to grant him an equal measure of skepticism."

“The social media platform formerly known as #Twitter

So you predict that X will die. I think Musk by making weird changes and rebranding will just kill off Twitter. It may end up as it was with Google+ (whose functionality I liked), or it will remain just a medium for militant politicians, which also means the end.

#mastodon #twitter #x

Musk failed to get the necessary permits to change Twitter’s building signage to X, and the police shut it down just in time for “er” to remain. #twitter #tech #elonmusk #x #twittermigration #twitterlogo #elon #musk
Pic of twitter Hq with sign coming down

The plan is to turn #Twitter into a "everything app", like wechat. I don't think I have to say it, but centralizing every aspect of your life into one platform is a terrible idea and such thing would be only proposed by evil people


This is the first kickstarter I'm doing *without* using Twitter or Instagram for promo. I've been on twitter for as long as I've been in indie-comics, so cutting off that community base has been difficult, and I've been stressing out over how much this is going to affect my livelihood.

I'm a full-time indie creator. So I need the platforms to live. :artsits:

Let's hope mastodon and twitch can cushion the potential fall!

#Kickstarter #Comics #Twitter #Mastodon #IndieComics #Twitch

I just saw that #Twitter restored anonymous tweet display after requiring login for just a couple weeks. What an absolute shit show led by an amateur clown. What happened to reading quotas?

Hello !Friendica Support,

I noticed that /circles/none still has some Twitter contacts that I can't remove or delete. I disabled the Twitter connector a long time ago. These contacts are also only visible at /circles/none and there I can't click on "unfollow". Is there any way to remove these contacts? Or can I just do it directly in the database?


To the newcomers

"Life is neither static nor unchanging. With no individuality, there can be no change, no adaptation and, in an inherently changing world, any species unable to adapt is also doomed."

Jean M. Auel

No place is perfect, adapt and enjoy with time you will establish your network.


#twitter #twitterexodus #fediverse #mastodon #life #newcomer #newhere #welcome

This cartoon has prophetic characteristics:

The "left" / "liberal " users of #Twitter will fatten #Mastodon user numbers, whereas the the burning bird on the right might yet rise again like the #Phoenix out of the #Birdsite ashes as #Twitter2.0 (aka #Bluesky.)

Thus it is envisaged by #Elmo and his #PayPal, not-my-friend, @ Jack after #Twitters final demise.

Purefied by fire, only right-wing users and easily gullible #ElmoFanboys will remain on #Bluesky.

ℹ️ Outra dica para quem está chegando agora do #Twitter no #fediverso:

Usem #hashtags! Elas facilitam encontrar as coisas no fediverso e permitem que os termos apareçam no "Em alta agora" de sua instância.

É possível acompanhar hashtags e assim acompanhar um determinado assunto também. Ainda permitem que as pessoas filtrem conteúdos que não as interessam.

#️⃣ #TwitterMigration #TwitterDown #MastodonMigration

O #Bluesky trancou a porteira e não vai mais deixar ninguém se cadastrar enquanto resolvem os problemas de desempenho devido ao êxodo de refugiados do #Twitter.

Agora mesmo tendo #convite não vai ser possível criar uma nova conta.
