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Items tagged with: Fediverse

I wish more people would fight for #Podcasting the same way people are fighting for the #Fediverse.

#Meta, #Tumblr, et al, are saying that they're joining the Fediverse (I'll believe it when I see it) and everyone is trying to figure out how best to deal with that.

Meanwhile, #Spotify and #YouTube have already #EEE #Podcasts by adding music podcasts that don't sync to #RSS feeds and not providing #VideoPodcasts with RSS feeds at all. No one is batting an eyelash about that!


I just want to say for my first post to the #Fediverse that I've already seen more #alttext in the last couple of days than I've literally seen in my entire life. I don't know what it is, but as a blind user it's making me emotional to be able to actually interact with content. Think I'll write an introduction soon.
#accessibility #Mastodon #redditMigration

By the way, it’s possible that #Facebook/ #Instagram/ #Meta/ Zuckerberg’s fediverse play for Threads is related to sidestepping the anti-competitiveness/antitrust issues around the EU’s Digital Services Act.

“Hey, look, we’re not a monopoly. We’re not being anticompetitive… we’re federating using an open protocol. Here, let our friend Eugen, CEO of Mastodon, explain to you how it works in very dispassionate words…”

#eu #ec #fediverse #mastodon #antitrust #DigitalServicesAct #PR #usefulIdiots

Distrust of non-commercial projects.

Appears #BigJournalism does not treat non-commercial projects as legitimate.

Examples of projects which are discounted include the #Fediverse, #Wikipedia, #Wikidata, #MusicBrainz, & the #Greens.

Whereas #Facebook's #AssociationWithGenocide, Twitter allowing white supremecy, anti-vacc and Q-Anon to spread their poison, and similar on YT and TikTok etc, get treated as if that is just the acceptable cost of doing business . Cause they're "legitimate".

I'm of the opinion that #threads should not be engaged with in any way.

Not because I think it's a threat to the #fediverse, although it could potentially be.
Not because I think it will bring a huge amount of bad actors that will harass users on other instances, although that is definitely a risk.

My reason is simpler; #Facebook has done so much evil, society eroding shit, that I don't work with them on principle.

And Facebook knows that as well, which is why threads is instagram branded.

Wow David, you are truly capturing the essence of the problem 😆

:fediverso: 💓

#fediverse #mastodon #threads

People who know about #Mastodon and the #Fediverse, YET are NOW saying that "oh look, finally some Twitter competitor with #Threads, let's go there" without any convincing argument to why they do this can't be taken seriously.

Like, what are you, some braindead corpo zombies? 🧟

Look I don't want to be that always cynical yelling at clouds person, but I wasn't that convinced by the @Mastodon statement. It was heavy on describing what the platform looks like right now, and extremely careful to not make any promises about the future, talk about moderation standards, or acknowledge any economic power imbalance between #Meta and the #fediverse. Also cherry-picked XMPP example over, e.g. email which has been raised by users. #threads

#Meta's #Threads wanting to federate with the #fediverse (if that will ever happen 🤞🏻) is a form of #gentrification. A large corporate shopping mall settles in a nice neighborhood with small local run shops and community centers. The new shopping mall says 'if we settle here, more people will come, and you all will benefit'. A few years later all small shops are bankrupt and the community is destroyed. What remains is a barren corporate landscape.

I'm now seeking grad students and post-docs:

I'm interested in working with folks who want to study #AlternativeSocialMedia, including the #fediverse, from a critical perspective.

York U (in Canada) has some generous funding now, thanks to a major grant the university received (I'm affiliated with the grant).

Please do reach out if you have questions! Boosts appreciated.

To the newcomers

"Life is neither static nor unchanging. With no individuality, there can be no change, no adaptation and, in an inherently changing world, any species unable to adapt is also doomed."

Jean M. Auel

No place is perfect, adapt and enjoy with time you will establish your network.


#twitter #twitterexodus #fediverse #mastodon #life #newcomer #newhere #welcome

Hello, new folks from Twitter,

- Welcome to the fediverse!

- If you’ve joined because it was the default option in the app, please look to move to a smaller instance so doesn’t grow to become Twitter 2.0. (You can use to find a new instance or ask folks on here for suggestions.)

- Please add alternate text to your images so people who use screen readers can join in too. (

#TwitterMigration #mastodon #fediverse

@Natalie Kelda
Welcome to the #Fediverse. It might take some time, but you'll get the gist of it soon enough. Remember the beginning on the other side...

#Fediverse #ProTip

#Mastodon is unsearchable* by design

If you see a post with a link or list you might want to come back to later, slap a bookmark on that puppy or you will never find it again

If you want other people to be able to find your posts, you need to #Hashtag the keywords

Today's #FediTip brought to you by the letters A, C, and C and the emoji :trekbadgetng:

Hello, newcomers! Welcome! 👋🏻
Please be kind.
And follow @feditips to know all about the #fediverse.
Introduce yourself and soon you'll find your people.

@Filipe Urriça

Só não ficas no #Fediverse se não quiseres. O resto vem com o tempo. 😀

If the #Fediverse is going to see a #TwitterMigration2.0 ... please consider boosting #Calckey to newcomers.
Calckey is a newer FOSS microblogging portal into the Fediverse. 100% interoperable with Mastodon, but with features Twitter users probably want:

* QTs (called "Quote Renotes")
* Support for markdown in notes which is bold* Gallery for images
* "Antennas" to help discovery and "Channels" to help organize

Mastodonauts can also migrate to Calckey just as they would another Mastodon instance (that's what I did).

Just saying... the Fediverse doesn't revolve around Mastodon. This is open source social media. Don't stop migrating!

Some good info on the #fediverse

Peque será que há tanta gente a querer fazer publicidade à TWT e à BS no #Fediverse?

Acho que fariam melhor se investissem esse tempo e energia a convidar os amigos para cá, em vez de falarem desses negócios disfarçados de redes sociais!

én amúgy már alig várom, hogy jöjjön a Meta a #fediverse-be. követhetném azt a 2-3 embert aki miatt van még facebookom és kukázhatnám a facebook accountomat. (tudom, hogy nem a facebookot kötik be, de milyen jó lenne már…)

Now all #twitter links are blocked by twitter login. All #links we ever shared via twitter can not be followed anymore without signing in to twitter, no matter where in the #WWW they point to. Twitter put a gate in front of our links by "shortening" them and now they locked the gate. We never should have given them such power. #gatedcommunities #fediverse #web

Bom dia pessoas boas no #Fediverse! Bom fim-de-semana!

Good morning to all people of goodwill on the Fediverse! Have a great weekend!

#Twitter is soooo yesterday's news... Disgusting, pointless and boring.

Time to let the blue bird fly out of the fascist cage and let yourself roam freely with your #Mastodon community 🐘🐘🐘🐘

#TwitterMigration #Fediverse

If #Meta wanted to mine your content to populate #Threads but didn’t want to federate their own content to the #Fediverse, they wouldn’t use ActivityPub for this purpose. They would use RSS—which is enabled by default on most Mastodon servers. In many ways, it would probably be easier for Meta to do this too.

My expectation is that meta would allow users to see federated content but would not allow threads to be federated.

This would provide incentive for people to move to threads. After a while, the walls around the garden would grow.

It's the same embrace, extend, extinguish model they used with MySpace when they rolled out Facebook connect.

So what happened in the #Facebook #meta #fediverse conference call yesterday? Has someone from our (the fediverse) side put out a blog post? Or did the NDA work?