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Items tagged with: FreeSoftware

FOSS Browser v 16 "Richard Stallman" (WIP)

Even though my wife is Japanese, I've never liked Japanese mangas since they always go on forever and you must start from the beginning if you like them.
Still, since I first read it, I wanted Pepper&Carrot to go on forever, also thanks to your #FreeSoftware philosophy and choices.
Anyway, I perfectly understand and respect your choice and I'll continue follow you and your nice projects.
Thank you for entertaining us with your art. 🙏🏻

💡 The campaign for elections in the 🇪🇺 #EuropeanUnion is heating up… It is important to get active and ensure #SoftwareFreedom is part of the larger political debate ‼️

How can you do this? 🤔

ℹ️ We have just published some practical advices on how to advocate for #FreeSoftware in the coming months! 🚀

#EUelections #EU #PMPC #PublicCode

Thanks for the lovely evening yesterday at the KDE Plasma 6 release party. The cubes are back and wobbly windows. There was also a nice spontaneously "screensaver" 😋.

A laptop with KDE plasma 6 and the settings of the wobbly windows. Somehow the settings are all over the place like an artsy screensaver

It was also a nice opportunity to see the offline. Very cool place. Will probably go there again.

#freesoftware #FLOSS #KDE #KDEPlasma #berlin @offline

Wow, that’s awesome! I didn’t know #Krita could do this!

Does this also work with scanned pencil drawings?
#freesoftware #art

Please, please, please add a reminder to your calendar so that you do not forget to thank a #FreeSoftware #OpenSource contributor or organisation on 14 February (#ilovefs). 🙏

Some more background and ideas are available here:

Ouch. A large OpenStreetMap group has been using a proprietary chat platform as a community space for ~10 yrs. Now they gotta pay a $80k/yr (or $10k??) for usage. 🤯😱😢

Slack (now Salesforce) now wants to charge @OpenStreetMapUS for all ~6k users on their server. 😢😢 Ouch.

This sort of bait & switch is why open, community owned platforms (like this!) are vital!

read more on the slack (while you still can??!):
#OpenStreetMap #OSM #FreeSoftware #Cassandra

The @NGIZero consortium, of which the :fsfe: #FSFE is a partner, has just unveiled the #NGI0 Commons Fund! 🏦

Are you developing any #FreeSoftware tech improving the Internet❓

This fund is for you! It will award 21.6 million euro 💶 to small and medium R&D projects developing #FreeSoftware technologies.

Learn more here:


Falls jemand noch nicht glaubt, dass die öffentliche Hand auf Open Source / freie Software setzen sollte: Hier ein feines Interview (auf Englisch) zu Open Source in der Münchner Verwaltung mit der Laura Dornheim @schwarzblond

#opensource #freiesoftware #freesoftware #publicmoneypubliccode #verwaltungsdigitalisierung

So did I mention that no company or government pays me for the work I do?

But you can support my work if you want to live in a world where we have the Small Web as an alternative to the Big Web of Google, Facebook, and other people farmers.

#SmallWeb #SmallTech #funding #foss #freeSoftware #openSource #web #dev #tech #technology

EU Pilot Project: Public Apps in F-Droid

FOSS Apps Live in FOSS App Stores!

Der Youth Hacking 4 Freedom Wettbewerb für 2024 hat die Pforten für Anmeldungen geöffnet - solltet ihr junge Menschen kennen, die gerne mal programmieren wollen, vielleicht ist das was für sie.

Die Anmeldung für Youth Hacking 4 Freedom 2024, kurz YH4F, der Programmierwettbewerb für Jugendliche aus ganz Europa, ist hiermit eröffnet. Dieser Wettbewerb bietet Teenagern die Möglichkeit ihr eigenes Projekt zu programmieren, gleich ob allein oder im Team, neue Freundschaften quer durch Europa hinweg zu schließen und bis zu 4.096 € zu gewinnen!

#FreeSoftware #YH4F #FSFE

#SFSCon, the South Tyrol #FreeSoftware Conference, has started! 🚀

Plenty of interesting people and insightful talks. 😍

We are here too, don’t forget to stop by our shining booth and come chat with us! 👾

#SFSCon23 #Bolzano #Bozen #SoftwareFreedom

FSFE board member Patrick Ohnewein on SFSCon stage
FSFE staff members and volunteers behind the FSFE booth at SFSCon

#BraveBrowser is installing VPNs without users' consent, even if you didn't willingly enable their #VPN service. Just stop using #Brave, it's garbage.

Edit: the services are disabled by default, but they were still installed with very little to no transparency about them towards the user, alongside all the other stuff that's often unwanted from Brave users (Pocket on Firefox is to blame too, lol.)

#Browser #Security #Privacy #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #LibreSoftware

Screenshot of the Windows Services console taken from the article where two services are highlighted: "Brave Vpn Service" and "Brave Vpn Wireguard Service."

Cory Doctorow has some interesting takes on why using a copy left license and the Fediverse at the end of his DEF Con 31 talk. But you don't have to scroll to the end, the rest of the talk is nice to listen to as well 😉

#UlyssesPacts #FreeSoftware #Fediverse @Cory Doctorow

Happy Birthday Free Software 🥳

A meditating Gnu in front of a desktop computer

#FreeSoftware #ilovefs #gnu40

:debian: Advanced installing Debian 12.1 from the Mini ISO on VMware Remote Console: should I choose non-free firmware? Let's try the "No" and hope for the best! 🙏

#FreeSoftware #FreeAsInFreedom #Debian #GNU #Linux

Photo of a computer monitor with Xfce and a VMware Remote Console window installing Debian:

Configure the package manager
Some non-free firmware has been made to work with Debian. Though this firmware is not at all a part of Debian, standard Debian tools can be used to install it. This firmware has varying licenses which may prevent you from using, modifying, or sharing it.
Please choose whether you want to have it available anyway.
Use non-free firmware?
<Go Back> <Yes> <No>

We love freedom 3, the freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others. Boost this post to share the message with others! Read about the four freedoms of #FreeSoftware:
Image of laptop with heart eyes that says, "I love free software" at the bottom and "It's free as in freedom: learn more at"

Last week, 🇪🇺 Commission President stated that "the trick is to build public digital infrastructure, that is interoperable, open to all and trusted"
What exactly does this mean? What about the role of #FreeSoftware?


Map of the world interconnected

Am 16.9.2023 wollen wir von der Berliner Gruppe der FSFE zusammen mit der Linux User Group LinuxWorks den Software Freedom Day 2023 in den Räumen vom Kieztreff Undine feiern.

Den Kieztreff Undine findet ihr in der Hagenstr. 57 direkt am U-Bhf Lichtenberg.

Das Programm zur Veranstaltung wächst gerade im Wiki vom SFD unter

Freund*innen Freier Software und Menschen die Freie Software noch für sich entdecken wollen, sind herzlich eingeladen. Wenn ihr kommen wollt tragt euch bitte kurz hier im Formular ein, damit wir planen können.

#SoftwareFreedomDay2023 #FreeSoftware #SoftwareFreedomDay #Berlin #Lichtenberg #FSFE #LinuxWorks

#BlueHats is for those who believe that the digital transformation of public administrations should rely on #FreeSoftware #OpenSource.

With supporters among EU OSPOs and beyond, #BlueHats is now going global 🌐 Join the movement!

Free Software and Open Source supporters gathering in New York in june 2023 for sharing good practices wrt public sector OSPOs.

Google's Software Is Malware

"Back Doors


The Google Play Terms of Service insist that the user of Android accept the presence of universal back doors in apps released by Google."


#Malware #Google #FreeSoftware

Back Doors


The Google Play Terms of Service insist that the user of Android accept the presence of universal back doors in apps released by Google.


TFW when a YT channel with over 200k subs makes a video about your indie pre-alpha game and people comment that it's ugly 😁

#Liblast #GameDev #Gamefromscratch #Godot #Godot4 #GodotEngine #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #LibreSoftware

Chromebooks foisted on students? Teachers monitoring what children do outside of the classroom via nonfree software? Surveillance of children is common, and it's at your child's school, too. Support #FreeSoftware
Image that says, I want my child to learn about computers. I don't what computers to learn about my child.

LibreJS: an addon blocking non-free JavaScript by the @fsf


Non-official 📎:

#FOSS #Freedom #Mozilla #Addons #JavaScript #FSF #FreeSoftware #FLOSS

Only a few days left until Chaos Communication Camp 2023 🎉! We can't wait to be there and meet all of you!

Want to meet us too? Check out this map to see where we'll be in the Bits&Bäume Village,13.310565

#SoftwareFreedom #FreeSoftware @bits_und_baeume
Chaos Communication Camp at night in 2019

This year, we can celebrate the 20th Software Freedom Day. Save the date - 16th of September, 2023.

#sfd2023 #FreeSoftware

"Open Source" can't just be about using the goodwill of a very desirable common label for software goods. It's an integral part of keeping the developer ecosystem healthy.

And "healthy" can't only be about profitability for companies.
#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #FOSS #OSS #SoftwareFreedom
It’s a very interesting time to be in open source. Open source zealots need to realize that open source needs to be reinvented for the new platform architecture, and web 2.0 companies need to remember that open source isn’t just goodwill, but an integral part of keeping the developer ecosystem healthy. And everyone needs to experiment with new models, and not believe that the story has already been written.

"These repositories are available under the same BSL license as Sentry’s core repos."

So... It will *become* open source... eventually... in about 4 years or so.

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #FOSS #OSS #SoftwareFreedom #SourceAvailable

It's #FreeSoftware, as you mention EUPL. As a free software guy since ~20y I also don't promote non-free software. When I joined the team, one of the first tasks was to prepare the open-sourcing, we decided do declare licenses using compatible format. There is an extended version with a few extra features, but those should not be necessary for all standard use cases. Also because the project is fairly young, expect a few rough edges.

#CRA: The #IMCO committee has backed our demand and voted for the protection of #FreeSoftware developers in the Cyber Resilience Act. #ITRE should follow.

The free software movement isn't about having an 'alternative' to proprietary software, it's a movement to reject it on ethical grounds. With free software, users have the freedom to control their computing, and that's something worth fighting for! #GNU #FreeSoftware