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Items tagged with: Fediverse

Finding your way around the Fediverse

The Mostr Bridge | Alex Gleason | Nostrasia 2023

Presentation about The Mostr Bridge at Nostrasia 2023. The Mostr bridge connects ActivityPub and Nostr together.

This video is edited from the original Nostrasia recording to restore missing slides at the beginning of the video.

Source code (AGPL-3.0):

screenshot - lista powiadomień na stronie friendica

@davidrevoy yes, it's a bit unfortunate, hopefully in the future the instance might be able to use the new features of #peertube which allow off-loading some of the encoding to other machines.

I really hope that the #blender community will begin to embrace these alternatives, as we do with #Linux, the #Fediverse for example. Currently, it is not perfect, but unless we support them, they will never be mature.

Come to think of it, Blender is the post child for this mindset😀

Persönliche Föderationsstatistik

Die Videos vom Fediverse-Symposium

Für alle, die beim Fediverse-Symposium nicht dabei sein konnten oder die Vorträge erneut ansehen wollen, sind die Videos jetzt verfügbar.

#Fediverse #FSFE #Videos #FediverseFachtag #Fachtag #Symposium #Linux

What would be the easiest way to publish a #webcomic so that it would be on the Fediverse and that would allow readers to read reverse-chronologically (from oldest to newest)?

Is there maybe a #Wordpress plugin for webcomics that is compatible with the #ActivityPub plugin?

(If you don't know, please boost)

I already checked @pixelfed and it doesn't allow for reverse chronological sorting (old to new)

#webcomics #fediverse

!Friendica Support !Friendica Developers

Feature request.

Sry i'm aware that usually a FR coming in via GIT might be the usual form but i beg to differ for this particular one.

More than once a day usually i need to throw some #fediverse link into the search field to open it in my local instance..

Lately i adopted to just open the /search url w/o any parameter, to just quickly load _any_ page to access the search field.

While this works out really nice .... maybe you could actually just catch out a empty search request to present a user with a nicely designed empty search input field?

I'm completely happy with getting a "no result" display and use the usual search input in the top bar of my frio friendica experience..

But maybe it would even make sense to skip the nil search in the first place and just present a nice search interface?

Just some 2 cents .. sry. ;)

Okay, big news for everyone with a WordPress blog, including people with a free blog on!

You can now turn *any* WordPress blog into a Fediverse server which can be followed from Mastodon etc.

I've updated the instructions on how to do this at:


Just to repeat, this is now available to ALL WordPress blogs including free tier ones. The free tier has slightly different instructions, but effect is same.


#WordPress #Fediverse

Auch wenn #Mastodon keine algorithmische #Timeline hat, gibt es gute Möglichkeiten, die interessantesten/beliebtesten/besten(?) Beiträge darin leicht zu finden: von @decius benutze ich schon eine Weile, damit sieht man zusätzlich die Posts mit den meisten #Likes (von denen meine Instanz weiß) und beliebte #Hashtags. von @murmel_social ist #NeuHier kann man die Ergebnisse auch per Mail und #RSS abonnieren.

Was nutzt ihr?

#Fediverse #MastoTips

friendica VPS setup on ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Fucking fuck.

A rare post that's NSFW-adjacent without being so here (I don't do NSFW in public, myself), but, so help me Eris, if I see anyone on my timeline arguing that sex workers shouldn't come to the #Fediverse from Twitter because 'what if they don't follow community guidelines', that's an instant block and quite probably a report.

I have been on here for quite some time alongside kink- and NSFW- and 'hey, I'm proud of my body now, lemme show it off'-focused communities, and I have not once seen a bare boob which wasn't content-warned, let alone anything more risque.

These concern trolls are implying that sex workers don't understand consent or norms, when I have never once met anyone else quite so focused around the implications, consequences, and effects on other people of their every action as your average sex worker.

So don't anyone here even dare to imply that those who are probably the most at risk of sexual violence don't grok consent.

#abuse #sexwork

Huch, leider zum wiederholten Male die höchst interessante #LangeNachtDerMuseen übersehen. Habe mal eine Mail geschrieben mit der Bitte irgend eine Möglichkeit zu schaffen, sich frühzeitig informieren zu lassen, z.B. über Newsletter, expliziten LNdM-Account im #Fediverse oder eine gehostete ICS-Datei. Mal sehen ob und welche Antwort ich bekomme.

55 times around the Sun! 🎉

Good morning #fediverse and #tzag to all

This is just a test. Can you read it from Mastodon/Pleroma/Friendica et al?

Reposting this as a new post because apparently the old post didn’t show up at all.

Does editing blog post shows up in Friendica?

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#activitypub #fediverse #friendica #mastodon #pleroma

This is just a test. Can you read it from Mastodon/Pleroma/Friendica et al?

Reposting this as a new post because apparently the old post didn’t show up at all.

Does editing blog post shows up in Friendica?

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#activitypub #fediverse #friendica #mastodon #pleroma

Dlaczego instytucje powinny migrować szybciutko do #fediverse na własne instancje?

Niemiecka federalna agencja antydyskryminacyjna umieściła na swoim koncie X (dawniej Twitter) informację o opuszczeniu serwisu:

"Jako instytucja państwowa, agencja antydyskryminacyjna pełni funkcję wzoru do naśladowania. Dlatego pozostanie na X nie jest już dla nas uzasadnione. Wszystkie ministerstwa i inne organy publiczne powinny zadać sobie pytanie, czy nadal dopuszczalne jest pozostawanie na platformie, która stała się siecią dezinformacji i której właściciel rozpowszechnia antysemickie, rasistowskie i populistyczne treści".

Za Reuters:

We would be greatful if you could amplify our voice & let your followers know that the Auschwitz Memorial is present in #fediverse: @auschwitzmuseum

Every day we commemorate the victims & educate about the tragic human history of #Auschwitz.

Auschwitz is a place that shows where hatred, antisemitism and contempt for a fellow man led people decades ago.

It is also a place where we should reflect on our individual and collective responsibility for the world we live in.

The Arbeit macht frei gate to the former Auschwitz I camp. The barbed wire fences and kitchen building on the right are visible. A foggy day.

Wtyczka #ActivityPub do #WordPress dostępna już na hostingu

Spodziewam się wysypu nowych blogowych instancji w #Fediverse 👏👍

Dla przypomnienia, od dawna była dostępna na bezpłatnym hostingu WP od twórców przeglądarki

Vivaldia 2 is right around the corner! Play it here and give your feedback.

Many people here (including myself) use the #Fediverse to relax, tune out or for other specific interests. I spend a considerable amount with activism and therefore dealing with the shitty world we live in. When I come here I want to decide do (not) do that.

Please use CWs.


If you want to take a look at the code, it's up on GitHub now. But this isn't the MVP, it's not ready to use yet. Maybe in a week? At least that's what I'm hoping.

The MVP should be a fully-functional local forum but won't support federation yet, that's the next step. Luckily Lemmy's federation approach is much simpler than Mastodon's.

#Lemmy #Fediverse #Cpp

Cory Doctorow has some interesting takes on why using a copy left license and the Fediverse at the end of his DEF Con 31 talk. But you don't have to scroll to the end, the rest of the talk is nice to listen to as well 😉

#UlyssesPacts #FreeSoftware #Fediverse @Cory Doctorow

Back in March, when the #fediverse came together to help save us, we changed our name to “Texas Observer Lives!”

Today, we changed it back to just "Texas Observer" because we need YOUR HELP to survive into 2024! It's up to our readers to preserve the voice of progressive #Texas by joining our fall membership drive.

Please consider joining—or renewing—today!

#journalism #JournoLife #Nonprofit #fundraising #news #culture #books #politics

A graphic showing the state of Texas with “since 1954” inside it. Main text reads: When Texas is at its worst, the Texas Observer is at its best. Become a sustaining member during our Fall Drive this month to help us raise $25,000 in critical membership revenue. Join Now!

From Solarpunk to Fedipunk - the Fediverse needs its own transformative narrative!

#fediverse #fedipunk #literatur #sciencefiction #art #solarpunk

forum, news and community pages for the fediVerse - how to?

#Pixelfed w polskim #fediverse?

Z fajną @pomoc -ą, moderacją i regulaminem?

15GB na start dla każdej osoby?

Dlaczego nie 😀

Pomóż nam z wystartowaniem tego nowego projektu, roboczo nazwanego

Wpłać na dodatkowy sprzęt (storage, backup, łącze) i zostań osobą współzałożycielską polskiego Pixel-a 😍

Każda złotówka się dla nas liczy ❤️

Mamy też niespodziankę, więcej na naszej stronie:

Kolorowe logo Pixelfeda

I'd like to interject for a moment.

What you're referring to as #Mastodon is in fact the #Fediverse. You see, Mastodon is just one of many possible software projects that interact with the wider Fediverse through a protocol called #ActivityPub. There are many other projects you can use, Mastodon isn't the only one, nor was it the first. Pretending it is either of those things is doing a huge disservice to all the people who made the Fediverse what it is. Originally, the protocol in use was OStatus and GNU Social was one of the first convenient instances - Mastodon came much later and ended up doing a huge disservice to the Fediverse by intentionally removing support for OStatus abruptly even though the warriors of GNU noted ActivityPub would be implemented within 3-4 months. Thus, the warriors of GNU were not amused by the intentional segregation of the network and the GNU+Jihad on the Fediverse was born - the warriors are interjecting to this day, despite how many people call it "Mastodon" by mistake.

The GitHub repo for PeerTuber, the upcoming opensource mobile app for #PeerTube is now live. There's still a bit of housekeeping to do, but this is where you'll find the project:

#vidiverse #fediverse #foss #ios #android