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Items tagged with: FreeSoftware

Wir rufen auf Vorträge und Projekte für die #froscon17 über unseren Call for Papers und Call for Projects einzureichen! Der #CfP läuft ab sofort bis zum 12. Juni 2022.

Mehr Details unter:

#froscon #opensource #konferenz #freesoftware

Am WE sind die Chemnitzer Linuxtage (online). Ich bin Sonntag um 15 Uhr dran mit "Orientierung und Produktivität auf der Kommandozeile", für alle, die nur gelegentlich eine Shell aufmachen oder aus der Windows-Welt kommen. #CLT2022 #Linux #freesoftware

Question - if your kids want to voicechat with their friends, what application/program do they use?

I am looking for something that is easy to use for non-tech people, self-hosted and free-software. Preferably something like discord but ethical.

#askfediverse #askfedi #discord #voicechat #freesoftware

I feel very honored by the invitation to give a talk today at the first #FSFE Legal Education Day, in representation for #gnuHU.

It will be about #FreeSoftware and the #Fediverse, and I will try to give you an overview of legal issues, that may arise when operating an instance.

See you later, 16:45-17:15 Uhr!

Awesome opportunity for younger hackers to grab some $/£/€ and a trip to Brussels (perhaps building on Matrix would be a good bet? ;)


To inspire the younger generation to #softwarefreedom, the #FSFE is organising the coding competition ‘Youth Hacking 4 Freedom' (#YH4F) for teenagers. The winners receive a cash prize and a trip to #Brussels


The Linux Foundation are carrying out a survey on "Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in Open Source", and I know this is something #foss #freesoftware and #opensource people (and opponents thereof!) on the Fedi have opinions on. So please boost and fill in.

Contributing to an evidence base may be a way of highlighting the problems and shaming people with money into doing something about them.

The ray of hope at the end of this week is that I believe the free and #OpenSource software movements are more unified than ever before that intolerance, abuse, and disrepect from our leaders will no longer be allowed. That's a great thing and a good first step toward visions like #DigitalAutonomy.

#FreeSoftware #FLOSS #FOSS


Say what you will about RMS (and yes I'm aware of his more sinister sides), when it comes to the part that actually defines Free Software movement, the guy really does practice what he preaches.
He made a principle out of not using anything that runs proprietary software (including the BIOSes and firmwares), and not using anything that could infringe on the privacy. Even if it means inconvenience, he does not give the proprietary a fucking inch.

If we're going to choose another person to be the face of the Free Software movement, it has to be at least someone as principled and stubborn in their stand as RMS is. Does anyone know another person that would agree to live like this?

It's Free Software, goddammit, not Open Source.

Someone has to keep telling the world that.
#FreeSoftware #freedom

Is it becoming difficult to side with Free Software *without* also APPEARING to approve of any particular individual or ALL the decisions of one organization?

I think I prefer a paring knife approach over a meat cleaver or hatchet.


Git Help...

Hi folks,

there is a project that I'd like to contribute that uses #GIT to upload the translations, I thought that I would able to understand the process but I was wrong.

I did some translations in the clone folder but I have not idea how to move forward, I found the same GIT (poorly written) tutorial spread in hundreds of pages with the same content; It is pretty frustrating.

Does anyone of you know a practical and nice tutorial for beginner considering that I am not a coder and I don't have any coding background?


#linux #opensource #freesoftware #debian


#FOSDEM succeeded to run a online conference with over 8000 participants with completely #FreeSoftware (#OpenSource).

Big thanks to the #FOSDEM and the #Matrix team!


Ade Malsasa Akbar - 2021-01-29 10:40:14 GMT
Internet Independence for Everyone Made Easy

Please help me share.

❤️ Freedombox
❤️ Freedombone
❤️ Yunohost
❤️ Email-in-a-Box
❤️ Awesome Self Hosted (List) | (Directory)

Thanks: @fsf@freedomboxfndn@yunohost | Tags: #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #SoftwareFreedom #Independence

Better Than Zoom

Please help me share.


Big Blue Button

Nextcloud Talk

Worth mentioning: Mattermost ( | OpenMeeting ( | RocketChat (

All with free service accesses.

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #Zoom #VideoCall

The developers of Signal are currently doing a user survey:

I told them that I really like the app but also that I would like:
a) Signal on @fdroidorg
b) a proper desktop client
c) no data stored in "secure enclaves"

Maybe you'd like to tell them, too?


During that time I have met a lot of nice new people, also in real life. Some of them are still here, some are gone or I don't find them anymore after so many instance breakdowns, especially in the #gnusocial world. Luckily the #Fediverse is still growing and new ppl arrive while others leave again. I am glad to be a part of this network. #Mastodon #Fediverse12 #HappyFedi2U If you are interested in #FreeSoftware #GNULinux feel free to follow. I usually follow back.

Good morning and TZAG dear Fediverse.

Thank you for being here, using #FreeSoftware; today is I love FreeSoftware Day #ilovefs

Thanks to all your contributions to #FLOSS, how ever small they seem to be ❤

all the #searx instances I was used to using were failing me, so I rolled my own. removed google and enabled a whole bunch of other search engines. now I get search results from varied sources without my person being subjected to tracking, spying or data-mining.
like a boss.

#googlefree #fuckoffgoogle #selfhost #freesoftware