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🌱 My Neighbor Mastodon

Just want to say thanks for the 15K followers. It's amazing how calming it can be for me as an artist to know that my biggest audience is on the Fediverse right now. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who contributed to this.

#MastoArt #krita
A digital painting illustration being a parody of an iconic scene of the movie "My Neighbor Totoro" but instead of Totoro it's a big Mastodon, and the two girls are replaced by Pepper and Carrot, the OC of my webcomic. The scene show Mastodon sleeping on the back in the forest, with on his stomach Carrot sleeping and along his arm Pepper sleeping. White butterflies dances in the air around the scene. The artwork is painterly, done quick.

reshared this

Impresionante y muy creativa ilustración, mezclando dos de los mundos libres que nos apasionan. Pepper & Carrot y Mastodon. 🦣🐈

Gran trabajo, como bien nos tienes acostumbrados con tu arte. 😮 🖼️
Aaa that must feel great! Mine is still Twitter by a long shot (ofc the site that is currently in flames... just my luck haha). But I am happy to see many of them jump to Mastodon. Congratulations! 😍
This reminds me of "My Neighbor Totoro"
@Tealk Sure, it's an assumed reference/parody of a shot of the movie. I tell it on the image alt/description, and the title does also the reference. Thanks for noticing!
maybe i should read the text before next time :rm_funny:

very great picture
@Tealk No problem about it, I also rarely read about them, thanks again for mentioning it, it will be now easier to find the information. 😊
Thank you for your art, it's a lot of fun! At the moment, I let my 10yo read two or three episodes of Pepper&Carrot with me before bed, and he's laughing out loud every time.
@geewiz That's priceless to read, thank you!
Belle et juste reconnaissance !
Merci à toi, David Revoy. <3
I'm glad you're here with us! 💜
I love this, it looks so cozy 💖
TY for your awesome work 🤗
When I discovered your comic, I read the entire run in one sitting and I can't wait for more, if there will be more! Your work is appreciated. Thank you for sharing it with the world!
@wishx Thanks a lot. And yes, even if I had a big break after this summer, I can confirm, there will be more; I'm working on episode 38 😊
oh how lovely this is.... the sentiment of the message, and the image to go with it :) wonderful ;)

(coudn't agree more with the blissful mood here in the fediverse!)

If you're looking for higher image quality, consider chiming in here:

@nafnlaus Thanks, I think the quality is OK even if I can sympathize with the example on the bug report.
Pro of 'low' quality+resize:
- lower stockage
- lower bandwidth
- best for ecology
- sometime jpg artifacts

Anyway, I post all the source, layered and hi-resolution of my art on my blog under a creative commons license ( for reusage , eg. wallpapers, and full resolution ). I consider here only "previews. That's why I'm OK. (and because, ecology 🌱)
It's actually throwing away quality for no good reason, unfortunately. With proper handling we can compress JPEGs to half the size for a given amount of quality (or double the quality for a given size). And WebP improves that ratio by ~25-30%, and AVIF by ~50%. And then better dedup'ing (image fingerprintting) could cut server resources dramatically further. There's also proposals for a HQ (but less convenient) image option, with lower default size.
@nafnlaus Ha, that's good to see other format and the ratio quality/storage/bandwith being studied. If there is a waste in quality that could be solved without putting weight (or even better, with lighter footprint), I'm all OK!
Love the alt text for this - if that's 'done quick', I'd love to see what happens when you take time over something! Your style is gorgeous 😍
@JulieRoff Thank you very much! :blobcatheart:

For my art with a larger time budget on the rendering, you can check my portfolio on my website:
The quote is explicit: My Neighbor Totoro (1988)written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki so...
quel bel hommage.

Je ne résiste pas à partager le si joli thème de Joe Hisaishi qui va avec :
@marctapages:blobaww: Merci, Oh, et magnifique cette version live. 😍
Yeap, j'adore non seulement la musique mais aussi les expressions réjouies du maestro.
this is beautiful!
and you have got one more. Thanks from Spain
Your illustrations are so beautiful, it's just amazing
Beautiful and calming as always :blobaww:
I have the same feeling about "social" media (with a reaaally smaller audience) : it's on the Fediverse that most people react and write comments about my comics, and I love it :mint:
Man, you are such a legend! Every open source project that I like (including Pepper&Carrot), it have your artwork, and this is awesome! You deserve more and more followers (and I hope they all follow you through the Fediverse). Thank you for your art!
What a beautiful picture!
aww this is so adorable :ablobcatheartsqueeze:
Thanks for sharing this and your other work and thanks for being a part of the Fediverse! Congrats on 15K :blobcathearts:

P.S.: my girlfriend wanted me to comment that she also finds this piece really adorable :)
I love this art, great work. It's great having you on Mastodon.
clicking through to see illustrations like this is like unwrapping a present :)
This is so sweet! Love the soft enchantment vibes
je suis toujours impressionné par la composition de vos peintures numériques. Surtout sur les jeux d'ombres et lumières !
@gportier Merci! Pour celle là, je n'ai pas beaucoup de mérite: j'ai parodié une scène iconique des studio Ghibli et il y avait franchement déjà des éléments de génie à la composition.

La ref:
effectivement, mais le travail reste présent 😉
Nice to see you are doing great here on the Fediverse. 😀
I feel like #Mastodon giving up the hero image and theming was a mistake.
Wow this looks amazing!

May I use this as my wallpaper? If so, how can I find the full resolution form?

Thanks in advance :)
@alvanrahimli Thanks!

Sure, I posted the 4K picture (3840x2160px) on my blog (click the picture to open the large version), link:
I was just browsing your portfolio. All are really nice pieces of art, very well done!

Also, knowing you did all of them with FOSS, makes me happier :)

Keep up the good work <3

(thanks again for link)
Also, knowing you did all of them with FOSS, makes me happier :)
More than that, he documents the process, giving a lot to the comunity… 😍😍
@marcelcosta man, do we even deserve you? 😂
@linuxgamer Hey thanks LinuxGamer and for your supportive comments all this time! (even on Twitter, you are the same LinuxGamer with the red slime , right? )
hey I've just discovered by chance your profile now on Mastodon and your illustrations are amazing! Awesome work! 👌🏻
I didn't know you were on Mastodon! It's a nice surprise, I love your comic.
15K? Wow! Congrats!
Congratulations on reaching 15,000 followers. I'm happy to be one of the fortunate ones.
oh this is beautiful! 🥰
This piece makes me feel so peaceful. I believe I will have beautiful dreams because of it. Thank you!
lovely Mastoart from an ArtMaestro in the Fediverse!
And now I have a new header image. ❤️ 😍
i love mastodon elephant mascot and you draw it so nicely. Love your works :blobaww:
Congrats David! 🎉
fantastic art✨
Fabulous art! I love it.
I can't get over how awesome this turned out, how long did it take you to complete?
@Starflight48r2_ Hey, thanks! Around 2h30, but I was cooking at the same time, so I had to keep an eye on the kitchen.
To be fair, I had no merit in this one; the reference I had to parody this famous scene from My Neighbor Totoro had almost all resolved: light, composition, etc...
Also, the view angle is pretty 'staged' and perspective flat. That's why I could bypass drawing. You'll find the process here:
that's amazing, artwork of this level tends to take me weeks or months to do, how are you so fast?
@Starflight48r2_ Hey, it used to take me weeks also 20 years ago, it's totally normal and it's a good practice to take care of all the steps.

The speed comes with time, removing bit by bit what's unnecessary and building automatism for part of the process.

You don't need to paint with a clock or anything to increase it, it just build up with practice and time, IMO. Having a webcomic with life around and deadline for sure really made me reconsider my time budget on each panel 😅
how do you time budget around normal adult life stuff?
@Starflight48r2_ Hey, please define "normal adult life". Because here, I'm probably far from that 😉 .
Thats one hell of a design for #mastodon :mastodon: 🎉
Check this #MastoArt made by @davidrevoy using #FreeSoftware #Krita from #KDE #art #design #creativity #mastindia

Posting low res, check high res on original toot.
That's absolutely beautiful! :mastolove:
I hope he doesn't turns to his right side.. because... 😮
wow that's so beautiful 😍​
Eep! So cute! I love the Totoro reference 😄
so calm ♥️ Thank you for sharing your art!
just found your art and all i can say is thank you! 💪🏼
So happy to see you and your work here on Mastodon!
@user Hey, I see you are new here; so just to let you get a feedback, you just wrote my name on a empty toot. Maybe you hit the 'reply' button and then left the text box empty and pressed the publish button. On my side, I had a notification with a empty reply, just my name.
No problem! Take your time playing with the option, it takes a little time to get used. Welcome here.
"J'vais d'appeler Tootoro !"