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Items tagged with: school

Almost every day I've to drive past a high school or rather the parking lot of a high school. It's a wealthy area so most of the kids there get their own car at 16.
1 kid = 1 car.
Next block is a primary school with the same principle 1 kid = 1 pick-up car.
If I'm unlucky enough to be there around 3pm I've to witness one of the worst display of Human stupidity and selfishness where hundreds of kids and parents drive empty cars in the same directions.
How can I have any hope for the future when I see wealthy and I assume, educated people rejecting car pooling probably on the ground that it's child abuse to force kids to share a car or worst, use public transportation (the horror! /s).
Car culture is destroying not just the planet, it's destroying social solidarity.

#car #publictransport #school #america #ClimateChange

Are you a teacher?

Please share what #FreeSoftware do you use at #school so we can exchange solutions.

For example, at my online course I use for myself and students:

- GNU/Linux
- LibreOffice Writer
- LibreOffice Calc
- LibreOffice Impress
(Open Document Format is mandatory for all)
- Firefox browser
- Jitsi Meet
- Geany
- WordPress
- CryptPad
- F-Droid

If you love #education, please boost.
Jitsi Meet, an online video conferencing teachers should choose instead of Zoom or Google Meet.

Pepper&Carrot DIY boxes made by the students of Belgium school: EESPSCF Saint-Mard. The type of derivation possible thanks to Free/Libre licenses and that I love ❤️

More info and visuals:
#creativecommons #school #diy #webcomics