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Items tagged with: Microsoft

Wow, this is so well written. A convincing condemnation of what #microsoft is doing with #github copilot

I hope the lawsuits succeed.

As long as it's not possible to avoid registering on #Github, I refuse to publish #Rust #crates on .

#Microsoft should not be a gatekeeper of a community-owned programming language.

Give Up #GitHub: The Time Has Come!

Specifically, we at Software Freedom Conservancy have been actively communicating with #Microsoft and their GitHub subsidiary about our concerns with “Copilot” since they first launched it almost exactly a year ago. Our initial video chat call (in July 2021) with Microsoft and GitHub representatives resulted in several questions which they said they could not answer at that time, but would “answer soon”. After six months of no response, Bradley published his essay, If Software is My #Copilot, Who Programmed My Software? — which raised these questions publicly. Still, GitHub did not answer our #questions.
#opensource #activism #freedom #protest #software #news #coder #development #gpl #decentralisation

Nahezu alle österreichischen Pflichtschulen, von denen ich bisher Digitalisierungsbemühungen mitbekommen habe, setzen auf #Microsoft und deren Clouddienste (OneDrive, Teams, Outlook Online…). Damit wird eine Generation an Menschen darauf trainiert, diese Dienste unkritisch ohne nachzudenken einzusetzen. Auch fällt es diesen #Schulen dann schwer, in der #Ausbildung eine kritische Haltung den Anbietern gegenüber einzunehmen, z.B. wenn Fälle wie unter beschrieben passieren.

If you use #TBlock on #Windows, you may experience the following problems:
- Slow boot time
- Huge delay before internet connectivity

Unfortunately, there's nothing much we can do about it. Once again, this shows how #Microsoft wants to lock their users in an environment without letting them the possibility to escape.

Supporting big hosts file is not that much of a challenge, it works like a charm on most POSIX compliant systems. But M$ wants to track you and they'll always try to do so.

If the difference that #Microsoft keeps the collected data closed, while #popularity-contest makes it public available: - Where can you find that with MS?

Hey #Canonical, are you MAD?

"popularity-contest"? On a #Ubuntu #server? Freshly installed? Without notice?

Guys, seriously. Installing some kind of software "just because we can" during OS deployment is Microsoft-style.
Honestly I do not care if it runs without further configuration or whatever, but a by-default enabled cron job is enough for me to take further action.

This is exactly what causes computer security issues. Dropping software on users without need nor confirmation.
Please. Don't be #Microsoft.

And this is my polite version.

Give Up #GitHub: The Time Has Come!


Specifically, we at Software Freedom Conservancy have been actively communicating with #Microsoft and their GitHub subsidiary about our concerns with “Copilot” since they first launched it almost exactly a year ago. Our initial video chat call (in July 2021) with Microsoft and GitHub representatives resulted in several questions which they said they could not answer at that time, but would “answer soon”. After six months of no response, Bradley published his essay, If Software is My #Copilot, Who Programmed My Software? — which raised these questions publicly. Still, GitHub did not answer our #questions.

#opensource #activism #freedom #protest #software #news #coder #development #gpl #decentralisation

Why can't we have nice things?

Microsoft. Microsoft is why we can't have nice things.

I believe we’re at the Extinguish step of the Embrace-Extend-Extinguish plan of #Microsoft acquiring #GitHub .

An open source developer pushed an update removing all functionality and deleted their project from GitHub (going so far as to use git push --force to purge the Git commit tree).

GitHub and Microsoft used this library internally so they reversed the changes and banned them from GitHub for deleting their project.

The issue here is GitHub said you are not allowed to delete your project.

Lmao so #Windows Defender on my work laptop just warned me I had a trojan called "Peekeul.B."

Nothing I can find about it online except from #Microsoft itself:

Windows removed it automatically so I looked at the details of what exactly it removed.

Turns out the malware in question is Endpoint Analytics.

That's Microsoft's own software allowing employers to monitor employee computers:

And according to Microsoft's own antivirus, it's #malware.

#Microsoft -led #Github has introduced a new annoying feature: left open overnight, a GitHub browser tab will be unresponsive for a while when trying to interact with it in the morning.

I could swear it wasn’t the case a couple months ago.

"#Windows needs to connect to a few more #Microsoft services yaddi yadda..."

No it doesn't, fuck you.

This instance of worker #surveillance is particularly egregious, but it is only the latest installment of a long-running #Microsoft strategy, please read the whole thread.

Esoteric metrics based on analyzing extensive data about employee activities has been mostly the domain of fringe software vendors. Now it's built into MS 365.

A new feature to calculate 'productivity scores' turns Microsoft 365 into an full-fledged workplace surveillance tool:


Also fuck #Microsoft for hiding the middle finger in the #Windows emoji keyboard, I don't need your unwarranted prude filter. Same fucking deal than #Apple who both replaced the handgun emoji with a water pistol.


And #gitea as a distributed bug reporting system, not #github from #Microsoft .

#Windows 10 has a feature called Fresh Start. From the Settings panel:
Start fresh with a clean and up-to-date installation of Windows. This will keep your personal files and some Windows settings, and remove some of your apps.

In some cases, this may improve your device's startup and shutdown experience, memory usage, Store apps performance, browsing experience and battery life.
I enjoy the #Microsoft engineer's resignation that they can't fix the inevitable bloat, but at least they can provide a one-button reinstall feature.