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Items tagged with: Ubuntu

Creating several friendica instances and other websites as sub/domains on one VPS with one IP

Ver. 05 | install and/or move friendica to ubuntu 22.04 LTS VPS server

2025 a Linux éve🐧.
Leporoltam a kis irodai desktop gépem,tettem rá egy #ubuntu-t, most erről megy majd a torrent+plex.

My #Hungarian teacher asked me yesterday if I could help her with her computer, because she had some issues. Old retired woman.

When she started her PC, it turned out, she is using #Ubuntu #Linux.

The OS upgrade was an opportunity for #Ubuntu to once more saddle me down with a #snap install of #Firefox, removing my hand-installed apt version.

And I get all the funny little horrors back. Just now after a sudden Firefox crash, I now have the hand mouse pointer on any URL link.. that is completely BS and unworkable.

Baue ein #Docker Image auf #Ubuntu:20.04 -> ~34 MB

Okay, geht sicher kleiner.
Nehme #Debian:12 -> ~60 MB 🤔

Baue auf Ubuntu:22.04 -> ~31MB


I feel, I can't recommend #Ubuntu anymore.
The fact that they are pushing #Snap is the reason.
One of the reasons is, that Snap gives a bad user experience. Snaps are really slow at startup and sometimes you have to launch them twice before they open, sometimes it just doesn't open at all.

I understand that using Snap is much easier, since you make one package , that runs everywhere, and I'm all for it! #Linux has been needing something like Snap and #Flatpak for a long time and now they are finally here. But pushing a product which doesn't work well is what I don't like about it.

Flatpak works much better and more smoothly than Snap does. Another thing about Snap I think they should be fixing is the centralization around Snapcraft - make it possible for others to set up repositories.

I think many people are having the same opinion, so hopefully (for themselves) #Canonical can learn and change the issues before Snap goes to 0. If they don't, then eventually more apps will come to #Flathub instead of #Snapcraft.

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The News floating around that #Ubuntu is going public dates back to April 2022, so let’s not get too upset, I don’t think there’s been any news since.
Obviously, once shareholders get involved, things tend to turn to crap and it makes it really hard to stick to a vision, as decisions become only about profit for said shareholders and not about what is right for users, but as long as the IPO hasn’t gone through, no reason to panic.

I run it on #Ubuntu #MATE #LTS... should work fine with #Linux #Mint, i would assume. It is an #Electron based application.

Hey #Canonical, are you MAD?

"popularity-contest"? On a #Ubuntu #server? Freshly installed? Without notice?

Guys, seriously. Installing some kind of software "just because we can" during OS deployment is Microsoft-style.
Honestly I do not care if it runs without further configuration or whatever, but a by-default enabled cron job is enough for me to take further action.

This is exactly what causes computer security issues. Dropping software on users without need nor confirmation.
Please. Don't be #Microsoft.

And this is my polite version.

Webkiszolgálók elleni támadások elemzése, védelem felépítése és a támadók kitiltása

Ich bräuchte ein wenig Hilfe und Ideen zum Thema Linux Installation.

Auf einem alten 64 Bit PC, dessen BIOS beim Booten leider nur USB Sticks mit maximal 2GB akzeptiert, würde ich gerne ein aktuelles Kubuntu 21.04 installieren. Das ISO ist leider 2.7GB groß.

Was könnte ich machen, um Kubuntu 21.04 hier zu installieren, ohne dass ich über die 64Bit 18.04 64 Bit Version und sämtliche Updates gehen muss.

#Linux #Kubuntu #Ubuntu

Weiss jemand, ob es ein aktuelles Ubuntu deb paket für ProjectM gibt? Die Version in den Quellen ist uralt (2013?) und stürzt beim Wechsel des Presets ab.
#Linux #Ubuntu #PPA #ProjectM