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Items tagged with: Wikipédia

hold on to your butts folx, #Wikipedia Dark Mode is coming :fox_dance:

Wir haben uns dazu entschieden, unseren Account auf X zu stillzulegen 😓

Die Entwicklung seit der Übernahme durch Elon Musk ist nicht mit unseren Werten vereinbar. ❌

💛 Wir freuen uns auf den Austausch mit euch hier.

Seid ihr schon gegangen? Und wie sind die Erfahrungen? 🤔

#wikipedia #wikimedia #byebyex #byebyetwitter #elonmusk

A somewhat tardy #introduction:

Hi! I'm OpenSexism. I share pieces about #sexism. I also maintain an archive of over 2500 studies, essays, and interviews about #genderbias: Please tag me if you would like me to add your piece to this collection

Mostly, I strive to amplify voices, but occasionally, I write as well: I'm particularly fond of my collection on machine learning and gender bias: Also #wikipedia, #academia

The Wikimedia Foundation, which serves as the non-profit host for #Wikipedia, @wikidata, @mediawiki, and other free knowledge projects, has joined the Fediverse as @wikimediafoundation - welcome!!

Distrust of non-commercial projects.

Appears #BigJournalism does not treat non-commercial projects as legitimate.

Examples of projects which are discounted include the #Fediverse, #Wikipedia, #Wikidata, #MusicBrainz, & the #Greens.

Whereas #Facebook's #AssociationWithGenocide, Twitter allowing white supremecy, anti-vacc and Q-Anon to spread their poison, and similar on YT and TikTok etc, get treated as if that is just the acceptable cost of doing business . Cause they're "legitimate".

This is horrible!
Unfortunately, I don't know much about the reporting process either, only that it's easier for members who also contribute (everybody can become one). Then it is a process of debates.
So I hoped that by addressing their account they should hear what happens.
@wikipedia I do hope that Wikipedians do their work now!
Thank you for making it public. #Wikipedia #Wiktionary

Also ist der deutsche #Wikipedia-Artikel zum #Fediverse möglicherweise schon zu technisch?

P.S.: Habe zu meinem "klassischen" #Mastodon-Account gewechselt. Das Zusammenspiel zwischen #Mammuthus und #Friendica bietet noch zu viel Raum für Optimierung... :-|

Congrats to our friends at @debian :debian: on the successful release of the newest version of the "universal operating system": Debian 12, aka Bookworm

#Wikipedia runs on #Debian because of its commitment to stability, security and software freedom. We'll be upgrading to bookworm soon!

I was surprised that only this week I landed my first code contribution to MediaWiki. I would have sworn that I did so before, but I found nothing in git history.

MediaWiki is the 20 years old software running many widely used wikis, eg Wikipedia, Wikidata, Commons, Fandom, written mostly in PHP. Per GitHub, it saw more than 112,000 patches by almost 600 contributors. It is the core of an ecosystem of hundreds of extensions.

#MediaWiki #Wikipedia #opensource

Laughing so hard...

"Tell in a sentece that you don't understand #Wikipedia without telling you don't understand Wikipedia."

#musk #:twitter:

books not so many, I confess. #Wikipedia articles, a LOT.

Most people that I meet on my photography adventures don't know that "taking pictures for Wikipedia" is a thing. So, when I'm out shooting, I often engage in conversations about how Wikipedia needs more photos. That's what happened this morning, when I took this image for the article "Greater white-fronted goose":

Please consider sharing your photos with a global audience through #Wikipedia !

#PacificFlyway #wikiphotographer #birdphotography #wikimediacommons
A greater white-fronted goose in flight. Clearly visible is the light grey breast dappled with dark brown to black blotches and bars

We are thrilled to release Fungal, a variable fork of DejaVu Sans that can grow like mycelium. Fungal is the fruit of an ongoing collaboration between @triple and @raphael , and is part of the larger project

🍄 Download it here:

#mycology #typedesign #freesoftware #fungi #wikipedia

indeed, CC requests attribution by *any* good means, usually by URL or to point the specific #wikipedia article/language, which does have the public history. Same goes for #OSM since by knowing the area the history can be retrieved. (ODbL aside.)

What I find amusing (as a #Wikipedia and #OSM contributor) that the #NFT does not even give you "intellectual property" (aka. ©) rights, so, basically you own something you may not even possibly have in possession or show to others.

I see a huge market in selling others' digital "goods" as "originals" to clueless people, using fake celebs names, cash in bitcoin and diappear until next time. Possibly can't even jail me since I have stolen nothing, and provided the "goods" as well. Criminals' heaven!

@Terra Fenderson since I am involved in #OpenStreetMap and #Wikipedia, and doing a fair amount of open source stuff I don't think it's that easy and simple.

The system is not bad, but it has made some really bad decisions along the way, for the sake of either simplicity or expected efficiency, which in turn resulted user unhappiness and it had lead to non-popularity. Ruby don't seem to be that popular, so there are fewer possible volunteers as well. I see the reasons but they all seem to suggest to drop the project, shut down the server and move on to, say, Friendica, which is (despite written in a language designed by eels) under active development and interfaces with activitypub as well. Without the security, obviously.

But I am just being grumpy, I will not shut down the server, despite that it only has a few users doing absolutely nothing useful or productive on it. It is just there.