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Items tagged with: life

To the newcomers

"Life is neither static nor unchanging. With no individuality, there can be no change, no adaptation and, in an inherently changing world, any species unable to adapt is also doomed."

Jean M. Auel

No place is perfect, adapt and enjoy with time you will establish your network.


#twitter #twitterexodus #fediverse #mastodon #life #newcomer #newhere #welcome

#Life is #simple; #people are complicated.
La #vida es simple; las #personas son complicadas.

As sense of smell is slowly coming back I keep thinking it would be nice to have an option to turn it on and off at will.

There are so many situations for that.


Currently it is the point of life when my mom asks me how I am the only possible answer is: "I am fine".

Anything remotely negative will get her worrying and result in great fuss and possibly health complications for her.

So I am never sick, things at work are always great and all is fine. It is better not to talk politics too and it's where I usually slip up.


When no people were in the room one of the cats dropped open cereal box from the shelf spilling it all around.

The dogs were in the room when it happened. They love cereal.

So when I entered the room and found this the dogs weren't there. The cereal on the floor was untouched. Apparently when it happened they decided to leave the room to stay away from the temptation. Good doggies. Bad kitty.

#cats #dogs #life

Me: I got up earlier so now I have extra time for all these little things I've been postponing!

Cat(climbs on me): Yes. Pet me now.

(I have to wash him by the way. He is supposed to be white.)

#life and #cat

#cat #life

Updated remote Windows workstation and let it reboot. One hour later I tried to connect to it and couldn't.

- What. Really? On the weekend?
- Fuck you, MICROS~1 and your buggy updates!
Ah, all is fine, I was entering my password in wrong language...


I watched Dark series and I think it pretty much sucked. They could do so much better with the plot.

But they have Nena's Irgendwie Irgendwo Irgendwann as soundtrack and I liked this song in the past. Now I downloaded five versions of it and I just can't stop listening to it imagining all sorts of fantasies related to the series (and not so much).

#life #music

Visited my drinking buddy today. It became problematic as the police became overzealous about drinking in public in the last couple of years.

But cold snowy weather has its advantages. One is reducing police patrols to nil.

So hi, Ilich. How are you? Becoming less and less amused about all that shit I see? I totally get you.

#life 🗺🔎: 55.759, 37.558


Mental note:
Winter jacket and pajamas are not adequate clothing for night walk with dogs when temperatures drop below -15C.

Must wear proper pants tomorrow.

This picture my phone accidentally snapped when I was taking it out of pocket on morning walk with dogs - and I like it.


Not quite #myphoto #dogs #life

First fall this winter.

Fucking ice. Can't we have nice fluffy snow everywhere until the spring?


I heard another Debian update was out so I updated my home server. Then I updated my laptop while I was at it. Then I updated my web server. And another one. Updated mail server. Updated webmail. Updated ejabberd. It broke. Fixed it. Updated anti-censorship proxy. Updated Nextcloud. Surprisingly it worked. Updated Wireguard and it didn't. Fixed it. Updated Windows at my work PC. Updated Windows my laptop dual-boots into and which I never use. Updated apps in my phone. Checked for updates for Funkwhale but there were none. So I updated some scripts for it.

Then I sat back I thought what else needed updating. Nothing came to my mind except that I forgot to fix leaking faucet in bathroom. Again.


Remember when it all started and people rushed to buy toilet paper?

After initial shortage stores picked up the slack and put toilet paper on sale. We happened to run out of it so I got 24 roll pack real cheap.

Today I noticed I had one roll left.
#life #DaysOfCorona