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Updated remote Windows workstation and let it reboot. One hour later I tried to connect to it and couldn't.

- What. Really? On the weekend?
- Fuck you, MICROS~1 and your buggy updates!
Ah, all is fine, I was entering my password in wrong language...

I have one windows computer. It's a virtual box instance that I haven't started up in a couple months. I should probably update it... On the other hand, I haven't needed it in months. I probably won't need it any time soon.
@Jerry Lumpkins I have Windows dual-booting on my laptop like that. I use it to check things sometimes... Maybe once in three months?

Most of the time I start it up to update and shut down again.

Can't get rid of it at work though - too much Windows-based systems around. It is possible to use Linux to control them but not very productive.
Funny how often we nick ourselves with Occam's Razor.
@pianomad Today I got two cuts at least.
I read the most recent update again is buggy
@Christoph S You can open news at any day, type "Windows Update" in the search and among top recent hits there will be something about recent update breaking systems :)

I was pretty lucky with them so far though.
I was fortunate in that I was able to do everything I needed to at work with linux for years.