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Visited my drinking buddy today. It became problematic as the police became overzealous about drinking in public in the last couple of years.

But cold snowy weather has its advantages. One is reducing police patrols to nil.

So hi, Ilich. How are you? Becoming less and less amused about all that shit I see? I totally get you.

#life 🗺🔎: 55.759, 37.558

Drinking is restricted here as well but not really penalised unless you are acting up (or drunk driving)
@Cass M Used to be the same here but things changed a few years ago. Now the police KPI seem to include this sort of misdemeanor so they are eager to bring violators to the station to book in. This can take hours.

Also if you are unlucky this can get you registered as drug user (alcoholic) which is PITA to clear - you'll have to visit special facilities and pass tests. It happened to a friend a couple years ago.
Isn't it suspicious for a young Russian man not to drink in public? xD
@Theaitetos (テアイテトス) Depends. If you look like you don't have ID and any money on you then you are clear to do that. Otherwise you will likely gain new drinking buddies in gray uniforms pretty quick :)
Is drinking that much of a problem there or are they looking for excuses?
@Cass M Mainly the latter. The police here have "stats" as their KPI - basically numbers of different misdemeanors they have to book in to show they are working efficiently. The obvious problem with this approach is that when they are low on their stats they tend to go after easy targets - people who are sober, have ID and are not likely to make trouble. If you fit this profile then the first police car will likely get you.

There isn't much problem with alcohol lately. People seem to be drinking less.

This applies to Moscow and Saint-Petersburg, not sure how things are elsewhere.
Yes, drinking has really become less of a thing here too.
There isn’t much problem with alcohol lately. People seem to be drinking less.
Glad to hear that. I'm still angry at what (((western elites))) did to Russia & SNG after the SU collapsed and drunk Yeltsin sold out his people to the new (((oligarchs))). Making young Russian men succumb to alcohol & drugs was just one of their ways of destroying the Russian people.