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Items tagged with: Sunset

#Sunset 13/2/24. Quite wonderful tonight. After a night and morning of rain, the afternoon brightened up.
And this was the icing on the day.
#MyPhoto #AsSeenWalking #Photography

Ein großer Sprung.
Eine Menschenfigur geschnitzt aus dem Stamm einer Kastanie. Abendspaziergang mit meiner Tochter und mit 🐕 Tico im Park. 18.01.2024
#Kunst aus einem #Baumstamm #Park #Sonnenuntergang #Licht #Wolken #Foto #meinFoto #mywork #Art from a #Tree Trunk #Park #Sunset #Light #Clouds #Photo #myPhoto

Another good one this evening.
#sunset #nola
A vibrant orange-pink sunset against a blanket of tufted cloud. The sky is reflected in nearly still water with some trees and urban decay nearly silhouetted across the horizon.

Daisy Impasto Flowers Sunset
By Olga Kurbanova (OKoilArt) ©

#painting #flowers #nature #sunset
Oil painting of many bright blue flowers with yellow cores, standing in between rather abstract foliage in various shades of green. The sky is brightly coloured in shades of pink, red, yellow, orange and some grey.

No matter how good the capture of a #sunset photo around here, it's never all. Or even close to all. When the massive, ethereal red glow of a sunset or sunrise tinges the mountains and clouds on the opposite horizon--and everything in between, including you-- it's beyond the scope of any camera.

The gold-red glow of sunset lights the Chiricahua Mountains and the lower edges of a few dark storm clouds above. Spiky desert bushes fill the foreground, along with a single traffic cone with reflective tape.

Sagres, Portugal is captivating in its natural beauty. Renowned for its pristine beaches & rock formations that stretch along the Algarve Coast & the Atlantic Ocean. Sagres is a surfers mecca with something to offer every level of surfer. Love the way the clouds mimic the waves of the sea.

The ART:

#Nature #sunset #Photography #Art #MastoArt #ayearforart #Portugal #beach #fediart #Photo #Photographie #waves #Travel #surf
Rocky coast of Sagres, Portugal. Setting sun lights up the churning waves along the rocky coast. Orange sunset with clouds that curl just like the waves.

.@evan Hello from #Stockholm, #Sweden. #Sunrise here tomorrow will be at 08:42, #sunset at 15:03. Few employers will let you go for a run at these hours.

The nice thing about sunsets is that, if you miss one, you will get a new one tomorrow.
Shared with a CC BY-NC licence. If you use these photographs, please link to Heptagrama as attribution. Thank you!

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Lo lindo de los atardeceres es que, si te pierdes uno, tendrás otro mañana.
Las comparto en el marco de una licencia CC BY-NC. Si vas a usar estas fotografías, por favor da un enlace a Heptagrama en la atribución. ¡Gracias!

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#photography #sunset #pacific-ocean #sea #peru #tree #2020
#fotografía #atardeceres #oceano-pacifico #mar #perú #árbol #2020

"On my bike, stopped at a light, nobody in front of me, a puddle, a passing tramway, sunset lights... and just enough time to get my phone out and snap a picture, not too bad."

A vélo, arrêté au feu rouge, personne devant moi, une flaque d'eau, un tram qui passe, les lueurs du soleil qui se couche.... et tout juste le temps de dégainer le téléphone pour faire une photo pas trop mal 😏🔥😍 #montpellier #sunset