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What is the best time to exercise?

#Poll #EvanPoll

  • Around sunrise (51%, 205 votes)
  • Around noon (18%, 72 votes)
  • Around sunset (23%, 93 votes)
  • Around midnight (7%, 30 votes)
400 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

Evan Prodromou reshared this.

so far everyone agrees with me! 😂
Regarding #exercise , I'd add the option: "now rather than later" 😀

And with that prompt, I'm off to do some.
Oh, shoot. Thanks for reminding me! It was too cold and rainy to go out this morning. So I still need to do my walk/run. 🏃🏾
around sunrise, while I'm asleep.
The best time to exercise is now.
Ideally around sunrise. Realistically, more like 3:00 PM for me.
When you feel like sunrise?
just finished. 10:34p my time.
Yeah. None of those. Every one of those times cuts in to an important and more interesting thing to do.
now ask me how often I exercise
when you can fit it into your schedule. It's different for everyone and what's most important is doing it. Time is not a factor really.
I voted "around sunrise" as I probably enjoy those the most but I usually don't actually exercise until the late-afternoon-oh-shit-there-only-two-more-hours-of-sunlight-better-go-now period and sometimes not until the nearly-midnight-oh-shit-if-I-don't-get-going-now-it-won't-count-for-today zone.
voted based on which of the movies was my favorite.
whenever i make it to the treadmill
per science; sometime in the afternoon. per my schedule; painfully early, several hours before sunrise.
This changes for me every couple years. In my last semester at university, I’d always go for my runs or another workout at 9-10pm. Last year, it was shortly after I woke up. Now, my ideal would be late morning/noon, but that’ll only happen on the weekends.

Maybe it fluctuates based on when I’m a morning person versus not…
.@evan Hello from #Stockholm, #Sweden. #Sunrise here tomorrow will be at 08:42, #sunset at 15:03. Few employers will let you go for a run at these hours.
@mrundkvist it may be a language issue, but the intent of the poll is to divide up the 24 hours into quadrants. I'm not asking about the exact moment of sunrise and sunset.
@mrundkvist darn and here I was getting ready to start my new workout routine: one minute of exercise each at sunrise, sunset, noon, and midnight.

Which, TBH, is more than I get some days.
@mrundkvist so morning and evening then, not sunrise and sunset. 😉
Seriously, drive four or five hours north of Stockholm and the sun rise just before lunch and set just after, in the same “quadrant”. But don’t worry, we know what you mean. 👍🏻
Interesting results! I also think morning is best. I get to feel that post-exercise high all day, and don't stress about finding exercise time through the rest of the day. Most often I miss my chance and don't work out till evening or night.
my answer was half in jest / half accurate. Most exercise I ever do is a cycle commute. So 8am and 5pm.
I can never really wake up early enough to attempt it. And on the very rare occasion I do I need a very long runway before I get to physical activity. Noon can be nice in the dead of winter but but most of the time it’s just asking for sunburn. Right around sunset? That’s the sweet spot.
For me, morning best for consistency, but evening best for stress recovery
The sunrise people are all psychos! Although I'm jealous because it sounds nice.
the real answer is the best time is whenever it works for you.
@lakelady ok, so what is the best time for you?
usually mid-morning. I'm not a morning person so sunrise is a no-go for me. I prefer to up up for at least an hour or two before exercising. But the point is to exercise, the time is almost irrelevant. (I don't recommend doing it to close to when you want to sleep is all)