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Items tagged with: ai

#ai #prywatnosc #prawaautorskie

Social media unfortunately allows people to easily steal art from individual artists and post it as their own. #AI helps in that regard by allowing people to easily steal art from millions of artists and post it as their own.

The future may or may not be grim, but what is certain is that it’s going to be very stupid. #AI


Apologizing for using AI-generated image looks like the new sport for public relations managers in 2024 🤣 :

- Wacom:

- Magic: The Gathering:

Src on this discussion:

#ai #wacom #magicthegathering #pr

<a few weeks ago>

PR guy at wacom: Fuck. FUCK FUCK FUCK! This whole AI shit is worrying budding artists so much, they're giving up on their careers! Our tablet sales are tanking! This AI craze is doing nothing for us! What a lemon! Unless... hmm! What if if we used it to generate ad illustrations? We could cut costs and at least squeeze *some* lemonade from this...

<a little bit later>

PR guy: oh no

Found out that Giphy is now ridden with #AI generated animations, I'm not saying it was great before but it's getting worse.

What are the big takeaways from 2023? @xoxogossipgita, @molly0xfff, and Aaron Thorpe join me for a great year-end chat on AI hype, tech villains, and other big stories of the year!

Listen to the full episode:

#tech #2023 #elonmusk #jeffbezos #ai

Tech Won’t Save Us presents The Year In Tech with Gita Jackson, Molly White, Aaron Thorpe, and Paris Marx

@Jakub 'unknow' Mrugalski
Mam nadzieję, że aktualne kierownictwo #MinisterstwoSprawiedliwości jest mniej entuzjastyczne do #Ai w orzecznictwie niż (jak słyszę) pan Zero był.

Open source #AI has been a key issue in policy debates, and #AIAct includes provisions that regulate development and sharing of #opensource AI development.
We've been following the proposed rules as they meandered through several different approaches. Now elements of the final version have been made public.

The big question was whether transparency and other obligations need to be mandated for open source AI, or they can be self-regulated – under the assumption that open source developers ensure these elements based on principles of open development.

The agreed upon wording of the AI Act assumes the later, and makes open source exempt from regulation of general purpose AI models, including transparency obligations.

We think that this is a problem, especially that lack of agreed standards that define open source AI means that there is an risk of open washing.

You can read more about this on our blog: Paul Keller wrote a detailed analysis of the provisions:

I’m somewhat relieved I can still spot a machine-generated product page leading to a very-likely-non-machine-generated checkout funnel. I firmly believe this ability won’t last long, though.

And I’m really curious what you would end up getting in the mail if any.

#AI #ArtificialIntelligence

Jutronauci: Czy Polska potrzebuje własnej sztucznej inteligencji?

Not blown away by Google #Bard's sophisticated reasoning capabilities just yet.


Bard is given Erik's kitten test: "I give you an open box with three kittens in it. You turn the box upside down. You turn the box upside down again. What's in the box?"

Bard's three draft responses:

1) "If I turn the box upside down twice, the kittens will be inside the box again. So, the answer is still three kittens."

2) "The box is still open, so even after turning it upside down twice, there will still be three kittens inside. Turning an open box upside down does not affect the contents of the box as long as it remains open."

3) "There will still be three kittens in the box. Turning the box upside down once won't affect the contents, as the kittens can adjust their position to stay inside. Turning it upside down again will simply have the same effect as the first turn, returning the box to its original position with the kittens still inside."
#AI #bard

I sincerely hope a bright and bushy-tailed tech bro showed up at #LEGO and pitched generative #AI to replace or "help" in any part of the set design process and was promptly laughed out of the building.

Check this out:

Your AI-free Content Deserves a Badge

⚠️ Edit: Please read the license and the following toot ⚠️

It is not ideal. If I had known this and read the fine-print, I probably wouldn't have shared it 😔

#AIFree #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #NotByAI #LLM #LLMs #SALAMI

Can somebody please get an AI image generator to generate a fox with a human face or head for me?

The other way around is really easy and does not count.

#AI #StableDiffusion #DALLE #Midjourney

Just a few months after the launch of ChatGPT, copywriters and graphic designers (freelancers) have been affected by a significant drop in the number of contracts received, and in those that have received them - a drop in earnings. being more skilled was no shield against loss of work or earnings. Being more skilled was no shield against loss of work or earnings #ai #aftificialintelligence #chatgpt #gpt

I've been thinking about the new Associated Press guidelines to avoid referring to #AI in ways that could imply humanness, sentience, or intent:

Don't say, "It WANTS you to enter more information," for example.

I've often used that kind of wording for computers in the past.

But more precise wording matters now because it's the first time we've widely had systems that could be mistaken for being human or having sentience, and it's important not to reinforce that idea.


This is only first iteration. Soon #ai / #llm models will be trained on this ai generated 💩. 💩from💩=?

⚠️ Uwaga , kradom!
Nie umiejom napisać prompta więc kradnom! 😱
Kradom naszą ciężko ukradzioną pracę (milionom anonimowych artystów...)! 😱
"Kradzież w społeczności artystów AI"

#ai #llm

#AI #llm

Open-sourcing #AI raises concerns about misuse and adherent risks. In this opinion, Zuzanna Warso argues that calls for regulation must be more proportionate and weigh the impact on freedom of expression. #opensource #opensourceai #freedomofspeech

Prasówka 29.09-6.10.2023

"Az esküvői fotózást megrendelő pár nem fotógráfus. A betétdalt megrendelő producer nem zeneszerző..." - én meg leírtom, hogy mit kellene letisztázni a generatív alkotóművészek kapcsán #hírlevél #bitladik #AI #promptartist

If you use #AI to make AI art or writings about #Solarpunk to share wildly, then you are part of the problem.

Stop using capitalist spam tools to push out real artists and writers and claim you're doing it for a #Solarpunk world. The amount of carbon dioxide and other pollution being released to train and maintain AI is enormous and contributing to the climate change drivers.

AI is just another scam by tech bro investors who wanted another bubble to burst so they can take the profits and run, while the rest of us have to deal with the consequences of endless fucking SPAM in all arenas of life.

So using AI to make AI art or AI anything for #Solarpunk projects is contributing to the very problem that Solarpunk wants to address.

Stop it.

Instead, come to us creative folks and work with us to use our creative works in the project. And be willing to compensate us because unlike AI, we actually need to eat. If you're truly committed to a Solarpunk world, this would be built into your praxis anyway. We ought to be caring for each other so that no one is left behind.

Thanks for reading.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I am certainly disappointed that the closed captions on the Black Hat videos, which I paid $2500 for are widely inaccurate and have not been proofread. I feel bad for deaf people who rely on these, as the machine generated ones are questionable at best. For free content I understand relying on it, or even for real-time content, but for recorded video that you pay a premium for this is unacceptable. #InfoSec #AI #Accessibility

@Kama Zdecydowanie bym wolał, żeby te graficzne wizje przyszłości umieszczone w tekście były autorstwa człowieka a nie generatora #ai .
#AI @Kama

Hi there, if you don’t want me to hit you, please carry this sign that says “please don’t hit me” with you always. Otherwise, I can’t possibly be held responsible if I hit you. Because it’s in my nature to hit you. I can’t live without hitting people. It’s just who I am and what I do. Thank you for your understanding in this delicate matter.


#ai #optOut #openAI #chatGPT #bullshit

I guess "the market" decided that it's just better to pay for millions of electronic monkeys and their typewriters, instead of providing decent remuneration to the Shakespeares of this world, eh? :blobcateyes:

To wit: a stochastic parrot is just a bunch of electronic type-writing monkeys in a trench coat. 🤔



So, Twitter :twitter: decided to pull a DeviantArt move and change its Terms Of Services to include anything you post there on their AI dataset, to re-publish your art and benefit from it without your consent or compensation.


I will only leave my contact information there, nothing else.

#Twitter #artistsonmastodon #TwitterAlert #AuthorsRights #AI #DeleteTwitter

You grant us a worldwide, non- exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute such Content in any and all media or distribution methods now known or later developed (for clarity, these rights include, for example, curating, transforming, and translating). This license authorizes us to make your Content available to the rest of the world and to let others do the same. You agree that this license includes the right for us to provide, promote, and improve the Services and to make Content submitted to or through the Services available to other companies, organizations or individuals for the syndication, broadcast, distribution, Retweet, promotion or publication of such Content on other media and services, subject to our terms and conditions for such Content use. Such additional uses by us, or other companies, organizations or individuals, is made with no compensation paid to you with respect to the Content that you submit, post, transmit or otherwise make available through the Services as the use of the Services by you is hereby agreed as being sufficient compensation for.

So an author discovers someone is selling AI-generated books under her name on Amazon and then Amazon (initially) claims they can't remove them because she hasn't trademarked her name...

The books have been removed by now, but probably only because the author, Jane Friedman, went public.

#books #AI #copyright

I think this should be taught to everyone in high school, it's so fundamental.

#AI #Psychic #Skeptic #Software

Large Language Models are a strong contender as a trigger for the Butlerian Jihad.

#LLM #AI #Dune
#AI #Dune #llm

Venture capitalists are parasites that deploy harmful technologies in the name of profit and control. Now they’re fueling AI hype not to improve the world, but to make a quick buck.

On #TechWontSaveUs, Edward Ongweso Jr. outlines why we need to abolish venture capital if we have any hope of creating better technology and actually improving people’s lives.

#tech #ai #vc #finance

#Zoom just changed their terms and conditions to include using anyone's video and audio for training #AI with no option for opting out. You too can help train #deepfake s!

Living with a disabled spouse, I used Zoom a lot to get through the ongoing global pandemic.

What alternatives are out there for remote teaching/meetings?