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Items tagged with: CreativeToots

Got commissioned by @flaki to make an emoji pack based on the Merle Collie and they were kind enough to make this available for everyone to use for free! 8 of the 11 emojis are shown here (the other 3 are variations for the top row)

Head on over to my shop to get your set of cute pupper emotes:

#DigitalArt #VectorArt #Commission #Animals #Dogs #Emoji #Emotes #CreativeToots #ArtistsOnMastodon

A preview image showcasing 8 of the 11 total emojis from the Blue Merle Collie emoji pack. The expressions here are from top to bottom, screen left to right: tongue sticking out, thinking, holding a toy, neutral happy, sad, sleeping, toe beans, and holding a heart.

I worked hard on some 3D artwork. Now I'm going to publish it on social media and enjoy the likes and responses. 😊

I worked hard on some 3D artwork. Before it will be ready to publish, I need to make a compilation of work-in-progress screenshots and wireframes, to prove that it's not AI-generated, and to avoid people asking what AI prompt I used to generate the image. 😖😖

#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #tech #BigTech #GenerativeAI #design #art #3D #CreativeToots #FediArt #MastoArt

EN- Little game 😃 I hid 3 songs names or references from my musical discoveries of November in the below illustration.
Will you find them?

FR- Petit jeu 😃 J'ai caché 3 noms ou références à des chansons de mes trouvailles musicales de Novembre dans cette illustration.
Les retrouverez-vous ?

#CreativeToots #krita #ArtWithOpenSource #MastoArt
English : It's a rather dark vision of the world, almost apocalyptic. A skyscraper, well vertical at first, is now leaning, looking like the Pisa tower. Some purple smoke is tearing the green sky, and the building is abandoned, in ruins. On the foreground, there is a pair of glasses, they are broken. There are also two purple dice. 

Français : C'est une vision un peu apocalyptique : un gratte-ciel, bien vertical à l'origine, est penché dans le sol un peu comme la tour de Pise. Des volutes de fumée violette embrasent le ciel vert. Le bâtiment est abandonné, et sur le sol au premier plan sont placées des lunettes dont les verres sont fendus, ainsi que deux dés violets.

I've realised, I've never done any ads here so let's go 🙃
I post #SixtySecondsSounds which I release under #CC0 for everyone to use. But there's more stuff and support is always welcome 😀 :


Or just exchange a few friendly words, that's what i came here for! :mastohi:
#CreativeToots #MastoMusic

Pepper & Carrot, Episode 3: "The Secret Ingredients" (English version). For those who missed the premiere yesterday:

:cc_cc: :cc_by: :cc_sa: 4.0

#PepperCarrot #OpenMovie #MorevnaProject #DavidRevoy #CreativeCommons #FreeCulture #Animation #CreativeToots #MastoArt