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My problem with #AI isn’t that it’s a new medium that would somehow threaten the existing ones, like printed books, radio, cinema, television, video games, social media and live streaming did before.

No, my problem is that it’s exactly the same mediums we’re used to, churning an endless stream of a cultural average, reifying it in the process, all the while infringing copyright on an industrial scale and guzzling energy and water like there’s no tomorrow.

It’s the exact opposite of a new medium that grants a new creative freedom and rewards trailblazing artists, instead flattening entire aesthetics genres into their most pleasing surface-level aspect thanks to the absence of creative effort to produce facsimiles at scale.

"guzzling energy and water like there’s no tomorrow."
YUP! It's kind of like the new NFTs and Bitcoin all in one!
@Muse If only it was a speculative bubble like for NFTs and cryptocurrencies! Unfortunately, in this case it is a tool to reduce labor costs, so there's way more interest from trillion-dollar companies to use or sell the service.
I was thinking more about the huge number of servers that were used in relationship to NFTs and cryptocurrencies. Absolute energy hogs!