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Items tagged with: openai

The Dawn of the AI-Military Complex


Two weeks ago, #OpenAI deleted it's ban on using #ChatGPT for "Military and Warfare" and revealed, that it's working with the military on "cybersecurity tools". It's clear to me that the darlings of generative AI want in on the wargames, and i'm very confident they are not the only ones. With ever more international conflicts turning hot, from Israels war on Hamas after the massacre on 7th october to Russias invasion of Ukraine to local conflicts like the Houthis attacking US trade ships with drones and the US retaliating, plus the competetive pressure from China, who surely have their own versions of AI-powered automated weapon systems in place, i absolutely think that automatic war pipelines are in high demand from many many international players with very very deep pockets, and #SiliconValley seems more than eager to exploit.

#wargame #war #terror #military #ai #news #complex #politics #economy #conflict

We’re over a year into this cycle of AI hype, but how does the real impact of the technology compare to what tech CEOs have spent all their time warning us about?

On #TechWontSaveUs, I spoke to @timnitGebru about how they distracted us from the real problems with AI to shape regulation and serve themselves.

#ai #openai #samaltman #tech

Timnit Gebru: "They want us to think they're creating some magical being that can solve the world's problems if we just let them do their thing. They want to keep us [focused] on that discourse so we're not looking at the actual practices they're engaging in."

Hi there, if you don’t want me to hit you, please carry this sign that says “please don’t hit me” with you always. Otherwise, I can’t possibly be held responsible if I hit you. Because it’s in my nature to hit you. I can’t live without hitting people. It’s just who I am and what I do. Thank you for your understanding in this delicate matter.


#ai #optOut #openAI #chatGPT #bullshit

OpenAI threatening to leave the EU if they pass legislation requiring them to list their data sources because:
"In addition to the possible business threat, forcing OpenAI to identify its use of copyrighted data would expose the company to potential lawsuits. Generative AI systems like ChatGPT and DALL-E are trained using large amounts of data scraped from the web, much of it copyright protected. When companies disclose these data sources it leaves them open to legal challenges."

Like every other boom tech company, it's just doing labor crimes and theft and claiming you're actually too innovative to be regulated, God.

#OpenAI #ArtTheft

Prasówka 2-9.06.2023

🇵🇱 Nowy wpis na blogu! / 🇬🇧 New blog post!

Dostęp do GPT od OpenAI przez API

#ai #api #chatgpt #curl #deepl #futurepedia #gpt #gpt35turbo #gpt4 #llm #max_tokens #openai #php #promptengineer #temperature #tlumacz #tlumaczenie #token #translate #translator


🇵🇱 Czy znajdą się tu chętni na przeczytanie takiego wpisu o #GPT od #OpenAI? Taka trochę zajawka wpisu na #blog szykowanego na sobotę 😉
Wiem, że niektórzy mogą mieć już trochę dosyć tego tematu, ale obiecuję, że w tym wpisie nie będzie pitolenia na zasadzie, czy GPT jest emejzing, a bardziej techniczne podejście jak tego używać w sposób bardziej Pro
ChatGPT jest ostatnio na ustach wszystkich. Wychodzi nam niemalże nawet z lodówki. W sieci, telewizji i radiu ciągle słyszymy rozważania czy jest to przyszłość, ile miejsc pracy odbierze, jakież innowacyjne jest to rozwiązanie. Cóż, ja tutaj nie będę się nad tym zbytnio rozwodził, a jedynie skupię się na aspektach praktycznych, bo tak samo jak i zapewne Ty, drogi Czytelniku, mam już trochę dość tego gadania po próżnicy. Powiem jedynie krótko, AI to bez dwóch zdań przyszłość, czy tego chcemy czy nie. Może jeszcze nie w takiej formie, ale będzie bardzo szybko ewoluować i się rozwijać. Jedyne co można teraz zrobić to wsiąść na najszybszego rumaka jakiego mamy w zagrodzie, pędzić przed siebie, dogonić ten pociąg i spróbować do niego wsiąść póki jeszcze się da. Dla mnie GPT i inne modele tego typu to innowacja współczesnych czasów, którą już można porównać do przełomu jakim były smartfony, a to dopiero początek drogi. Stajemy więcej teraz przed wyzwaniem – wsiadasz czy zostajesz w tyle?! Ja nie mogę powiedzieć, że jestem już w pociągu nazwanym EKSPres dla EKSPertów AI, bo mam wrażenie, że dopiero liznąłem temat i to przez szybę, jednakże siedzę na rumaku i jak chcesz to mogę Cię wziąć na tylne siodło, po czym razem spróbujemy dogonić ten pociąg. Tym dokładnie jest ten wpis. Odpuszczając już metaforyczne pierdu pierdu – w tym wpisie pokażę jak komunikować się ze sztuczną inteligencją stworzoną przez OpenAI, a konkretnie korzystać z modelu GPT, poprzez udostępnione przez nich API.

screenshot - strona główna openai w roku 2016

#ChatGPT conversation histories leaked:

Can you guess who or what does Sam Altman from #OpenAI blame for it?

"A bug in an open source library."

Yup. #FLOSS is great for #OpenAI as a way to build on somebody else's code, and as a way to train their models on somebody else's code. But as soon as shit hits the fan, it *will* get thrown under the bus.

Wanna *bet* it's not an #AGPL library? SV hypercapitalists keep away from those!

#FOSS #InfoSec

Apropos #openai refusing to disclose any information about the training data for #GPT4 and #Google being similarly cagey about #Bard...

From the Stochastic Parrots paper, written in late 2020 and published in March 2021:

@timnitGebru @meg
Screencap: "When we rely on ever larger datasets we risk incurring documentation debt, 18 i.e. putting ourselves in a situation where the datasets are both undocumented and too large to document post hoc. While documentation allows for potential accountability [13, 52, 86], undocumented training data perpetuates harm without recourse. Without documentation, one cannot try to understand training data characteristics in order to mitigate some of these attested issues or even unknown ones. The solution, we propose, is to budget for" and footnote 18 "On the notion of documentation debt as applied to code, rather than data, see [154]." Screencap "As a part of careful data collection practices, researchers must adopt frameworks such as [13, 52, 86] to describe the uses for which their models are suited and benchmark evaluations for a variety of conditions. This involves providing thorough documentation on the data used in model building, including the motivations underlying data selection and collection processes. This documentation should reflect and indicate researchers’ goals, values, and motivations in assembling data and creating a given model. It should also make note of potential users and stakeholders, particularly those that stand to be negatively impacted by model errors or misuse. We note that just because a model might have many different applications doesn’t mean that its developers don’t need to consider stakeholders. An exploration of stakeholders for likely use cases can still be informative around potential risks, even when there is no way to guarantee that all use cases can be explored." 2nd-4th sentences highlighted in blue.
Screen cap: Running header "Bender and Gebru, et al." and text "documentation as part of the planned costs of dataset creation, and only collect as much data as can be thoroughly documented within that budget." Screencap: "In summary, we advocate for research that centers the people who stand to be adversely affected by the resulting technology, with a broad view on the possible ways that technology can affect people. This, in turn, means making time in the research process for considering environmental impacts, for doing careful data curation and documentation, for engaging with stakeholders early in the design process, for exploring multiple possible paths towards longterm goals, for keeping alert to dual-use scenarios, and finally for allocating research effort to harm mitigation in such cases." Highlighted in blue: "for doing careful data curation and documentation"

I see people asking: How else will we critically study GPT-4 etc then?

Don't. Opt out. Study something else.

GPT-4 should be assumed to be toxic trash until and unless #OpenAI is *open* about its training data, model architecture, etc.

I rather suspect that if we ever get that info, we will see that it is toxic trash. But in the meantime, without the info, we should just assume that it is.

To do otherwise is to be credulous, to serve corporate interests, and to set terrible precedent.

Following #MentalHealth #chatbots since 2017 (all of them, most egregious WoeBot at Stanford).

*ANY* chatbots main job is to harvest data & behaviours from humans using them to improve all aspects of their own back end systems.

#OpenAI ToS/EULA “OK” = Liability to User

115 days and #ChatGPT will be in MS-Office within weeks?


#AI = savage & lawless land

ALL #media dopamine addled or captured or troll army pumping #AI for #Musk #Theil

Who’s looking behind curtain? 🧐

Swap word "train" for "use"

and you'll be on to #Musk + #Thiel strategy in that poll

