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Items tagged with: Google

Nowa strona i profil na mastodonie - o anonimowości i prywatności w sieci: .
Ale czemu tak ?
Edit: na początku była w tym tekście zachęcająca łapka w górę. Niestety watek rozwinął się w taką stronę, że obecnie łapka wskazuje... 👎🏾

Screenshot - strona , zaznaczony artykuł "Co wie o nas google" oraz informacja z z plugina "privacy badger" ,że na stronie śledzi nas ... google.

#prywatność #gafam #google #GA

:blobfoxgooglyconfused:​#UmfrageFrage an alle, die (i.w.S. wissenschaftliche*) Online-Surveys durchführen::blobfoxscience:​​:blobfoxcomputerowo:​ Welche #Software nutzt Ihr dafür? ​:blobfoxcomfycomputer:
Warum bevorzugt Ihr diese? Weitere Empfehlungen/ Erfahrungen ?
Was sind Eure Kriterien für die Auswahl?

*i.w.S. wissenschaftlich = Empirische Forschung, #Evaluation, #Umfragen für Studienarbeiten, Masterarbeiten u.ä.

  • Google-Forms (3 votes)
  • Cryptpad-Formular (5 votes)
  • andere Tools für einfache Umfragen (welche?) (6 votes)
  • empirio (0 votes)
  • Lama-Poll (0 votes)
  • Lime-Survey (14 votes)
  • Sosci-Survey (5 votes)
  • Survey-Monkey (2 votes)
  • Unipark (3 votes)
  • andere Tools für komplexe Befragungen (welche?) (4 votes)
Poll end: 1 year ago

People need to understand.

#Google isn't a search engine.
#Facebook isn't a journal to share with your friend.
#Instagram isn't a public photo album.
#Twitter isn't a micro-blogging website.

They are all advertisement companies.

1. Do a Google search for "cat"
2. Click/touch paw icon
3. And then anywhere else onscreen
4. You're welcome. #Google #cat #shenanigans

You have nothing to hide until the government suddenly declares your behaviour illegal. #abortion #usa #meta #facebook #google #e2ee #encryption
Screenshot of a news article describing how Google and Facebook are handing over personal info about women seeking abortion in the US to law enforcement.

Oh look, Google being Google.

(In case you were thinking of learning/using Go, I’d say skip it. There are plenty of other fish in the sea. Unless you like telemetry by default in your programming languages and tools, that is. In fact, just don’t touch anything tainted by Google if you can help it.)

#google #alphabet #go #surveillance #capitalism #peopleFarming #privacy #development #dev #software

Dear conference organisers,

If you don’t want to limit your speakers to those who are fine with surveillance capitalism, please don’t make your call for proposals require an account with a surveillance capitalist.

#conference #callForProposal #CFP #google #surveillanceCapitalism #peopleFarming
Screenshot of a Sign in with Google page with the name of the conference redacted in two places.

Guess how often your PC connects to #Google servers? :blobcatscared:

I created a #Python version of Googerteller by @bert_hubert using his list of Google servers & scapy sniffer. It beeps and prints all Google IPs your computer connects to.

Go turn it on and surf around 😎​👍​ It's ridiculous just how much of the web connects you to Google at some point. Given your IP, it's a piece of cake to profile your traffic with that data. #infosec

Here on #github:

Telehealth startup Cove asked users about their migraine symptoms, diagnoses, and family history.

Their answers went to #Facebook and #Google.

Read the full findings with @STAT at #MedMastodon
Screenshot of a quiz that reads, "Mark, how often do you experience migraine attacks?" The answer options are 4+ times a week, 1-3 times a week, and fewer than 4 times per month.
Screenshot of web traffic showing that the answer to the question about migraine symptoms was being sent off to advertising platforms

Google’s Quest to Digitize Troops’ Tissue Samples
#Google had a confidential plan to turn the collection—slivers of skin, #tumor biopsies & slices of organs from #veterans—into an immense archive that could help create tools to aid the diagnosis & treatment of #cancer & other #diseases. And it would seek first, exclusive dibs to do so.

“The chief concern,” Google’s liaison in the #military warned, “is keeping this out of the press.”

#privacy #ethics #DOD #Health

Google uses thier Captcha Bullshit to train their AI. You are giving them free labour. #google #captcha

In other news, #Google tracks you.

Remember when #Google used to have a motto of Don't Be Evil?

Pepperidge Farms remembers.

Is anyone aware of a #FLOSS alternative to #Google #Photos for mobile? What I'm looking for is a way to access the photos from the collection on my home server from a phone with a reasonably convenient interface and such.

Corrolary: I currently use #Digikam to organize my photos, but something with facial recognition that isn't terrible would be nice.


Once again…

Google delays removal of third-party cookies in Chrome through 2024

#privacy #google #chrome #tracking

Official #fediverse #introduction post!

My name is Kellyn Delgado and I am the admin here on I am a total #computer nerd. I've been tinkering with computer software since I was 6. I'm not a developer but I am brushing up on my #bash and #html skills.

My passion is helping people explore the wonders of new #technology, whether that is from #google, the #floss community, or others. I plan to blog about them soon.

I also like #pokemon, #digimon, #socialism, #gemini, #music, etc.

Removing just GMail from your Google Account

Lately I've been receiving a new kind of spam on my #Gmail email address that I was forwarding to my FastMail inbox for a few years. People have been using my Gmail address to fill in contact forms on various French and German websites, and I was receiving the contact reception confirmation.

Thanks to this handy how to, I was able to remove my GMail address without deleting my #Google account that I sadly need to keep around, maybe it will help you too.

If you use #GMail, #Google keeps records of everything you buy, even if you delete the email receipt, and even if you didn't buy the product from them. Here's metadata from my takeout showing price, delivery address, description, vendor, etc. #privacy

"In 2020, for the fourth year in a row, #google purchased enough renewable energy to match 100 percent of our annual global electricity consumption."

#YouTube #EnergyUse

Vous y croyez à ça?
Pas la directive pro rgpd, à mon avis #gafam #google #rgpd #privacy

FUD around Google FLoC and interest-cohort Permissions-Policy header value

This non-standard header value fabled to opt you out of Google's new tracking technology is as close to tinfoil hat as you can get. Sure, it won't harm you, but it won't protect you from much either and you will look silly wearing it to people who know better.

Tinfoil hat tip to @Seirdy

#Google #FLoC

An interesting reading about #Google and #privacy:

Currently downloading 71 GB of compressed takeout data from the retired #Google Play Music service and I have absolutely no idea what's inside.

Tutanota - 2021-02-01 15:44:51 GMT
For most people the internet is #Google. Giving one company so much power is dangerous: We can't let Google decide what parts of the internet we may or may not use - as the recent ban of #Element demonstrates. Let's fight for a more diverse Internet! 😀💪 Check here how to leave Google behind:

For most people the internet is #Google. Giving one company so much power is dangerous: We can't let Google decide what parts of the internet we may or may not use - as the recent ban of #Element demonstrates. Let's fight for a more diverse Internet! 😀💪 Check here how to leave Google behind:

"#Google released a statement confirming the authentication system outage for approximately 45 minutes due to an internal storage quota issue."

Source? I've heard it was a #DDoS attack (from a major company which uses #google IAP)

#google said it was a massive power outage. *shrug*

#google booting... the daemons slowly starting up.

Granted, it has only be deployed in Kenya, but this sort of willingness doesn't inspire me to get an Android phone when my aging iPhone ultimately fails me. #mobile #google

Ah, yes, thank you #Google for showing me all the results with "SDK" when my search query was "API", it's exactly what I was looking for.

#rant #search