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Items tagged with: Element

Just learned recently that #Discord is adding AI to their service:

People should definitely worry about this! #AI can be useful but in Discord's case, they might as well be using it to exploit user's #data and violate their #privacy.

If you want a privacy-respecting alternative to Discord with E2EE, use #Matrix with #Element

Matrix Live time, let's talk about the Rust SDK, the future of bridges, WebAssembly, Node.js and Element Web with @hywan (me 🙊)

#matrix #element #decentralization #encryption #webassembly #nodejs #javascript

make sure you update your stuff everyone!

#element #matrix

Did you know that you can start a new chat in #Element by scanning the QR code of your friend?

This will be interoperable with #FluffyChat in the next version. Means you can scan the Element QR code with FluffyChat and vice versa and it just works! 🙂

I just loooooooove #matrix and open standards! ❤️ 💕 💖 💞

Ob man Audionachrichten mag oder nicht, mal dahin gestellt. Es gab bei #Matrix aka #Element schon seit 2018 den Request, dass man bitteschön in der #Android App bei Audio Dateien einen einfachen Player haben wollte, der einfach nur eine Sounddatei abspielt. So wie man das auf Webseiten kennt. Ein Knopf und dann wird das Ding abgespielt.

Die luxoriöse Anwendung wäre dann mit einem Pausenknopf und eventuell dann noch einen Slider, damit man hin und her springen kann.

Bis heute, muss man die Audiodatei runterladen, um sie dann mit einer externen Player App abspielen.

Als Workaround senden Leute Videodateien!

So und der Stand der Entwicklung ist, dass man jetzt 1 Jahr .. in Worten EIN Jahr ... damit verbracht hat, weil man die korrekte Darstellung der Wellenform im Player haben wollte.

DAS nenne ich mal so komplett am Usecase vorbeiprogrammiert ... also ... nicht programmiert.

"Wir liefern das Auto nicht aus, weil das Sitzpolster statt von rechts nach links kariert von links nach rechts kariert ist."



We finally adopted #matrix & #element as our internal chat tool, after years of messing with the org-wide Jabber platform. There's no looking back! #ITNRW


Were the #ems / #element services affected as well?

anche il dipartimento di fisica della rinomata #ETH di Zurigo apprezza la funzionalità #LaTeX in #matrix

però funziona solo nei client versione, dove si deve attivare la parte "Labs" e dentro Labs la parte Beta e dentro Beta la parte... #LaTeX

WhatsUp lo sa fare?
Telegram lo sa fare?
Signal lo sa fare?
cos'altro hanno in comune, oltre a non saperlo fare?

Be Bold! Get Matrix!

#tex #element #chat

Tutanota - 2021-02-01 15:44:51 GMT
For most people the internet is #Google. Giving one company so much power is dangerous: We can't let Google decide what parts of the internet we may or may not use - as the recent ban of #Element demonstrates. Let's fight for a more diverse Internet! 😀💪 Check here how to leave Google behind:

For most people the internet is #Google. Giving one company so much power is dangerous: We can't let Google decide what parts of the internet we may or may not use - as the recent ban of #Element demonstrates. Let's fight for a more diverse Internet! 😀💪 Check here how to leave Google behind:

Just deleted my #whatsapp account.

I had announced this move weeks ago, mentioning I would be available via the usual channels (phone, email, etc.) and also via #matrix. That's it. No preaching, no convincing, no expectations.

To my surprise, more than 10% of the 100+ contacts I notified, downloaded #element and all my "important" contacts are now on Matrix!

I'm thrilled!

Could you work together with @fdroidorg to figure out a way to get up-to-date versions of #element in there faster?

That's irony at its best: Google is one of the gold sponsors of #FOSDEM, and less than a week before the conference begins, it removes #Element from the Play Store. Element is the most-used application for access to the #Matrix infrastructure that FOSDEM depends on.

"Gitter is being acquired by Element and will become part of the bigger Matrix ecosystem."

I wan to see #Matrix succeed, and I sincerely hope the UI designers of #Gitter help #Element de-clutter their web UI!


This is very interesting to me. Very curious about Matrix and would love to see this move into making a server. #elixirlang #matrix #element
