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Google have suspended Element in the Play Store without notifying us; we're reaching out to find out what's going on. Apologies for the inconvenience; in the interim there's but it's a few versions behind. We'll post updates here.

why is the fdroid package out of date? Is that Element's doing or Fdroid? It know that Fdroid takes some time to go through packages and get them posted sometimes.

Yeah its a real slow process from what I've heard. Would be nice to overcome that.
how about sponsoring fdroid so we have a sustainable alternative app store...they're volunteers from what I understand
You're based in the UK right?
In the EU that's illegal right now. Platform to Business regulations:
well Elon Musk recently tweeted to not use Discord, so maybe something similar is happening to Signal. Has there been an upsurge in usage?
I am not an Andoid user to be affected by this but apparently you install the latest APK directly via the artifacts tab here: hope its helpful
You forgot to add a "I am not a terrorist" checkbox on the Element registration screen.

How else are they su;pposed to know that XMPP isn't being used for child porn lovin', jihadist enemies of the state?
I prefer f-droid anyway, for what it's worth.
Let's hope this gets sorted out in time before #FOSDEM starts.
I Wonder if this is something to do with new wallstreetbets channel.
Isn't banning the element app (presumably because somebody's hosting a server with bad content) the same as if they were to ban Firefox because somebody hosts a bad website‽
Absolute insanity - and thanks to everyone for pointing out Fdroid exists, having a good look there now!
Our overlords are at it again.

that's why we Fdroid :)
Why is the version in f-droid behind? Seems like bad prioritization if you ask me.
You'll likely have to take legal action, and use social media leverage to get anywhere with an appeal.
Could you work together with @fdroidorg to figure out a way to get up-to-date versions of #element in there faster?