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Did you know that you can start a new chat in #Element by scanning the QR code of your friend?

This will be interoperable with #FluffyChat in the next version. Means you can scan the Element QR code with FluffyChat and vice versa and it just works! 🙂

I just loooooooove #matrix and open standards! ❤️ 💕 💖 💞
It would be nice if Matrix actually were an open standard (it's nothing more than a published specification)
I'm not sure if I would agree. Matrix has an open spec change process where everyone can participate. The Matrix Spec is maintained by a nonprofit foundation and it s widely used outside of the origin company New Vector already.
I wouldn't call it a standard if it isn't governed by some kind of standards body. Also, the last time I looked, there was just one usable implementation of the Matrix protocol, which was the one by New Vector.
Matrix is governed by the non-profit Foundation (, which is effectively a standards body. As Krille said, there are loads of entirely independent implementations these days of all of the APIs. You are running on information 4+ years old.
If that's actually the case, I will have another look into it