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Items tagged with: SiliconValley

Need a brief and accessible explainer about the actual harms of AI?

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@thejuicemedia hitting it out of the park, yet again.

#ai #corporations #corporatocracy #billionaires #climateCrisis #BigTech #SiliconValley

The Dawn of the AI-Military Complex


Two weeks ago, #OpenAI deleted it's ban on using #ChatGPT for "Military and Warfare" and revealed, that it's working with the military on "cybersecurity tools". It's clear to me that the darlings of generative AI want in on the wargames, and i'm very confident they are not the only ones. With ever more international conflicts turning hot, from Israels war on Hamas after the massacre on 7th october to Russias invasion of Ukraine to local conflicts like the Houthis attacking US trade ships with drones and the US retaliating, plus the competetive pressure from China, who surely have their own versions of AI-powered automated weapon systems in place, i absolutely think that automatic war pipelines are in high demand from many many international players with very very deep pockets, and #SiliconValley seems more than eager to exploit.

#wargame #war #terror #military #ai #news #complex #politics #economy #conflict

You wouldn’t have McDonald’s teaching your kids about nutrition or Philip Morris teaching them about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Why are you happy having a surveillance capitalist like Google or Facebook teaching them about technology?

#surveillanceCapitalism #technology #web #education #SiliconValley #BigTech

Google: Here’s our latest evil plan…

Folks: That’s an evil plan, we don’t like it.

Google: Please keep the discussion to technical issues only.

#Google #EvilAsAService #PeopleFarming #SiliconValley #BigTech #DigitalImperialism #adtech #DRM #web #standards #WebStandards #w3c

Some fediverse instance admins: “How cool, Meta invited us to the adult table.”

Yes, they did.

Because you’re what’s for dinner.

#fediverse #mastodon #meta #Project92 #BigTech #SiliconValley #SurveillanceCapitalism

Was just asked by a friend if I wanted a #BlueSky invite.

My reply?

“Thanks but no thanks.”


Because I don’t need to see the app. I know the people behind it and what they stand for. The app can only ever be a manifestation of (or an initial misdirection from) that.

Expecting the wolf that took a bite out of you last time to this time act in your interests is how you end up as its dinner.

#BlueSky #JackDorsey #billionaires #SiliconValley #decentralisation #lipService #crypto #bullshit

The US understands the threat of foreign tech companies/apps gathering data on US citizens and manipulating their behaviour and is looking to ban TikTok.

Dear @EU_Commission, here’s an incomplete list of foreign tech companies/apps gathering data on EU citizens and manipulating their behaviour:

- Meta Platforms, Inc. (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc.)
- Alphabet, Inc. (Google, YouTube, etc.)
- Twitter, Inc.
- Microsoft (Windows, etc.)
- Snap, Inc.


#SiliconValley #BigTech #us #eu

#Medium – the proprietary, #SiliconValley equivalent of free and open #fediverse app #WriteFreely, by the #billionnaire co-founder of #Twitter – now has a #Mastodon server.

It might be a good time to take a look at WriteFreely ( and their hosted services ( and WriteFreely Host ( and consider owning your own #blog on the fediverse instead of contributing to the walled gardens of the folks who bequeathed you Twitter.

Celebrating Silicon Valley billionaires and venture capitalists showing an interest in the fediverse is like celebrating wolves showing an interest in your chicken coop.

#SiliconValley #billionaires #vc #ventureCapital #BigTech #colonialism #fediverse #mastodon

… Or, in what a previous head of public policy at Mozilla told me while we were chatting before our talks at a data protection conference:

“Aral, we’re just another Silicon Valley tech company, I don’t understand why you’re holding us to a such a higher standard.”

When I finally managed to pick my jaw off the floor the only retort I could manage was: “But that’s not what you tell people.”


#Mozilla #fediverse #SiliconValley #ventureCapital #BigTech

A billionaire Silicon Valley venture capitalist setting up a fediverse account isn’t the win you might think it is.

Who do you think funds and benefits from the Twitters and Facebooks of the world?

We can’t stop these folks from setting up their own servers but please don’t feel a need to federate with them or subsidise their existence on servers you pay for and maintain.

And remain vigilant against embrace, extend, and extinguish.

#billionaires #vc #SiliconValley #mastodon #capitalism
Paul Graham (@paulg) on Twitter on 11/16/22: “It’s remarkable how many people who've never run any kind of company think they know how to run a tech company better than someone who's run Tesla and SpaceX.”

When billionaires say they don’t care about privacy, it‘s your privacy they’re talking about not theirs. Mark Zuckerberg says “privacy is dead” in one breath and buys the four houses around his house in the next because he values his own privacy. It’s yours that he’s actively engaged in strangling the life out of.

#privacy #markZuckerberg #elonMusk #SiliconValley #surveillance #capitalism

From the early days of the internet to the dot-com boom to the period after the 2008 recession, we’re constantly distracted by utopian visions for what digital technology might deliver instead of critical assessing them.

On this week’s #TechWontSaveUs, I spoke to @Rushkoff about why it’s time for us to wake up and challenge the power and self-serving narratives of the tech billionaires — before it’s too late.

#tech #siliconvalley #podcast #politics

THIS great sentiment
maybe we ALL take a serious & sober look at how ABSENCE of LAW over past 18 years (not bad law, shitty or law unfair law... no law)
• #internet
• #mobile #social
• #privacy
• #surveillance
• #AI #ML
• #data #governance

This is a massive #mastodon #fediverse opportunity we can collectively capitalize on before #SiliconValley #BigTech #VC carpet baggers arrive.


@klonick@davew@craignewmark@jeffjarvis@daphnehk@qjurecic@blaine @@profcarroll

Crypto is in crisis, Meta is crashing, Elizabeth Holmes is going to prison, and Elon Musk is doing all he can to destroy the reputation he spent decades building.

The tech industry is at a turning point, but where will it go next and how do we prepare for its next act?

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#tech #future #economy #siliconvalley #elonmusk
The higher order system here isn't technology; it's capitalism. That's what will shape what comes next, unless we overturn it — a prospect I sadly don't see on the horizon anytime soon. That means we need to reject a desire to give into fantasy, and pay close attention to where venture capitalists and major tech firms allocate capital in the months to come: What are they betting the future will be, and how are their PR people going to try to sell it to us?