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Items tagged with: php

`doctrine/orm` 2.18.0 will have a flatter directory tree:

`fzf` is going to be easier to use πŸ™‚

#doctrine #php

Umzug meiner Friendica-Instanz

I'm going to throw this out there:

I'm looking for a #webdev internship for 6mos to complete my bachelor's here in France - this can be remote, I mainly hope for kindness.

I've worked with #php #Laravel #WordPress #angular #sql & more - I'm very open πŸ˜€

Not thrilled that there’s no #NextCloud upgrade path between #PHP 7.4 and PHP 8.2 as I just changed #Devuan ’s major version.

This is because NextCloud refuses to upgrade more than one major version at a time, and on the upgrade path from PHP 7.4 to PHP 8.2, NextCloud version 25 supports neither of them.

Currently compiling a PHP 8.1 executable to hopefully run the version 25 upgrade console command before I move on to version 26 which supports PHP 8.2.

Phew πŸ₯΅

Content warning: Update on the Mastodon comments synced to my blog

I may have found an alternative solution to my blog's commenting system! 😺

The synchronization of comments from my Mastodon account. It's something I tried and abandoned, but I'm giving it another try after reading your comments. Well, I explain more on the blog and also share the source code:

Blog post, source code, and demo:

Bonus: Because I'm happy, here's a happy Mastodon mascot as a postman that I painted this morning.
#blog #selfhosting #php
A digital painting of  the Mastodon mascot as a postman, happy delivering message. 

License:  "Mastodon mascot as postman" by David Revoy, based on mascot of βˆ’ CC-BY-4.0

#Nextcloud have again enforced my trust in #PHP being a horrible language.

πŸ‡΅πŸ‡± Nowy wpis na blogu! / πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ New blog post!

DostΔ™p do GPT od OpenAI przez API

#ai #api #chatgpt #curl #deepl #futurepedia #gpt #gpt35turbo #gpt4 #llm #max_tokens #openai #php #promptengineer #temperature #tlumacz #tlumaczenie #token #translate #translator


Hello @Friendica Support how compatible is #Friendica with #PHP 8.2?

It was released today, so soon I will be jumping from 8.1 to 8.2.

@greg0ire Of course! Once we update the #PHP logo to the one I suggested earlier, this leaves a fresh style for grabs!
The PHP logo with the purple oval and the black text on a white shadow but it reads "PostgreSQL"

@muesli I like the approach of the #PHP Framework Interop Group to publish interfaces for common features. Sure, you can have your own implementation, but to be able to integrate with most frameworks, you’ll have to meet a baseline of features in your library.

This gives freedom to β€œmusicians” to β€œsing” about β€œlove” and also maintains a certain feature coherence across the board.

@Microsoft is rewriting #windows in #php. The new name will be Trapdoorsβ„’.

#Friendica needs new contributors!

I'm not used to do this, but with the large influx of new users and node admins recently coming from #Twitter, our small team is now behind the curve for handling support requests, bug reports and bring about much-needed features.

The project is built on a #PHP / #MySQL platform, but we also need people to be able to assist others just using the software to give developers some space.

If you're willing and able to help, please follow @Friendica Support and the project on Github:

Thank you!

@maia, kitten of curl :kirby_star2: Does this mean we get more #Friendica developers on board? There are so many low-hanging fruits! Come practice your #PHP refactoring skillz!

@timClicks I remember using something like this during my #PHP time, must have been somewhere around 2003. You can do the same with e.g. so I was very happy when was announced.

New instance, new #introduction
(please boost since this new instance's only user is me!)

I'm a development & micro-electronics hobbyist who specializes in #php and #python for the most part.

I do a lot of projects using #RaspberryPi and a bit also with #CircuitPython gadgets.

I also enjoy learning, doing, and teaching pre-industrial #arts & sciences and I spend some weekends dressed in funny clothes and hanging out with people at #SCA events.

Located in south-central PA since 2018

I’ve never done an #introduction so here goes:

I’m in Perth and love it. I code in #PHP and work part time at the coal face.

Also I play piano, tuba, cello and guitar. Love performing though that has been severely cut out over the last couple of years.

Co-parent of a teenager who plays piano better than me and loves his school.

My toots will be completely random stuff that I am doing at the time. Don’t expect any coherence!

My #motto: I’m a Buddha, and so is Everyone else!

Content warning: 🍍 hiya :flan_wave:​

Content warning: I don't think I ever did one of these and there's 🍍 all these new people 🍍 so: #introductions

Spotted in the wild, binary operations on strings in #PHP apparently are faster than native string functions. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
// PHP_OS & "\xDF\xDF\xDF" == strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)), but a lot faster

@Michael Vogel@Tobias@Tuxi (Friendica) 🐧 βœ… Bei mir ist seit der Aktualisierung von #PHP auf #7.4 der Load teils ueber 40.0 gestiegen. Ich musste ein Cron-Job-Script schreiben, dass alle 5 Minuten schaut, wie hoch der Load ist und dann den #FPM einfach mit killall -KILL php7.4-fpm rauswirft.

Because I could

I needed short salted encoded strings from integers to prevent enumeration attacks on a public detail page, and I decided on Hashids with bindings in several #programming languages including #PHP that I use.

From a line committed in 2014 by a former contractor at my job:
if (isset($live) && !is_null($live) && !empty($live)) {
Can't be too careful. #PHP #Overkill #Programming

After 15 years of using #PHP, I finally have a formal complaint with the language: I have been butting into the absence of parametric polymorphism in several projects but only recently have I finally learned the name of what I have been missing. Code duplication it is then.

Hello #MariaDB people, my #Friendica server is down since I installed the latest MariaDB update and it also switched from #PHP 7 to 8.

All I get in the php error log is this:
4047 InnoDB refuses to write tables with ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED or KEY_BLOCK_SIZE.

Any ideas are welcome! I need your help!

!Friendica Support #help

This morning /tmp was full, clearly #Friendica or #PHP, but didn't have time to check, so just rebooted the server.
Is there a command to wipe the #Linux temp folder? Not rm -rf or so.

!Friendica Support

This will sound overly technical, but if like me you felt compelled to remove a specific class member from the __debugInfo() output, the member should probably not be part of the class in the first place.
#PHP #programming

I couldn't find the answer myself, so I'll ask here: in #PHP, why can't I override a class method with a more specific argument?

#programming #question #help

See snippet:

You may say what you want about #PHP, but I still believe it is the language you need to know the least about programming in general to make a six-figures developer salary in the US.

If #PHP is so good, why isn’t there a PHP 2?

I'm starting to write #PHP code that looks like the correct answers on Stack Overflow I looked at for the same task, I believe it is an important milestone in my programming career.

My #Pixelfed node is back up again. I had forgotten to reinstall the bcmath extension when I downgraded #PHP from 7.4 to 7.3 because #Nextcloud on the same machine isn't compatible, which prevented #Composer to pull the latest dependencies, which triggered a PHP Fatal Error. πŸ˜…

Ah, the joys of #selfhost without containers! I'm more and more tempted to look into #Docker, but I'm afraid of the learning curve before I get the same setup I have now. Also it probably would involve converting about 20 #Apache configuration files to #nginx which I'm not looking forward to either.

Does anyone have any pointers for either task, containerization and/or migration from Apache to nginx? #help
