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Items tagged with: Fediverse

Hallo zusammen, hier noch mal der Hinweis auf die #Fediverse -Artikelserie auf #gnulinux .
Dort gibt es anschauliche Einblicke in verschiedene Fedi-Plattformen wie #Pixelfed #Friendica #Funkwhale #Castopod #Hubzilla #Peertube #Bookwyrm #Lemmy #Akkoma u.v.m.: 🚀

#FediverseFachtag @tobias @kattascha @ueckueck

Gibt es schon Suchmaschinen fürs #Fediverse?

Good morning dear Fediverse from Cologne 🌞 where @Free Software Foundation Europe the @LpB NRW and the Volkshochschule Cologne have organized a symposium about "The world after Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. A new generation of the internet?"

#FediverseFachtag #Köln #fediverse

Run Linux, post on the fediverse, and care about accessibility?

You need Frog.

Frog extracts text from images.

Use it to copy and paste the text in images into your image descriptions and help make the fediverse more inclusive.

#frog #ocr #altText #accessibility #a11y #linux #fediverse

Und auf eine (hoffentlich) letzte Iteration die Folien für den Vortrag über das Fediverse beim Fediverse Fachtag in Köln am Freitag überarbeiten 😆. Ich freue mich schon auch da zu treffen 🤩

#FediverseFachtag #köln #fediverse

Fellow Masto Admins,
Kindly upgrade to the latest release of Mastodon as soon as possible.

#mastodon #mastodev #mastoadmin #security #fediverse #cve

Another big update for #SoraSns
A shortlist of some big features • bluesky account support • Within composer select post visibility • Easier ability to switch accounts #Mastodon#Fediverse#Firefish#Misskey

The missing ActivityPub dev toolkit is coming along! #PubKit #activityPub #fediverse #shippingSoon Library Definition Library

This is an amazing epiphany, I’d love to see this vision realised. But the hard reality is that in general awareness of even the term #Fediverse across university campuses is abysmally low, let alone realise its potential. They have courses on promoting things on x or Facebook and everything is about LinkedIn, but the moment you mention Mastodon they look askance as if that does not exist.

Imagine if every university had its own #fediverse server. So for example faculty at a uni in Aotearoa could be This could even be integrated with the uni's institutional repository, so that every time a researcher adds an article to it, a post is automatically added to their account with the title, abstract and link for the article. Could be integrated into the official blogs a uni often provides to faculty and postgrads too.

#Aotearoa #NZ #research #academia #AcademicPublishing

A co ta wtyczka AP do WP oznacza dla #Fediwersum?

Większość stron blogów, portali, organizacji i urzędów w Polsce działa na #WordPress. Po wdrożeniu i adaptacji pojawi się bardzo wiele nowych profili we własnych domenach, bo #WordPress to taka mała instancja serwera #fediverse.

Wtyczkę jakiś czas przejęła Automattic, wydawca wordpressa i podeszła do tematu poważnie.

Czy to koniec dominacji FB w infosferze PL?

Zobaczymy. Trzymam kciuki 👍

P.S. Uruchamiamy pokój do dyskusji o wdrożeniach, konfiguracji, dobrych praktykach adaptacji #ActivityPub w #Wordpress. Na #Matrix #PolSocial. Zaanonsuję osobno 😀

Strona wtyczki ->

I wanted to give a shoutout to for introducing me to this awesome new #Fediverse platform called #Wafrn. I had no idea it existed until now!

From what I've seen, it's like a Tumblr-like service where you can easily share and curate different types of media. I must say, they've done a great job in terms of user-friendliness.

If you're curious, I've attached some screenshots for you to check out. And hey, feel free to explore Wafrn for yourself at this link:

Wafrn screenshot Wafrn screenshot
Wafrn screenshot

There's a social reading platform called @bookwyrm which is an alternative to Amazon's Goodreads. BookWyrm is part of the Fediverse, and BookWyrm accounts can be followed from Mastodon etc. You can find out more at:


They are currently trying to get BookWyrm translated into more languages, so that more readers can use it. If you speak a language other than English, you can help translate at:


#BookWyrm #Fediverse #GoodReads #Books

Review time again! Here's a concise look at the third party app Fedilab:


You can use it with Mastodon accounts (including forks like Glitch), PeerTube accounts, Pixelfed accounts and many other types of Fediverse account.

It's got a really nice array of options if you dig down into the settings menus, it does a lot of things that the official apps don't do. I've tried to summarise the good stuff in the review.

#FediTips #Fediverse #Fedilab #Apps #Mastodon #PeerTube

@c6h12o6 Warum muss es hier ienem Standard folgen ("Microblogging ist halt was anderes") und wer definiert, was "richtiges Microblogging" denn ist? Das #Fediverse gibts schon länger und es ist jetzt so, wie es ist. @helpers @oldie @heluecht

Hey Disrooters, here is our new account on the fediverse! Don't hesitate to follow us to know about service maintenance or other information, and to contact us if needed! #Disroot #Fediverse

Did someone say decentralized? The Free Software Foundation and Defective by Design are on Mastodon, a decentralized social media platform licensed under #GNUAgplv3! Visit us at and #Mastodon #Decentralized #Fediverse

Before me asking others here in the #fediverse for recommendations about #Fdroid #apps , I did not know about #KryptEY

It is an #Android keyboard for secure #E2EE communication through the #signal protocol in any messenger.

@Swordziak :verified: Żeby się nie powtarzać z wpisami, które jak widzę, generują odwrotny skutek do intencji, to zaproponuję, żebyś może napisał coś o sobie na swoim profilu. To bardzo pomaga (z)budować sieć kontaktów tutaj na #fediverse, a to właśnie niezbędny etap żeby dotrzeć do jakiś interesujących ludzi. Wprawdzie twoja oś czasu już dość sporo informacji daje ale jednak nie wszystkim się chce wertować czyjeś posty kiedy np decydują, czy odwzajemnić obserwację konta.

W3C: Detailed image descriptions don't belong in alt-text

I believe people on the #Fediverse are more likely to add alternative text to the images they post than on any other popular social media platform, that's great for #Accessibility. But it isn't the end-all-be-all of it. For example, when one of my contacts posts in German or Finnish or Farsi, I can copy the text and plug it in a translator to figure out what they meant.

However, when they share a picture including text in the same language, even if they transcribed the text in the picture in the alternative text attribute, I can't access it on mobile at all, and even on desktop I can't copy it from the default popup on mouse hover.

I tried to dabble with #CSS to reveal the alt-text attribute value using pseudo-content, but it doesn't work since we're dealing with an #HTML <img> which is an empty element by definition. Is there any other way to expose this attribute value other than just parse the text in the post body directly?



Following someone on the Fediverse is broken — the user-experience (UX) is not good.

Especially if the person you want to follow is on a server different from yours.

Sure it technically works, BUT in practice it is broken —

I have done user testing with people who have used other social-media, but who have never used the Fediverse

Virtually all of them fail at following someone on a remote server


I'll explain —


#Fediverse #FediverseUX

ZDay: How to Grow a Saner Society. A Lifetime Adventure --- by Tio

On 26th of August, 2023, we presented TROM at the annual ZDay event in Prague. This was the last ZDay after a decade long of making them every year.

Our presentation was focused on showcasing in a unique way how our society works and how trade is at the core of most of our issues. In the second half we focused on the positive side: how we and others create trade-free good and services and why this can become a tsunami movement if more of us engage into it, in a decentralized way.

We put a lot of effort into creating a simple narrative and interesting slides with animations, to make it all more fun and easy to understand.

This was the first presentation for Tio and we hope more to follow.

Derzeit findet in Berlin im Invalidenpark (Nahe Hauptbahnhof) das Verkehrswendecamp statt, die Berliner Bits und Bäume haben da Morgen Nachmittag ab 16 Uhr bis in den Abend hinrin das Digital Village organisiert.

16;30 werde ich da einen Kurzvortrag zum Fediverse halten.

Danke für die Einladung ich freue mich!

#Berlin #VerkehrsWendeCamp #bitsundbaeume #fediverse @Bits&Bäume Berlin

Kommt vorbei, kommt ins Digitale Dorf des #Verkehrswendecamp am Freitag Nachmittag. 16-20Uhr zusammen mit @bitsundbaeume_berlin

Es gibt Vorträge, Workshops, Spaß und Vernetzung.

#Verkehrswende #Berlin #Digitalisierung #bitsundbaume

Sharepic. Im Hintergrund ein bunt beleuchteter Zeltplatz bei Nacht.
Infotext mit der Aufschrift. Erster September 16 bis 20 Uhr im Invalidenpark Berlin Verkehrswendecamp "Digitales Dorf"

(My first post!) Discussing (and discovering!) how Friendica great is 😀

Greetings #Fediverse. We are Minds. We come in peace.

Several years in the making, GitLab is now very actively implementing #ActivityPub! 🙌

The end-goal is to support AP for merge requests (aka pull requests), meaning can send a merge request to

First bite-sized todo on the implementation path there is ‘subscribe to project releases’.

Smart move by #GitLab; through ActivityPub they’re getting a distributed version of GitHub’s social layer.

@fediversenews #fediverse #GitHub #git

Another day, another fantastic #Friendica feature that I found. If you've already been for a while, you can check your feed from a year ago*. While you are in your newsfeed, simply click on the #year you want to check on the Archive pane on the left (keep scrolling to find it), then click on On this day. You'll get all the posts that were sent to your instance exactly one year ago. Isn't it wonderful to walk through your personal memory lane from time to time? 😁

#fediverse #friendica #features #onthisday #OTD #feed #newsfeed

*I guess it depends on how long have you been to a certain Friendica server, not sure if posts are displayed if you moved your account to a different server for less than a year before. I'm also not sure if this depends on a certain plugin, or if it's a baked-in functionality.

Hey, Fedi peeps!

I'm working on an opinion piece on what the #Fediverse, #BlueSky, and #Nostr can all learn from each other, in terms of features and capabilities.

What would you say is a strength of the Fediverse? What would you say is a weakness / could be better? 🤔