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Items tagged with: Fediverse

Frage | Friendica: Was tun in Sachen Bildbeschreibung bei etwas umfangreicheren Bildergalerien?

Ich hatte schon ein paar Mal das Problem das ich bei Beiträgen mit umfangreicheren Bildermaterial (z. B. gerade 18 Bilder) in Sachen Bildbeschreibung an meine Grenzen gestoßen bin. Ich habe das beim letzten Mal so gelöst, dass ich die Bilderfolge im Text beschrieben und in der Bildbeschreibung auf diese Beschreibung verwiesen habe.

Habt Ihr eine Idee wie man das besser hin bekommt. Den das alles jedes mal ausführlich in der Bildbescherung und im Text zu beschreiben ist ziemlich nervig. Genauso wie es nervig ist einen Syntaxfehler in den Bildern zu finden wenn man was falsch gemacht oder übersehen hat.

Tags: #Frage #Hilfe #Fediverse #Bildbeschreibung #Galerie #Friendica #Sascha #2024-01-01 !Friendica Support

Why do people from other servers, send moderation reports to me (admin of this server) for spaming users from other servers.

So user of server A reports users of server B to me on server C?
Maybe A=B, but what can I do about that?

#Fediverse #Morderator #Friendica !Friendica Support

Honestly, the way #Threads is evolving right now, I can absolutely understand why so many Mastodon instances are already blocking Threads before it becomes part of the #Fediverse.

For over a year now, I've known how social media can be and how social it really could be. In less than two weeks Threads has managed to become a brown swamp of anger and hate speech.

If this hits the Fediverse, then all the moderators' work over the last few years will have been for nothing.

Threads is simply turning into a racist, trans-hostile, homophobic swamp due to a lack of moderation.

As a moderator of my Mastodon instance, I was one of the few who was against blocking threads directly without having seen anything of it. Now I would very much vote in favour. (And I'm glad we voted for the block already together with the community)

A lot really needs to happen for Threads to earn a place in the Fediverse. If it will ever happen. (Doubt)

I have noticed some strange behavior and would like to confirm it here if anyone experienced it too.

When you create post, that waits for federating to servers and edit it before it reaches #Mastodon server (not sure if it happens to other #Fediverse instances too), then the post never reaches target instance (or target instance rejects it?)

Is it just me, or it's some kind of bug (or expected behavior)?
!Friendica Support


Does mastodon or any other #fediverse platform support post through SMS? It would be useful in situations where internet connectivity is down like during the recent rains in chennai.

Looks like the #threadiverse has been widely used by the #Lemmy and #Kbin communities for years, but now it's slowly being co-opted (including by #Meta staff) to refer to the #federation of #Threads.

I predict a complete takeover of the #hashtag, and term in general, before the end of 2024.

#Mastodon #ActivityPub #fediverse #socialweb #hashtags #predictions

Embrace, extend and extinguish. That's was the strategy behind Google's adoption of the open protocol #XMPP, which eventually died from it. And it will be the strategy when Facebook attempts to extinguish the #fediverse via #threads,_extend,_and_extinguish For at longer story and analysis, read here:

Is there already some meetup in planning for the Fediverse at 37c3?

Gibt es schon Pläne für einen FediTreff auf dem 37c3?

#fediverse #FediTreff #37c3

Fine, #Fediverse, you got my attention, what's the recent deal with frogs and slapping ponds?

#Streams is taking care of #DefederateMeta by raising walls against #Threads dev-side, and the main man behind it is giving advice on how to raise them further.

You don't see stuff like this happen in the #Fediverse often.


While I am an active critic of distributed privatisation (i.e., #Fediverse as we know it), I will still choose that over corporate privatisation if public service internet is just not a thing yet. Why?

• Corporations under capitalism have but one guiding tenet: the profit motive.

• Social media corporations profit from advertisement operations — especially data harvesting.

• It is their objective, therefore, to maximise profits by maximising data exploitation in every possible way.


Federating with a surveillance capitalist doesn’t make you a surveillance capitalist, it just means that surveillance capitalism isn’t a deal breaker for you.

#mastodon #meta #facebook #instagram #threads #mastodon #fediverse #adtech #peopleFarming #surveillanceCapitalism

Content warning: Speculation about Meta's game.

Rachel Lambert, Director of Product Management at Meta just posted about working with the #fediverse

"looking forward to ... conversations with the Fediverse community about how we can build seamless experiences for features like polls, voice notes, tags (ideas welcome)"

"Working with experts to figure out how we can reshape regulations that are built for closed systems, and adapt them to more open ones"


Very worried by how people who have spent years building alternatives are suddenly saying federation with Meta is a good idea.

Why are they trusting them? Why aren't they just telling them to eff off?

Are they just dazzled by money? It's really disappointing. 😞

#Threads #Fediverse

#Threads joining the #Fediverse doesn't give them access to data they couldn't harvest through other means.

*glances at the TL of this #Fediverse developer of the past 24 hours*

So, huh, something's up with Meta's Threads, huh?

The polish abstract series

I'm cautiously optimistic about #threads. It's like the US & the Soviet Union during WW2. the #fediverse is not perfect but they are much worse, and this might help us kill #xitter. we must keep our eyes on them. ultimately, the focus has to be on all the users and the world. to give the people on both platforms an option outside of advertising, data mining and algorithms controlled by other people. but here, to balance free expression and a welcoming experience. to advance #AttentionDemocracy

#followerpower #fediverse

what do we have to do to make the #ActivityPub plugin attractive to more #WordPress users? We are currently at 4000+ active users on + the users.

Almost everyone who says "Mastodon didn't work for me" on Bluesky seems to have posted only "me me me" stuff for months (if that) on Mastodon, followed about 10-20 people, never replied to anyone and then gave up because "nobody there, it didn't fly".

It seems there is a big misunderstanding how this free and healthy social media works. We are not here for the easy wins, likes, shares and dopamine spikes. We are here because we accept the fact we are not part of the commercial hype machine. We choose natural engagement over spoiling algorithms, we choose conversation and meaning in our social media. At least that is how I see it.

#Mastodon #Fediverse #SocialMedia

Das #Fediverse gilt als datenschutzfreundliche Alternative zu anderen Social-Media-Angeboten. Wir haben #Mastodon 🐘 genauer untersucht und einen #Datenschutz-Leitfaden für den Betrieb von #Instanzen veröffentlicht 🎉

„Datenschutz bei Mastodon. Leitfaden für den Instanz-Betrieb im dezentralen Netzwerk“

➡️ Gern an die Admins eurer Instanzen weitergeben.

Vielen Dank an die Autorinnen @qbi, @malteengeler und @resieguen!

#MastodonDatenschutz #FediTips

Friendica mit Threadview in einem extrem langen und verzweigten Thread

Bezugnehmend auf dieses Issue habe ich mir erlaubt, den genannten Thread einmal in einem Screencast aufzunehmen, wie er mir am Smartphone dargestellt würde.

Ich bin zu verschiedenen Kommentaren anhand der Kommentar-Url gehüpft und auch über die Suche angesprungen.
Ein wenig Navigation im Thread.

Zu beachten ist auch die Lesbarkeit in hohen Threadlevels.

Friendica 2023.09-rc, Commit: c71120823

Just read a phenomenal upshot that #Mastodon doesn't have enough celebrities, nor an addictive algorithm, so that's why it isn't "bigger"... It was phrased as a complaint, but I'm running with it all the way to the other goal post:

Mastodon (and the #fediverse in general) shows us what a post-egomaniac, post-mass-media world looks like.

Throw that the heck on the front of the cereal box for Mastodon, "NOW WITH LESS SOCIETAL SICKNESS! FORTIFIED WITH REAL HUMAN DISCUSSION!".

I'd buy a box! 🥣😀

!Friendica Support or maybe more general #Fediverse crowd: Given some communication over here recently, I wonder whether it's possible to compose posts that are visible to followers only but for which _each_ of my follower is able to see each response and able to interact with each other person responding there no matter whether these people follow each other too?

Can't publish public when mentioning forum pages

Hey, fellow #Mastodon (and #fediverse) #admins:

I am working on my book about the fedi and would like to get a sense of what it costs to run your server per month.

Anyone willing to share numbers? (Feel free to do it via DM if you don't want it public). Please let me know your instance and how much it costs.

Boosts welcome!

LAMP installation

friendica installation

Ver. 05 | install and/or move friendica to ubuntu 22.04 LTS VPS server

The latest beta of the Relatica mobile and desktop Friendica client, version 0.8.0, has just been released. There are a lot of bug fixes, small new features, and small and large UI tweaks detailed fully in the CHANGELOG. Some of the biggest changes (some below screenshots showing) are simpler/nicer interactions bar, a unified timeline picker, a much more descriptive sign in/accounts manager screen, and the splash screen giving more details about what it is doing on initialization. That last one helps if the server is slow to respond. Another huge thing is Relatica is now in the Google Play store, but only available for "internal" testing. Those who would like access to that please DM me here or on Matrix so I can get your email address to add you to the allowed tester list. This is in review for the iOS and macOS stores so should be available within 24 hours. It is now available through Google Play store for those testers. Builds for Android, Intel Linux, and Intel Windows are available for direct download on the install page. #relatica #friendica #fediverse
Screenshot of Relatica v0.8.0 home timeline showing the simplified interactions area. Screenshot of Relatica v0.8.0 timeline picker showing how it is all one list now rather than a selection for various top types and if Circles/Groups was showing a list of circles/groups.
Screenshot of Relatica v0.8.0 sign in screen showing the easier (maybe not easiest yet) UI

I'm supposed to give a workshop at the #NGI Forum in three days, and all I can think about is #Palestine #Gaza #Genocide #WarCrimes (by Hamas and Tsahal) and all the belligerent bullshit floating around.

Who gives a damn about the #Fediverse in such times? History will remember social media of our times as dull, empty, senseless entertainment to avoid taking responsibility and #EndAllWars.

Really, I can´t think of anything that would make sense. Should I cancel altogether?