Items tagged with: activitypub
TIL how to #subscribe to a #PeerTube channel using my #Mastodon account - #ActivityPub is such a nice thing!
P.S.: not my video, just sharing it for you all
Tutorial - How to Subscribe to a Peertube Channel using Mastodon
Mastodon and Peertube are different social networks: one behaves like Twitter, the other behaves like YouTube. But because both services use the open Activit...YouTube
Zuck na Threats:
"Rozpoczynamy test, w ramach którego posty z kont Threads będą dostępne w serwisie Mastodon i innych usługach korzystających z protokołu ActivityPub. Zapewnienie interoperacyjności Threads da ludziom większy wybór sposobu interakcji i pomoże treściom dotrzeć do większej liczby osób. Podchodzę do tego dość optymistycznie.
[EN]Starting a test where posts from #Threads accounts will be available on #Mastodon and other services that use the #ActivityPub protocol. Making Threads interoperable will give people more choice over how they interact and it will help content reach more people. I'm pretty optimistic about this."
Nie piszę tego tootka przez XMPP, bo go Zuck przetestował, rozszerzył, przejął i wyłączył...
what do we have to do to make the #ActivityPub plugin attractive to more #WordPress users? We are currently at 4000+ active users on + the users.
Nowa wersja 1.3.0 wtyczki #ActivityPub dla #WordPress
Nowość: komentarze z #Fediverse powątkowane!
Strona wtyczki:
The ActivityPub protocol is a decentralized social networking protocol based upon the ActivityStreams 2.0 data
#Framasoft is doing some amazing work to better the internet, by creating alternative free/Libre #Software for everybody to use 😎 For instance, they've made #PeerTube. PeerTube is a YouTube-alternative using P2P tech combined with #ActivityPub!
As a non-profit they are dependent on donations to keep going. Please consider checking out their awesome work in the following link, and evaluate if this is something you're willing to support 😃 Go #FOSS 🟢👌🏻
Ja, siehe:
#W3C #Recommendation 23 January 2018
#Activity #Vocabulary
#W3C #Recommendation 23 May 2017
The ActivityPub protocol is a decentralized social networking protocol based upon the [ActivityStreams] 2.0 data
Könnt Ihr genauer erläutern, wo und wie #ActivityPub Emoji-Reaktionen unterstützen soll?
Das "Activity Vocabulary" kennt "Like" und "Dislike"...
What would be the easiest way to publish a #webcomic so that it would be on the Fediverse and that would allow readers to read reverse-chronologically (from oldest to newest)?
Is there maybe a #Wordpress plugin for webcomics that is compatible with the #ActivityPub plugin?
(If you don't know, please boost)
I already checked @pixelfed and it doesn't allow for reverse chronological sorting (old to new)
This is just a test. Can you read it from Mastodon/Pleroma/Friendica et al?
Reposting this as a new post because apparently the old post didn’t show up at all.
Does editing blog post shows up in Friendica?
Rate this:
A simple #ActivityPub <-> #Bluesky interop MVP I don’t see mentioned a lot is the ability to fully oEmbed an apub/atproto post on its opposite platform. This would allow for a kind of quote-posting across networks.
If that could somehow be combined with a WebMention to inform me that my apub post has been shared elsewhere and vice versa, we’d have significantly greater cross-border connectivity than the status quo.
A Bluesky dev has responded with interest:
Interoperability with Mastodon/ActivityPub · bluesky-social/atproto · Discussion #1716
What are the current plans from BlueSky (the company) for interoperability with Mastodon/ActivityPub? We currently have two emerging alternatives to X that deserve to be taken seriously: the fedive...GitHub
Wtyczka #ActivityPub do #WordPress dostępna już na hostingu
Spodziewam się wysypu nowych blogowych instancji w #Fediverse 👏👍
Dla przypomnienia, od dawna była dostępna na bezpłatnym hostingu WP od twórców przeglądarki
Engage a Wider Audience With ActivityPub on
The fediverse has arrived at Pfefferle ( News)
One of the challenges that I'm working on is empowering people with consumer-class internet access (i.e., dynamic addresses) to run their own Fediverse servers. The Publish/Publisher and websocket components I've added to #SofaPub move in that direction.
This allows someone with broad connectivity to re-publish connections from users who are more limited.
This is a big addition and I haven't published it to yet. But the code is at
I'd like to interject for a moment.
What you're referring to as #Mastodon is in fact the #Fediverse. You see, Mastodon is just one of many possible software projects that interact with the wider Fediverse through a protocol called #ActivityPub. There are many other projects you can use, Mastodon isn't the only one, nor was it the first. Pretending it is either of those things is doing a huge disservice to all the people who made the Fediverse what it is. Originally, the protocol in use was OStatus and GNU Social was one of the first convenient instances - Mastodon came much later and ended up doing a huge disservice to the Fediverse by intentionally removing support for OStatus abruptly even though the warriors of GNU noted ActivityPub would be implemented within 3-4 months. Thus, the warriors of GNU were not amused by the intentional segregation of the network and the GNU+Jihad on the Fediverse was born - the warriors are interjecting to this day, despite how many people call it "Mastodon" by mistake.
No one should 'win' #ActivityPub. The whole point of federation is to not have a winner, and to get away from this corporate mentality.
By doing so, we can all win, not just a few execs, companies, worldviews.
ActivityPub is the next big thing in social networks
Mozilla, Meta, Medium, Flipboard, Tumblr, and so many other companies are betting that the future of social networks looks more like email than it does Elon Musk’s Twitter. And they’re betting on a little-known protocol to make it happen.David Pierce (The Verge)
Last Week in the #Fediverse - ep 35
Main news of the week:
- Swiss government starts their own #Mastodon server
- The SWICG has talks about restructuring
- Doubts about the moderation tools and governance of Lemmy
- The #activitypub plugin for #wordpress is officially released
Read at
The missing ActivityPub dev toolkit is coming along! #PubKit #activityPub #fediverse #shippingSoon
Quickly design and test ActivityPub objects with mock servers of popular projects like Mastodon and
A co ta wtyczka AP do WP oznacza dla #Fediwersum?
Większość stron blogów, portali, organizacji i urzędów w Polsce działa na #WordPress. Po wdrożeniu i adaptacji pojawi się bardzo wiele nowych profili we własnych domenach, bo #WordPress to taka mała instancja serwera #fediverse.
Wtyczkę jakiś czas przejęła Automattic, wydawca wordpressa i podeszła do tematu poważnie.
Czy to koniec dominacji FB w infosferze PL?
Zobaczymy. Trzymam kciuki 👍
P.S. Uruchamiamy pokój do dyskusji o wdrożeniach, konfiguracji, dobrych praktykach adaptacji #ActivityPub w #Wordpress. Na #Matrix #PolSocial. Zaanonsuję osobno 😀
Strona wtyczki ->
The ActivityPub protocol is a decentralized social networking protocol based upon the ActivityStreams 2.0 data
W końcu nadeszła długo oczekiwana wersja 1.0 wtyczki #ActivityPub do #WordPress 👍
Sporo zmian i wreszcie możliwość ustawienia 1 konta dla całego bloga.
Testujemy 😀
ActivityPub 1.0.0 Released, Introducing Blog-Wide Accounts and New Blocks
Version 1.0.0 of the ActivityPub plugin was released this week with major updates that make it possible to have a blog-wide account, instead of just individual author accounts, where followers rece…WP Tavern
I've signed an agreement to write a book about #ActivityPub for O'Reilly Media. The book should be available sometime after summer 2024.
Blog post here:
ActivityPub Book for O’Reilly Media
I’ve signed an agreement to write a book about ActivityPub for O’Reilly Media. ActivityPub is the protocol for connecting social networks across the Web; it’s what currently under…Evan Prodromou's Blog
Threads now has a Supplemental Privacy Policy ( regarding "Third Party Services" like Mastodon. Should Threads interconnect with Mastodon via #ActivityPub, this addresses what they will do with our data.
Note that they will collect information from anyone "allowing Threads users to follow you or interact with your content". The information they collect will include your profile, your content, and your interactions.
Several years in the making, GitLab is now very actively implementing #ActivityPub! 🙌
The end-goal is to support AP for merge requests (aka pull requests), meaning can send a merge request to
First bite-sized todo on the implementation path there is ‘subscribe to project releases’.
Smart move by #GitLab; through ActivityPub they’re getting a distributed version of GitHub’s social layer.
@fediversenews #fediverse #GitHub #git
Support ActivityPub for merge requests (&11247) · Epics · · GitLab
Gitlab/ActivityPub Design Documents by @oelmekki The goal of those documents is...GitLab
well, here a #fediverse version of a #meme #classic
#memes #mamema #mastodon #joinmastodon #lemmy #pixelfed #activitypub
Directly inspired by the GotoSocial logo by @Anna − CC-BY-SA 4.0
#krita #ArtWithOpenSource #MastoArt
#GoToSocial #Fediverse #activitypub
Frage | Friendica: Federiert Friendica schneller zu Diaspora als zu ActivityPub?
Kann es sein das von Friendica aus die Federierung zu und von Diaspora wesentlich schneller als zu und von ActivityPub ist? Ich hatte jetzt schon mehrmals den Fall das ich auf Diaspora nach kürzester Zeit Reaktionen auf meine Beiträge bekam, während Reaktionen von anderen via ActivityPub verbundenen Servern erst ein gutes Stück später Reaktionen eintrödelten.
#Frage #Friendica #Federation #Diaspore #ActivityPub #2023-07-13 !Friendica Support
(Sowohl der Kommentar auf den Beitrag als auch die 'Gefällt mir', kommen alle von Diaspora Nutzern)
Looking forward for when #Meta will add #ActivityPub support to #Instagram #Threads
Instagram Announces New Text App | Instagram Blog
Today, we’re announcing Threads by Instagram, a text-based app space for real-time updates and public conversation.Instagram
#Oni, the single user federated instance based on #GoActivityPub, serves HTML and #ActivityPub content from the same URLs based on what the clients request.
Firefox was caching the responses without taking into consideration the Content-Type, and was serving the JSON instead of HTML if refreshing a page. Only today I was reminded of the Vary header and fixed the problem. Yay! 😁
I'm a little bit ashamed of myself that I've forgotten about it.
If not, what would be needed to cover this? I lack so much knowledge about #activitypub and federation that I am unsure if this question is smart or stupid, but dipping my toes in lemmy waters, it is a question that has been spinning in my head.