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Items tagged with: diy

Schnappschüsse der Fotofalle am selbstgebauten Meisenknödelhalter

🌱#Garten 🛠️ #diy

Wir haben Meisenknödel geschenkt bekommen und wollten dafür nicht extra einen Meisenknödelhalter kaufen. Aus einem kleinen Rest Maschendrahtzaun, einem Holzrest und mithilfe eines Tackers ließ sich aber schnell einer bauen.

🛠️ #diy 🏗️ #basten 🌱 #Garten 🦋 #Naturgarten

Ver. 05 | install and/or move friendica to ubuntu 22.04 LTS VPS server

MakerTube is open for public registrations! It's a peertube video instance for #makers, #musicians, #artists and #diy content #creators. If you thought of trying out a video platform besides big corp now is the time!

The site is funded by people like you! If you like the idea of an independent video platform please consider making a #donation at
Every penny counts!

Find the site here

#peertube #makertube #youtube

Film clap with MakerTube text logo

Start projektu FromSilesiaToPolesia

Content warning: Cześć :) Może znasz już z Mastodona mój projekt #Wyprawa2023, w którym dokumentuję przygotowania do dwumiesięcznej wyprawy rowerowej po Polsce, z przyczepką bagażową i panelem fotowoltaicznym na niej.... #nomad #offgrid #bike #camping #homeoffice #FromSil

@truffles @gfle Nie.. no to jakaś kompletna bzdura musi być typu jakieś rozbieżne konfigi częstotliwości czy trybu pracy.
Normalnie dwa takie moduły z dopasowaną anteną, na otwartej przestrzeni będą się słyszeć na dziesiątki-setki kilometrów (zwłaszcza jeśli co najmniej jeden jest odpowiednio wysoko np. pod balonem)
Niestety do zabawy z radiem w trybie #diy trzeba mieć jakiś minimalny warsztat pomiarowy typu najprostszy odbiornik #sdr albo analizator antenowy bo inaczej to jest szukanie na ślepo. Może jak zanabędę drugi moduł to rzucę okiem co ten projekt jest warty.

My mom just finished piecing this freaking GORGEOUS quilt top and I have the absolute privilege of getting to machine quilt it for her AAAAAAA I AM SO EXCITED #Quilting #Quilts #Maker #MastoArt #DIY #Sewing
A photo of a pieced quilt top being held up by a person entirely obscured behind it. The quilt top is made entirely of 2”squares pieced together and looks like a cross stitch grid pattern of flowers in a bouquet with greenery behind all on a navy background. The squares are impossibly tiny and represent an intense amount of sewing and work done carefully over a long period of time.

I made a new video about improvements, modifications, and tweaks I made to my tablets: overlay sheet (Photodon), keyboard tray (Cintweak), a real bug issue under the glasses, and a too-grainy overlay surface for the Intuos Pro Large.

- Ptb:
- Ytb:

(not a sponsored video, edited on #Kdenlive)
#diy #mod #hardware #tablet
#wacom #xppen #cintweak

I never did an #introduction and I keep hitting the character limit on my profile blurb, so:

I'm Michele Ann Jenkins aka Maj.
I was federated before it was cool and have just been biding my time on FB and Reddit until a critical mass happened somewhere better and now here we are!

I am equally interested in anachronisms, futurism, and current events. In all timelines, looking to listen & learn from a diversity of voice and lived experiences.

Ever evolving tag cloud because I keep being reminded of other interests:

#Equality #Justice #Socialism
#Liguistics #SciFi #Taxonomy #OpenWeb #IA #UX #DigitalGovernance #Feminism #Journalism #Writing #Français #Geek #90s #Marginalia #UrbanPlanning #Expat #Immigrant #Python #Perl #Costuming #History #UrbanPlanning #Sustainability #Upcyling #Repairing #DIY #MLIS #InfoSci #Sighing

Having started using the #Asstodon tag a few days ago, partly to add a little levity here, I've now gotten donkey-pilled. Here's a poitou! #DIY #BeTheAlgorithm
A chestnut-colored donkey foal with ridiculously shaggy coat, in an enclosure in a field. Photo via wikipedia

Hi, I'm reinboar. Here's a (somewhat) comprehensive list of my interests and passions:
#anime (mainly old shit)

If any of those tickle your nuts, please @ me, I am very lonely

Wir brauchen noch mehr Feinstaubsensoren in #Frankfurt am Main!

Wer Interesse hat, einen #Feinstaubsensor zu Betreiben, der findet die Anleitung auf

Es ist wirklich sehr einfach, sich einen Sensor zusammen zu bauen und online zu bringen.
(Wenn Du Hilfe benötigst, schreib mich gerne an.

Wenn mehrere den Wunsch haben, sich einen Sensor zusammen zu bauen, kann man auch überlegen, eine #DIY Session draus zu machen.

standup work station #diy. keyboard is still a little to low...

Pepper&Carrot DIY boxes made by the students of Belgium school: EESPSCF Saint-Mard. The type of derivation possible thanks to Free/Libre licenses and that I love ❤️

More info and visuals:
#creativecommons #school #diy #webcomics

DIY - Gesichtsmasken mit Laufschrift selber machen

LED-Gesichtsmaske weist auf notwendigen Abstand hin

Die Entwicklung einer Oculus-Managerin macht den Mundschutz zum Display. Pläne dafür gibt es gratis online.

Vorsicht: das verlinkte Video hat extrem starke Lautstärkenschwankungen.
#Corona #DIY #Howto