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Items tagged with: FOSDEM

In der letzten Woche durften wir gemeinsam mit @heinleinsupport zu Gast sein auf der @fosdem in Brüssel! Wir danken allen Anwesenden, die unsere Vorträge besucht haben und mit uns in den Austausch gegangen sind!

Weitere Infos zu Heinlein Support und #OpenTalk finden Sie hier 👇

#OpenSource #digitaleSouveränität #DSGVO #Datenschutz #FOSDEM

One thought I took home from #FOSDEM and that stuck to my mind is that apparently maintainers don't love cargo as much as developers do (and that's put mildly).

git config --global rerere.enabled true

I learned this at #FOSDEM. You too might want to set it.

Sudo rewrite sudo in #rust - just received this postcard at #FOSDEM.
XKCD-style comic. A: Rewrite sudo in rust. B: What? Rewrite it yourself. A: sudo rewrite sudo in rust. B: okay.

More photos from the beer street with lots of #FOSDEM attendees!

Hardware breaks, that's normal. It's just bad if you discover your laptop has disk errors on the train ride to #FOSDEM.

On my train to Brussels via Colonge. Hope to see you at FOSDEM 😃

Easiest way to find me is likely at the booth of the Free Software Foundation Europe (Building K, level 2).

#fosdem #fsfe

If you’re going to a talk at #FOSDEM by someone who is the sole maintainer of code you rely on, wear a mask! If you’re one of a small number of contributors to an open source project, wear a mask!

We talk about “bus numbers” but at an event without a public health pledge, your project should consider “COVID numbers”. Long COVID hits marathon runners, young people, vegetarians and meat eaters, people with the vaccines, etc.

Protect each other out there. #CovidIsNotOver

Started pushing some #RustLang crates related to #OpenTalk on Very rough still and no final versions, but a first step towards the plan of having a full-featured client library available. In my #FOSDEM talk I plan to include a few snippets of what the final code will look like when we finish what we are currently working on.

📣 Wir sind dabei: Tausende #OpenSource-Developer treffen sich am 3./4.02.24 auf der #FOSDEM in Brüssel.

Die Vorträge von Heinlein und OpenTalk:

👉 Heinlein-Consultants Carsten Rosenberg und Manu Zurmühl fragen, ob man eine effektive #Mail-Security-Infrastruktur mit Open-Source-Komponenten bauen kann.

👉 Entwickler Wolfgang Silbermayr gibt Einblicke in unser #OpenTalk-Projekt, die Service-Architektur und den Stand der Entwicklung unserer souveränen #Videokonferenz.


I submitted a talk about #OpenTalk at #FOSDEM. Let's see if it gets accepted.

EU Pilot Project: Public Apps in F-Droid

FOSS Apps Live in FOSS App Stores!

Anyone heard of folks who attended #FOSDEM contracting Covid afterwards?

Some #fediverse news from #FOSDEM —Kris @nova plans to bring #DemocraticGovernance to The ~40k user instance (20k actives) will be umbrella'd by the new Nivenly Foundation, and have three membership layers: General, Contributor and Corporate - built on the key principle of #OneMemberOneVote regardless of who you are.

@silwol I guess you meant to mark it with #fosdem ...

A toast to all those incredibly important #opensource people who unfortunately aren’t privileged enough to be able to afford the trip to #FOSDEM or have a company foot your bill. YOU ARE APPRECIATED!

Guten Morgen! Erster Tag Brüssel #FOSDEM
Kakaopulver, Croissants, Brötchen, Schokocreme auf dem Tisch

Historically, getting 45 minutes before take-off to Graz Airport should be early enough. I hope that still works in 2023 😅 No way I'm getting up earlier tomorrow 😴 #fosdem

At #FOSDEM, @marcel_kolaja will present the #EU pilot project to look into open-sourcing the EU's apps and publishing them outside of #BigTech including on @fdroidorg. @eighthave will join, talking about how F-Droid will help pull the EU towards #FreeSoftware.

(sorry for copying the post, but for some reason we can't boost it)

In two weeks (4 & 5 February 2023) #FOSDEM will take place in #Brussels and I'm asking myself if we can have a #Friendica developers & community meeting there at some point over the weekend.

@Friendica Developers @Friendica Admins @Friendica Support

Just had another call with ÖBB, they were able to change the booking so I will be at #FOSDEM at last! 😂

The friendly person at the hotline was very sorry and said maybe it would be the right moment to look out for flights, but I'd rather cancel my attendance and maybe visit #FROSCON this year than taking a flight instead of the train. Bonus: it's just this single train connection that gets canceled, the same #NightJet connection is available the week before and after #FOSDEM.

Appears the direct ÖBB night train from Vienna to Brussels will be canceled on February 2nd, and according to the ÖBB hotline, it is completely uncertain how they will handle this. The replacement connections would involve other train operators such as DB and SNCB, and it is unclear whether they would accept the tickets for their part. So maybe I'll be unable to attend #FOSDEM this year, even though I already booked the tickets early and was certain I could go there.

In recent years, whenever #FOSDEM took place in Brussels, there was the #BeerEvent on Friday evening before the conference. I used to find an announcement about this on for recent years, and I thought I had read about a beer event for 2023, but I can't find it any more. Will it take place this year again? Where can I find information about it?

When I arrive at #FOSDEM, I will probably head straight to #RustLang devroom and stay there the whole day 😉. So many interesting talks announced.

Please note the following important dates for FOSDEM CfP

December 5th 2022: deadline for submission of proposals

December 15th 2022 or before: announcement of final schedule

February 5th 2023: devroom day


#FOSDEM #CfP #DPG #publiccode

and I hope you'll come to #fosdem in #Brussels in February 2023 and I can put you up and invite you for dinner at home and to the high school where I teach for a conference on what drives you and your best achievements. Thanks

Heading off to #FOSDEM to be one of the faces of the @RIOT_OS project. Chat us up on embedded standards-based networks, research, hardware and #RustLang support!

Weiss jemand, ob die #Livestreams der #Fosdem aufgezeichnet werden? Würde gerne manche Vorträge nachschauen...