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Items tagged with: altText

Shout out to all the #webcomic artists who properly describe the images they share, so that we can all enjoy their work!

Some highlights:

- @davidrevoy
- @heyheymomo
- @warandpeas
- @smolrobots
- @foxes_in_love (unofficial)
- @xkcdbot (unofficial?)

Feel free to tag more folks in the comments!

#AltText #art

@Friendica Support

This post from #diaspora* contains hoover over #altText but doesn't show up over here.
The diaspora markdown code of the post is as follows:

![]( " Vistenkarte mit Wofgang Neuss, dem Man mit der Pauke. Wofgang lehnt an seiner grossen Pauke, hält delikat seinen Schlegel in der Hand und schaut leicht säuerlich nach links oben. In grossen Lettern steht geschrieben: Gegen Klima-kleber hetzen? Warum nicht? Lieber asozial als gar nicht regieren! Auf den Trommelfell seiner Pauke ist ein nicht erwähnenswerter Politiker zu sehen. " )

Any hint how to fix this in friendica 2023.05?

For more inspiration and resources on how to approach writing good image descriptions, visit!


"We have so much to learn from poetry about being more playful and exploratory in how we write alt text."

#AltText #ImageDescription #accessibility #a11y #poetry #AltTextAsPoetry

Folks, I don’t know who told you you’re supposed to dump hashtags in your picture #altText.. No, please stop. Alt text is for describing the image content. A jumbled mess of hashtags is not the same thing.

This shit is like the thing I see sometimes with YouTube subtitles where folks dump extra info in the subs that has nothing to do with what is being said. I need the captions for #accessibility, please don’t abuse them for your own purpouses. Similarily don’t dump hashtags in alt texts.

Run Linux, post on the fediverse, and care about accessibility?

You need Frog.

Frog extracts text from images.

Use it to copy and paste the text in images into your image descriptions and help make the fediverse more inclusive.

#frog #ocr #altText #accessibility #a11y #linux #fediverse

W3C: Detailed image descriptions don't belong in alt-text

I just want to say for my first post to the #Fediverse that I've already seen more #alttext in the last couple of days than I've literally seen in my entire life. I don't know what it is, but as a blind user it's making me emotional to be able to actually interact with content. Think I'll write an introduction soon.
#accessibility #Mastodon #redditMigration

@Razem "Bądź z nami jutro na naszej konwencji ..." - czyli gdzie ?
Czy osoba która pisze tu posty zauważyła, że brakuje najważniejszej informacji?
#alttext 'u do obrazka, zdaje się tez brakuje...

To the 'radical' #socialist lefties ranting about fascism & talking about 'doing the work required' but refuse to #ALTtext their images, despite private polite asks...
All I see is you unwilling to do the ACTUAL work of inclusivity to fight #fascism.

Fascists eradicate #disabled first, and your ignoring disabled & unwillingness to do the labor of #inclusivity by simple ALT text makes your posts look like #hypocrisy to me.

Yes, it takes some effort. This is the work.

Content warning: extended thoughts about searchability on the fediverse


What is alt-text, how do you do it, why do you do it, what needs doing?

What is it?

Alt-text is the 1500 characters you get to describe an image you post.

How do I do it?

If you're posting a tweet/screenshot of an article than I'd advise using the desktop/Web login to Mastodon. It has a fairly good auto-transcribe feature which requires only minor edits.

For memes, photos and cartoons you're going to have to do it the more difficult way but it's a good habit to get into.


Here's few words about #accessibility, specifically #CamelCase and #altText on #Mastodon. From a pragmatic as well as ethical point of view. If you are already signed up on ethical grounds, good job, let's keep at it!

Pragmatically: If you are not writing for an audience outside of people you personally know then there is a non zero chance you will have someone with difficulty seeing or with dyslexia try to read your work. Effective communicators remove barriers for their audiences.


Thanks to the makers of #Fedilab for your continued work towards #accessibility on #Android.

The latest version of the app has an setting to require alternate text before making a post. A great reminder for users sharing images on Mastodon, Pixelfed, or Friendica servers.

I hope all Fedilab users turn the setting on, so everyone can benefit from your pictures!

#AndroidA11y #A11y #AltText #Blind #LowVision @apps
Screenshot of a settings screen. There is an option set to true that says: "Mandatory media descriptions: The message will not be sent if a description is missing with a media."
Screenshot of a picture being uploaded with a toot. There is a warning sign next to the word Description. There is also a popup warning that reads "There are missing media descriptions."

The picture being uploaded is a drawing of Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion from the book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

I've thought about doing this for a while now.
#AltText is something I advocate for, as well as some other simple ways to make posts more #accessible and #inclusive. Let's make this #interactive.
Reply with an #image and I'll tell you what my #ScreenReader thinks it shows, as a practical #demonstration of inaccuracies, limitations and why alt text is better.
Edit on request: Not all screen readers can do image recognition. Alt text is the only viable way to be inclusive. #accessibility #blind

This bot account is worth following, it alerts you when you forget to provide an #AltText for images...


I’m feeling concerned that many of us have recently joined #Mastodon and that the long term visually impaired community are now inundated with beautiful photos with no #alttext to describe the photo. Only about 1 in 5 Toots describe photos on my timeline. We all need to curb our enthusiasm to share undescribed photos and embrace our descriptive writing. I’m not on my high horse just concerned that we’ve arrived en masse and need to do our very best to embrace #MastodonCulture.