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Items tagged with: feditips

If you need to, contact me by Codec. The frequency is 140.85. When you want to use the Codec, push the Select Button.

Remember that you can mute someone for a fixed amount of time.

Is someone posting about something you don't really wanna see in your feed right now? Boosting too much? Generally making you anxious?

You can mute someone for a few hours or days, after which they'll show up in your feed again.

There's a lot of new people joining right now and if all the new energy is making you a bit stressed or anxious, don't be afraid to mute people for a while 💚🌻🍂

[ #FediTips #NewHere #TwitterMigration ]

I have version 1.1 of "The many branches of the Fediverse" ready for you. 😄

Thank you to everyone who pitched in with suggestions of improvement (all visible in the thread).

You can download PNG and PDF versions on my blog post, which also has a bit more info and links to the applications.

Download for free and use as you please. Preferably to spread the word about the benefits of federated publishing and local instances. 😊

A tree-like visual where the tree grows from a green platform labeled “ActivityPub + more”. ActivityPub is a protocol for communicating between different applications in the Fediverse. The trunk of the tree is labeled Fediverse, to indicate that all the applications within the tree crown are part of the Fediverse.

The crown is made up of circles that all intersect with each other.

Circle 1: Multimedia  (streaming, video, photos, images, files)
Applications here are Downcast, PeerTube, Pixelfed and Nextcloud.
Circe 2: Networking.
Applications here are Friendica, Mastodon, Misskey, Pleroma, Diaspora, GnuSocial, Hubzilla, Socialhome and Lemmy.
Circle 3: Music.
Applications here are Funkwhale.
Circle 4: Books.
Applications here are Bookwyrm.
Circle 5: Writing.
Applications here are Write Freely, Plume and Wordpress (via plugins).
Circle 6: Events.
Services here are Mobilizon and Bonfire.
Bonfire also sits within the networking circle as these circles overlap.

Also growing out of the trunk is a separate branch with a circle for “Paid services”. Applications here are and

Off to the right are two small trees, one with its roots in the diaspora protocol and the other in the OStatus protocol. The two applications Hubzilla and Friendica both connect with these two trees using dotted lines. Diaspora is also its own application within its own protocol.

You may be aware that there is something called the #Fediverse.

But do you know about all the different types of applications that run on the Fediverse?

I made this visual to give myself and others something to point at when explaining "the big picture".

You may be surprised by how many services beyond Mastodon there are to explore.

Download it for free here and use as you please:

That post also has links to all the different applications.

A tree-like visual where the tree grows from a green platform labeled “ActivityPub + more”. ActivityPub is a protocol for communicating between different applications in the Fediverse. The trunk of the tree is labeled Fediverse, to indicate that all the applications within the tree crown are part of the Fediverse.

The crown is made up of circles that all intersect with each other.

Circle 1: Streaming, video, photo, images, files.
Applications here are Downcast, PeerTube, Pixelfed and Nextcloud.
Circe 2: Networking.
Applications here are Friendica, Mastodon, Misskey, Pleroma, Diaspora, GnuSocial, Hubzilla, Socialhome and Lemmy.
Circle 3: Music.
Applications here are Funkwhale.
Circle 4: Books.
Applications here are Bookwyrm.
Circle 5: Writing.
Applications here are Write Freely, Plume and
Circle 6: Events.
Services here are Mobilizon and Bonfire.
Bonfire also sits within the networking circle as these circles overlap.

as birdsite moves towards tick-subscription - a reminder of all of the extra hours/labour/uptime to support newcomers here.
consider donating to @mastodon / your instance if you can!

#mastodon #twitter #twittermigration #fediverse #feditips
drake reaction meme.
$20/month for a tick (disapprove)
$5/month donation towards open source community infrastructure (approve)


You can put as many hashtags you think you need for your post to be discovered. You're not bound by #Twitter demoting your post because it has an arbitrarily-few too many hashtags. Good for budding artists!

Quick tip: if you camelCase your hashtags, people who use screen readers will have an easier time with them.

So, for example: #twitterMigration or #TwitterMigration instead of #twittermigration

#accessibility #a11y #fediTips

For those new to #fediverse you may have seen posts with the 🔒 or 🔓symbol usually on the top right corner.

This means the user who created the post is currently in or out of their chastity cage. Usually this is used as a sign to whether a user will reciprocate flirting or if they wish to stay abstinent.


If you're on desktop #misskey has a built in flashbang feature if you press the D key #FediTips

If you're browsing a very new account, it may appear to be empty even though they have already posted lots of stuff.

This is because most Fediverse servers don't "backfill" new profiles, i.e. if no one followed them at the time a post was made then their post will not be visible from other servers, even if people follow them later. Followers of new users will only see posts made after they follow them, and the oldest posts will remain invisible.

You can see all of a profile's public posts by clicking on the profile's avatar to open it on its home server.

You can also force any post to become visible from your server too by copying the post's public URL and pasting it into the search box on your server.

(If you think this is crazy, and you'd like Mastodon to automatically backfill posts when people follow an account, please give a thumbs up to the issue at so that the developers realise you want this.)

#FediTips #MastoTips #Fediverse #Mastodon

We've been getting requests on how to get popular on the #fediverse so we decided to interview some of the most popular fedizens to learn their skills so you too can be #FediFamous
Here are their answers:

"share funny memes, interact with (most) who interact with you, be gay, and you too can become a niche micro internet celebrity"
"Hate computer, post funnies, simple as"
"post cock pics. No, post ball pics"
"post memes"
"Meta, post meta."
"Hmmmm It think that by having presence.
Like certainty of your personality
Like no one can be
[REDACTED]Or no one else could be or post like
[REDACTED]People that are memorable are the people that get most follows"

And what do these all have in common? The word POST. That's right the best and ultimate way to get the most out of the fediverse is to post and post lots.

The more you post the more likely people will find you and engage with you. So goodluck and get your e-clout


PHor m4NY f3d1z3n5, PRiv4CY I2 4n iMpOr74n7 I55U3.

7ha7'5 WHy m4nY Phr33 4ND oP3n 5OURc3 5Of7w4R3 U2e 3NCryP7ION t0 al73r 7ex7 1n70 4 d1ff3r3n7 unr34d4bl3 phoRm@.

Wi7H pHO55 73CHnoLO9Y i H4v3 3ncRYp73D 7HI2 po57 IN 4n 4nci3N7 l337 73CHNo-L4N9U493 (13375p34k) 7O pRO73c7 7h15 M355ag3 PhROM 7ox1c aNd NaZ1 U53R5, ANd 5hOW how N3C3554Ry 7h15 15 1n 7he m0d3rn 3ra.

45 0f n0w, n0 f3d1v3r53 5oF7w4r3 5upPoR72 3ncRyP73d p0575, bu7 I'M 5UR3 IN dU3 7IM3 oUr D34R l34d3R G4GRON 5h4Ll 4N5w3R oUr pr4y3r5!


Mastos after one hellthread: "OMG I'm so sick of the drama™️."

Pleromas after their 7th hellthread: "Seems fedi is kinda quiet today"

Misskey users:

📋#Poll time!📋
How tech smart is the average fedizen? See if you can answer the question below:

Your #pleroma instance is not receiving deactivate and reactivate activities correctly; meaning a remote user who has been suspended or unsuspended on one instance may not be shown as such on yours.

What is the best way to approach and solve this problem?


  • Install Mastodon (0%, 0 votes)
  • Setup a Mastodon Instance (0%, 0 votes)
  • Use Mastodon (50%, 1 vote)
  • Get Mastodon (50%, 1 vote)
2 voters. Poll end: 2 years ago

#feditips Did you know? Mirrors are not actually a reflection of light, it's just our own world being rendered twice

I have just been informed that has been hacked and features links that direct you to a #github. Gagron has already made an announcement on his private diaperfur Discord server.

For the time being don't install #mastodon at all! Regardless of who sends the link. Avoid any sites or guides telling you how to setup a mastodon instance.Tell your friend to avoid mastodon and look at non-compromised #fediverse alternatives. #FediTips

Please be aware of where exactly you're installing #software from many sites illegally steal and torrent code.

If a website ever leads you to a #github, #gitlab, or #gitea repository immediately close your browser and run your anti-virus.

Git is a malware that makes a copy of your files and code and lists them on these repositories without your consent!! Named and created after the infamous hacking group GitYourCode.

If you want a legitimate copy of #mastodon you can find installation instructions on the official site here:
Practice safety fedizens!!


We're the only official FediTips account! If you see a FediTips account on any Mastodon sites, they're probably nazis! #feditips

Know someone IRL with a Mastodon account? If you pinch their nose, it extends into a full elephant trunk. #feditips

The free open source livestreaming platform OwnCast has set up a demo server at:

It currently runs a loop of videos by people who self-host their livestreams using OwnCast, along with short videos promoting other libre projects.

If you run a free open project and have a short video (under 1 minute), you can have it added to this loop by contacting @owncast.

OwnCast servers include Fediverse compatibility, so you can follow them from Mastodon etc. When a stream you follow goes live, you'll see a message telling you about it in your timeline.

#FediTips #Fediverse #OwnCast #FOSS #Libre #LiveStreaming #Twitch #Alternatives

Have you been mentioned in a thread on Mastodon but you don't want to hear about it any more?

You can mute that particular conversation thread so that you don't get any more notifications about it.

On the Mastodon web interface, go to one of your posts in the conversation and click "...", then select "Mute Conversation".

(You can cancel this by doing the same thing again and picking "Unmute Conversation")

#MastoTips #Mastodon #FediTips

For new people wondering why Mastodon is on thousands of servers instead of one:

-It helps protect us all against Elon Musk scenarios. It's very difficult for anyone to buy a network made of thousands of independently owned servers. (It's the same reason why no one owns the world's email network, because there are so many independent providers out there.)

-If your server misbehaves (or sells out to a malevolent billionaire), you can move your account to a different server, or even to a brand new server. Decentralisation means you're never trapped on a site you hate.

-Mastodon is an open platform where anyone can start their own server, and they don't need tech knowledge if they use a service like or

...and there are lots more good reasons too, to do with servers using alternative Fediverse software etc, but I'll save that for a future post 😁

#MastoTips #Mastodon #FediTips #Fediverse

Mastodon has Direct Messages (DMs), there are two ways to make them happen:

-Create a normal message, set its privacy to "Direct" and then @ mention whomever you want to receive the message. If you mention more than one person it becomes a group chat. This works on all apps and versions of Mastodon.


-If you're logged in through the website, or if you're using a third party app, you can click on the "..." menu on a post or a person's profile and select Direct Message. This then automatically creates a direct message just like the one in the previous method. You can also look at your previous DMs by clicking on the envelope or the "Direct Message" link in the menu.

The official apps don't currently have any specific DM features, but you can use the first method in them and it works fine.

The end result of both methods is exactly the same.

#MastoTips #FediTips #Mastodon #Fediverse #DirectMessages #DMs

If your Mastodon admin is thinking about changing their instance colour scheme, this article might be useful to them:

#MastoAdmin #MastoTips #Mastodon #FediTips #Themes

Write Freely is a writing platform on the Fediverse, sort of like a Fedi version of Medium.

It lets you write long form texts on the Fediverse, and people can follow your Write Freely account, so they see your latest posts.

The official site is at, you can also follow them at @writefreely

You can find instances to sign up on at

There are apps available at

If you are techy, there's instructions for self-hosting an instance at

If you aren't techy, you can still make your own Write Freely instance by using

#WriteFreely #Fediverse #FediTips #Medium #Alternatives

✅ All links on Mastodon count as 23 characters, no matter how long they really are

URLs can be as long as you want, they will never exceed 23 characters of your limit.

There is no need to use a link shortener!

#FediTips #MastoTips #LinkShortener #LinkShorteners #URLShortener #URLShorteners #CharacterLimits #Mastodon