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Items tagged with: android

Zufällig gerade entdeckt: Vor etwa einer halben Stunde ist eine neue Version des Friendica-Clients 'Relatica' erschienen.
Sehr schick, sehr schnell, nice 😀

#friendica #client #android #relatica

Thanks to the makers of #Fedilab for your continued work towards #accessibility on #Android.

The latest version of the app has an setting to require alternate text before making a post. A great reminder for users sharing images on Mastodon, Pixelfed, or Friendica servers.

I hope all Fedilab users turn the setting on, so everyone can benefit from your pictures!

#AndroidA11y #A11y #AltText #Blind #LowVision @apps
Screenshot of a settings screen. There is an option set to true that says: "Mandatory media descriptions: The message will not be sent if a description is missing with a media."
Screenshot of a picture being uploaded with a toot. There is a warning sign next to the word Description. There is also a popup warning that reads "There are missing media descriptions."

The picture being uploaded is a drawing of Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion from the book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

Upcycling your Android - Train the Trainers

Every time we keep using our current phone instead of buying a new one we help avoid the production of new phones and the increase of e-waste. "Upcyling Android" is an initiative to overcome software obsolescence and to extend the lifespan of our hardware with the help of Free Software.
Upcycling our devices this way is an important step to rethink our short-term, linear consumption of electronic devices in favor of a circular economy. We explain the connections, offer help and make your voice heard by decision makers.

01:03 Erik - Upcycling Android Campaign
23:25 Erik - Upcycling Android Campaign - Q&A
26:35 Max - Upcycling Android Workshops
46:04 Max - Upcycling Android Workshops - Q&A
56:10 Marvin - microG
01:11:10 Marvin - microG - Q&A
01:26:15 General Q&A
01:45:04 Closing

Erik's presentation -
Max's presentation -
Marvin's presentation -

also while I have no particular reason to do it I'd like to mention that #android, as an OS does not contain any ads, isn't "cluttered with ads", basically I haven't seen an ad for months now.

It is the same as "windows is cluttered with ads" or "computers are cluttered with ads": yes, the applications are, but the OS isn't.

The ads are mainly in the apps, so do not use apps that show ads, and nothing will be cluttered. Also data sharing can be _mostly_ disabled without rooting.

If I understand right "#Murena" is a shop, selling #Fairphone's and refurbished brand phones with the /e/ OS (based on #LineageOS which is based on #Android).

New #Android update out now with new login screen, editing, upload progress, verified links in profiles and more. More to follow…

So wie es aussieht wird die Programmiersprache Rust immer mehr zu einem ernsthaften Player und kommt raus aus der Nische. Erst im Linux Kernel und nun in Android und dies macht m.M.n. auch durchaus Sinn.

»Android: Mehr Rust, weniger C/C++ und weniger kritische Schwachstellen«


#rust #sicherheit #itsicherheit #os #linux #android #betiebssystem #programmieren

I've recently discovered Mastodos, a fork of the official Android #Mastodon, which adds features like the federated timeline, unlisted tooting, bookmarks, and more!

#Android #Mastodos #Fork #Github

Another instance, another #introduction - here's hoping that I'll settle here for good!

I'm matchboxbananasynergy, AKA Banana, That Banana Guy, Bananaman... you get the point.

My main interests are #privacy and #security - with an extra focus on #android

I've previously contributed to privacy and security resources, and I am currently doing community moderation for various privacy and security related open-source projects.

Feel free to say hi! 👋​

We've got some exciting releases scheduled for early November:

1. Our long awaited #pantherx GUI installer is almost ready. A few final tweaks; maybe 2 weeks+.
2. #nheko on mobile: We've ported this high-performance #matrix client to work on #android and #ios. It also integrates nicely with accounts on PantherX OS Desktop.

Stay tuned.

PixelDroid è un client #Android open source per #Pixelfed, la piattaforma federata di condivisione immagini.
E' disponibile su F-Droid:


Sfoglia le immagini locali, federate, esplora le immagini più popolari e interagisci con gli altri utenti del #fediverso

- Multi account
- filtri, ritaglio, modifica di luminosità/contrasto/saturazione
- Software 100% open source:


#gitea #fdroid #app #PixelDroid #OpenSource

I'll do a new #introduction for this account

Hello! I am a British software developer who works in #Java and #Javascript / #HTML / #CSS, but I'm also known to dabble in other languages. I also have done mobile development for both #ios and #android. I do all my dev on a #Mac.

Outside of that, I enjoy #gaming, I have a #SteamDeck and an #Xbox Series X. I have a #PS4, but it's currently unplugged.

I also like to watch #Netflix and #AmazonPrime

Content warning: New Free Radical Here ✋😆👍


Perhaps you can explain a bit Alex?

Last I checked, it was a #SoapBox frontend (pretty fricken' kewl), but no web access (WTF is sup wit dat, bitches?), And so I was unable to create an account.

And although there was an #Apple 🍎 app, no such #Android beast.

Is that correct? And what kind of goofy logic is that where you can only access the site if you have an #iPhone?

I suppose i would have tried to use #Fedilab, i would suppose, but you need to already have an account to do that.

I know I'm not "missing out" on anything, but What am I missing here?

#tallship #FOSS #Fediverse


I don't mean to be rude, but
#android #repairable #phone

!Friendica Support I'm trying to use some #friendica instances in some #Android apps (like #andstatus but it is reproducible in others too) and fail to connect the apps to #friendica. What happens: (a) App will redirect me to the login screen of my instance in some browser or web view. (b) I will log in there. (c) #friendica will provide me with a message whether or not I want to authenticate the app to have access to my data. (d) Expectation would be that I get redirected to the app for all further steps. In reality, nothing happens - I just keep on tapping that "Yes" button but still stay in the browser view.
Is that a known issue? It seems to work in *some* browsers but not in all, and it doesn't work in apps like #andstatus that don't allow for / use a different browser. Any ideas?

Ob man Audionachrichten mag oder nicht, mal dahin gestellt. Es gab bei #Matrix aka #Element schon seit 2018 den Request, dass man bitteschön in der #Android App bei Audio Dateien einen einfachen Player haben wollte, der einfach nur eine Sounddatei abspielt. So wie man das auf Webseiten kennt. Ein Knopf und dann wird das Ding abgespielt.

Die luxoriöse Anwendung wäre dann mit einem Pausenknopf und eventuell dann noch einen Slider, damit man hin und her springen kann.

Bis heute, muss man die Audiodatei runterladen, um sie dann mit einer externen Player App abspielen.

Als Workaround senden Leute Videodateien!

So und der Stand der Entwicklung ist, dass man jetzt 1 Jahr .. in Worten EIN Jahr ... damit verbracht hat, weil man die korrekte Darstellung der Wellenform im Player haben wollte.

DAS nenne ich mal so komplett am Usecase vorbeiprogrammiert ... also ... nicht programmiert.

"Wir liefern das Auto nicht aus, weil das Sitzpolster statt von rechts nach links kariert von links nach rechts kariert ist."


#OpenStreetMap has a wealth of cycle, or hiking, routes stored in the #OSM database. Is there any #Android app that shows OSM data and will let me select a route and follow it? Does do this?

Content warning: 18GB of RAM in a phone?

Android screen recorder test

A felvétel ScreenCam programmal készült.

Vágó: Shotcut
Zene: Musescore3 (Rossa Ernő)
Írta és rendezte: grin

There is one #truth: as long as #Pixelfed hasn’t a native #iOS and #Android #App it won‘t grow. For now (without the #Apps) it‘s a huge step to join this cool #Federation project...

(#Fedilab and Co. is just a #pita ...!)


The developers of Signal are currently doing a user survey:

I told them that I really like the app but also that I would like:
a) Signal on @fdroidorg
b) a proper desktop client
c) no data stored in "secure enclaves"

Maybe you'd like to tell them, too?


I am using #Friendica with #Frio on my mobile a lot. I like the interface more than any Friendica, Mastodon or other app I tested. I got a couple or them installed and almost never use them.

Now I found a problem, when I am in the network stream or on the profile of a contact (like a just added one), there is a menu on the left which can be opened by tapping on the three dots. The menu then in many cases is longer than what can be shown on the screen. The problem is I can not scroll down in #Chrome, so I can only see the upper part of the menu. It just won't scroll when I push the page up or down with one finger. (normal way to scroll)

Can someone check if the problem is present on their device, if so let me know what system and which browser you use.
Mine is #Android 10 with #Chrome and I am in the current develop version of Friendica, but the problem seems to be there in stable too.

!Friendica Support

#Repomaker, a #Django / #python app to create repositories for the #f-droid store for #Android, is in need of new maintainers.