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Items tagged with: Friendica

is there a list of translations of all the pieces of the #fediverse in various langues? I guess wikidata is probably the best place for this sort of thing.

I came across a conversation in #Russian (I was reading it with autotranslate) it was cool to see some of the software not written in the Latin script for once.

Fediverse = #Федиверс
#Pleroma = #Плерома
#Friendica = #Френдика

Fediverse = #联邦宇宙

Fediverse = #Fediversum

Fediverse = #Fediverso

Update auf Friendica “Giant Rhubarb" 2023.05 lief sauber durch. Vielen Dank an die Dev's und Supporter!

!Friendica Support !Friendica Admins #friendica

!Friendica Support Ich betreibe eine #Friendica Instanz mit dem Theme frio. Wenn ich mit Browser Firefox auf die Instanz greife, hat uBlock ziemlich viel zu tun. Woher stammen diese Tracker(?) und Dinge, die uBlock da ausfiltern muss? Ich folge nur wenigen Accounts.

Nicht sichtbare likes/dislikes bei Frio

Bei Frio habe ich am Smartphone das Problem das ich nicht sehe ob ich einen Beitrag im Stream einen Luke/dislikes verpasst habe. Weder verändert sich die Farbe der Grafik, noch bekomme ich es sonst wie angezeigt. Das hat man erst nach einen Reload der Seite. Das ist mir jetzt schon mit verschiedenen Farbschemata aufgefallen. Und es ist echt kontraproduktiv.

Gibt es da eine Lösung für?

#Friendica #Darstellung #Smartphone #like #dislike #frio #2023-05-23 !Friendica Support

I looooooovvvvvveeeeee the RSS integration in #Friendica!

An interesting write-up from @Matthew Graybosch who recently made the jump from #Mastodon to #Friendica, highlighting the features that won him over.

Once again, #RSS for the win!

edit: kinda solved, abstract tag works.

Is there a way to mark spoiler or CW in #Friendica comment, that would be portable to #Mastodon? I know, that M. for some reason treats F's post title as CW, but comments have no titles; and M apparently shows spoiler tag from BBcode by... displaying full text prefixed by unclickable and inactive text ”click here”.

@Friendica Support

hi. i'm new to #friendica
2 questions about events:

1 i did a test #event (via calendar) and deleted it.
its gone from my friendica account but it still show up when i look at my profile from a mastodon account.
how can i delete it completely?

2 can i attach a pic to an event? (instead of my profile pic). again viewed from a mastodon account

Hello !Friendica Support
what is the way to fix a contact that was wrongly detected as feed instead of activity pub? I can not even mentions these contacts and wonder how this can be fixed?


Ok danke an @Martin Schmitz und @Raroun
Ich dachte schon ich bin zu deppert.
Teste gerade eine andere Fediverse Software noch und da konnte ich das ohne Problem einbinden und auch bei #friendica abspielen

@Friendica Support Hi all. I noticed that Calckey accepts my posts that go to my followers as DM and lists all my followers in the post. This is not in my interest at all. Is there any way to use the abstract function to send my posts only to #friendica and #mastodon?


Am Montag, den 15. Mai 2023, ab 20:00, findet wieder das @fediverse_moderationstreff ( statt.

Das Schwerpunktthema dieses Mal sind Fallbeispiele.

Bringt gerne konkrete Fälle aus der Moderation ein, die unklar oder ungewöhnlich waren und für andere lehrreich sein könnten.

Link zur BBB-Videokonferenz:

Organisiert von @w4ts0n, @ebinger und mir mit Special Guest @citizenK4te, die uns einige besondere Fall-Konstellation mitbringt.

#Fediverse #ModerationsTreff #Moderation #FediMod #FediMods ##Mastomod #Mastodmods #Mastodon #calkey #misskey #Pleroma #Friendica #Hubzilla
Das Fediverse-Logo mit den Worten: "Fediverse Moderationstreff" darunter.

I'm on #Friendica but it doesn't support polls so can't vote it 😅

Hello !Friendica Support
In #Friendica, how can I see posts with some selected tags and from some accounts on one page?

For example, all posts taged with #Friencica or from @Friendica Support ?

Hello !Friendica Support,
Why is there no way to ignore threads that I started myself? How can I mute notification for a post?


@Igor Warneck
ach so und selbst auf #Mastodon erkennt man am Screenshot das es #Friendica ist ... dafür ist das Logo Rechts in der oberen Ecke

Wenn Du dazuschreibst auf welcher Plattform, wird es leichter mit der Hilfe. Von #Mastodon aus kann niemand erkennen, das Du #Friendica meinst ^^

cc: @helpers

How does #Friendica do this with the tags shown below the post in a button style, are those transmitted in a special way or just detected from the post content?

I have created automatic #CW rule for 'RT @' text (#friendica can do it!) and I don't have to watch #twitter #spam

hey.......i would like to know how to get verified on #Friendica .... if anyone would tell me, that would be cool....

I know how to program but don't have the energy or spoons to really contribute to a large project...

So what do I do? I absolutely spam the living hell out of their issues section with feature requests for things I know the gist of how to make and want to see! (and the occasional curveball bug report to keep things fresh)

#github #friendica

Sorry @Hypolite Petovan !

Is there something that prevents re-sharing #Diaspora comments? I selected to do so from one conversation I was in. The #Friendica web interface seemed to show as if I did, but the post doesn't appear in my conversations. @Friendica Support

New troll domain with many subsomains. This is a strongly recommended block for all #Fediverse services for *

Please share this post!

#Friendica !Friendica Admins
cc @utzer [Friendica]

Hello @Nolan Darilek, thanks for reporting this, I am sure this is very helpful information. I think @Steffen K9 🐰 upgraded #Friendica recently, so maybe this was a problem introduced with the latest update.

I think @Hypolite Petovan might be interested in this or can point us towards someone who can fix this.

Also I think the devs are always happy about insight from people using screen readers, maybe if you're interested in supporting the development in this direction you could get an account on, which is run by @Michael Vogel and he usually runs the latest development release on that server, which means you'd get changes before a stable release and could report issues for screen readers before the release was done. Which I am sure would be very helpful.

!Friendica Support
Existiert in #Friendica eigentlich eine Möglichkeit das man nicht immer benachrichtigt wird wenn man einen Post kommentiert hat?
Klar kann ich dann den Thread ausschalten - aber das man den umgekehrten Weg geht.
Quasi nur das wenn ich den Thread aboniere oder ich selbst erwähnt werde erhalte ich eine Benachrichtigung?

#benachrichtigungen #default #off

You know from websites, if there is a link or an embedded element that guides you to another website, there is a note telling you that you load external stuff or you are led to another website.

I think it would be a good addon or feature, if all projects in the #fediverse #friendica #mastodon #pleroma #hubzilla #misskey would start to mark such links especially to facebook, instagram, tiktok, twitter, google and so on with a warn sign, that your data will be collected and you will be definitely tracked.

I am writing this because there is an increasing number of people posting on such networks and spamming the fediverse with links and urls teasing the contents on those networks that you only can see on those networks.

How do you think about that?

Are you a developer? Do you want to help one of the most flexible, long-established and interesting Fediverse projects?

Friendica ( needs developers to help on the frontend, between the server-side PHP modules and views and the client-side HTML/CSS/Javascript aspect.

(It would also be nice if they ran their own Friendica node to help with testing.)

➡️ Are you interested? If so, get in touch with @hypolite

#Friendica #Fediverse #AskFedi :boost_requested:

Hello !Friendica Support,

Is the front end for moderation and reporting posts being worked on yet? For my small instance, this is not yet so important, but I can imagine that there is a need for larger instances.

#friendica #NewFeature #Moderation

Wenn ich in #Friendica etwas über die normale Suche suche, dann wird unter den Beiträgen angezeigt:
Im Zusammenhang betrachten
Ist es möglich, das auch in den Suchergebnissen, die Beiträge mit Kommentaren angezeigt werden? Also so, wie es im normalem Feed auch ist.
!Friendica Support