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Items tagged with: pixelfed

Small misplaced pride: I’m abroad on a roaming 2G data plan, and I can browse my self-hosted #Friendica site, but I couldn’t manage to completely load my self-hosted #Pixelfed site even after waiting several minutes.

Ich hoffe ich habe meine Kontakte von, und jetzt alle erwischt und hier hinzugefügt. Auf jeden Fall werde ich jetzt meine Friendica-Instanz für alles was persönliches Social Media ist, benutzen und auch von hier folgen.

War für mich auch ein Denkprozess, dass ich mich bei allen möglichen dezentralen Plattformen angemeldet habe, nur um dann dort den lokalen Benutzer*innen zu folgen, obwohl das alles ja wunderbar von #friendica aus geht.

Wir macht ihr das mit thematisch fokussierteren Plattformen wie #peertube oder #pixelfed ?

My testing with #soapbox was short lived. If I add a soapbox URL in pixelfed search, I get an error occurred, results could not be loaded but if I try mastodon URL, no problem each time.

Maybe #pixelfed is just not compatible? Is soapbox the same as #pleroma the way it handles URL? Anything to check

@pixelfed I lost track whether it is possible to import the contents of an #Instagram account in #Pixelfed and how? I’ve been waiting for this feature to close my account over there.

Additional information: I’m the admin of my own instance.

My socialhub thread about Pixelfed Groups got hijacked lol, interesting to see some of the responses.

Will be back to working on Groups this weekend, and will post an update to that thread!

#pixelfed #groups #activitypub

Reached out to a few projects regarding Groups federation, looking forward to working together on compatibility.

#pixelfed #groups #activitypub

We have removed like counts from Discover, Hashtag and Profile pages.

Like counts on posts will be replaced with "Liked by" and the count will only be visible to the status owner in our next release. #pixelfed

@dansup Apart from the question above (can/should I link images to include in posts) is there any reason not to support WebP as it'd be 1/5th the size with no visible quality loss? #pixelfed

Very extremely unfortunately #pixelfed does not support #WebP which would make the image 1/5th of its size.

There is one #truth: as long as #Pixelfed hasn’t a native #iOS and #Android #App it won‘t grow. For now (without the #Apps) it‘s a huge step to join this cool #Federation project...

(#Fedilab and Co. is just a #pita ...!)


Hey guys, what's up

I am conducting an anonymous survey for my MSc dissertation on the barriers to uptake of alternative social media platforms. If you're interested, please click the link below. Your input would be much appreciated!

The link is:

#fediverse #pleroma #gnusocial #diaspora #friendica #peertube
#alternative #socialhome
#pixelfed #nextcloud

My #Pixelfed node is back up again. I had forgotten to reinstall the bcmath extension when I downgraded #PHP from 7.4 to 7.3 because #Nextcloud on the same machine isn't compatible, which prevented #Composer to pull the latest dependencies, which triggered a PHP Fatal Error. 😅

Ah, the joys of #selfhost without containers! I'm more and more tempted to look into #Docker, but I'm afraid of the learning curve before I get the same setup I have now. Also it probably would involve converting about 20 #Apache configuration files to #nginx which I'm not looking forward to either.

Does anyone have any pointers for either task, containerization and/or migration from Apache to nginx? #help

Final thought for the day.. which will arrive first.. #pixelfed #MicroUI or #Friendica postgresql support?

One of those two will likely convince my friends and family to try the fediverse.. twitter-esque micro-blogging doesn’t interest them so this instance will for all intents and purposes remain a single-user instance ad infinitum.

not to insinuate that they are drawn to postgresql, or even know what it is.. that’s my line in the sand..

@dansup #pixelfed #help Where can I find a collection I saved but did not publish? Hitting the back button or fiddling with the address bar aren’t an option in iOS Add to Home Screen context.

Eagerly awaiting that #Pixelfed instagram import feature to land.

I wasn't aware of this and no, it's the requirements to be added as a Home Screen app. Since iOS 13, when added to the Home Screen, Friendica will open in Safari instead. Any previously added Home Screen Friendica app will still open as a mobile web app with a couple of quirks (wrong app title "Untitled" shown when switching app), but any newly added won't.

#Pixelfed isn't affected, so I may just look into their code.

It’s been a popular running joke to ask @dansup® when did #PixelFed federate because he said himself that he wanted to get multiple things right first before releasing this feature. Someone even bought the or something.

So, it might be a version thing, indeed.

That said, this would still mean that up to a reasonable recent version, federation was *not* working. Which means that federation is placed on a low prio in #pixelfed.

That is fine, but not clearly communicated, IMO.

And it will (and IMO should) get critique from the fediverse. IMO a product should only market itself to the fediverse when it actually supports federating with that community. Not before.

Black Friday Pixelfed sale, 100% off new accounts! No coupon required 😁


So how does this #pixelfed federation part work? If at all.

When I follow a pixelfed user from a mastodon server, I don't see any posts.
Within pixelfed, I cannot find mastodon users either

Is there a way to have just one account in the #fediverse, instead of creating multiple accounts on #mastodon, #pixelfed, #peertube, #funkwhale servers? In other words, is there a way to decouple identity from content, now or in the future?

Since it seems to be Question and Answer time for @dansup® about @pixelfed, MySQL/MariaDB support when?

This is the main obstacle for me to self-host it.

#pixelfed @pixelfed development