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You can now add pronouns to your profile!

#pixelfed #pronouns #activitypub
Why would I want to though! I'm here for art, not looking for partner.
This isn’t about you, although I can guess your pronouns just by your reply.
Yeah it is about me as much as whole society. First thing I get to know about almost everyone here nowadays is their gender. I do not care about it when I watch art.

You can guess what you will about me, no problem. Why is it so important to you though is my question. Will you treat me differently based on it?
Of course I will, it sets my expectations regarding your potential experience of sexism, for example.

However I’m more likely to treat you differently because of your public and complete dismissal of sexism, at least in art.
My what? Where did you even get this nonsensical conclusions from.

Regarding first paragraph why would you want to tell me anything that anyone would consider sexist. We don't know each other, you can talk like that to your friends, not strangers on internet. And if we do get to know each other you will just know what you can tell me no matter what my gender is. Once again, you people make too much noise around this topic. It's private things.
Then stop talking about it, you started this, not me. You have a right to be oblivious about sexism but as soon as you talk about it in public like here you are making it everyone else’s problem.
This entry was edited (3 years ago)
@Hypolite Petovanalthough I can guess your pronouns just by your reply
Are you aware that this is sexism?
omg didn't want to start a flamewar. just cnr. sorry
No problem, what does "cnr" mean?
I can assure you it isn't, let me know if you'd like me to elaborate.
Man I was worried nobody was going to know I was a self righteous asshole. Thanks buddy.
And yet you just signaled your own pronouns loud and clear, who’s the self-righteous asshole now?
My pronouns are obvious because I'm not part of the 1% of the population who demand everyone play pretend with my mental illness.
I'm sorry about your mental illness.
Yeah it really sucks being a normal person who isn't a victim.
Would you like me to play pretend you are a "normal person who isn't a victim"?
I'm not pretending like you, mutant lover.
It's okay, you're normal, and definitely not a victim, this is why you don't feel the need to air your tiniest grievances about something that doesn't concern you on a public thread.
Oh no some one was mean to you on social media. Call the police. Crybaby faggot is being made fun of for needing to see pronouns which nobody actually needs.
Only one person is rude here, but I understand you constantly need attention, which I don't feel like catering for anymore.
This is, however, pretty weird. Pronouns can mean two things:
- using specific words to talk to someone, or
- reading someone using specific words.

I can't just see a user case when someone offended by these words and therefore avoiding people using these could just meet the problem.

What I see some people actually going to people using these words, reading them, writing to them and explaining them that they shall behave differently just because s/he wants it so.

That's about normal at age 3. Beyond that it seems like a real mental problem. I mean, go see a doctor, your life may be in danger. I worry for you.