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@dansup #pixelfed #help Where can I find a collection I saved but did not publish? Hitting the back button or fiddling with the address bar aren’t an option in iOS Add to Home Screen context.
I’d hit the database first.
Good idea but no doodling with the address bar in my case. It is absent in the iOS Add to Home Screen mode.
Ah, so it’s trapped in some local storage, not on the server database.
Not necessarily, but the absence of address bar and back button means I’d need a UI control to access it in that context.

Even if I found the ID in the database, I couldn’t enter it in a carefully crafted URL.
So by default, a saved collection will be used the next time you Compose a new collection. The UI/UX of that process is a mess, I'm working on this and hope to get it shipped tonight. (its only 9pm here)
Thanks! Don't get yourself worked up too much, I was wondering if there was something I missed.