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Items tagged with: ai

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I am certainly disappointed that the closed captions on the Black Hat videos, which I paid $2500 for are widely inaccurate and have not been proofread. I feel bad for deaf people who rely on these, as the machine generated ones are questionable at best. For free content I understand relying on it, or even for real-time content, but for recorded video that you pay a premium for this is unacceptable. #InfoSec #AI #Accessibility

@Kama Zdecydowanie bym wolał, żeby te graficzne wizje przyszłości umieszczone w tekście były autorstwa człowieka a nie generatora #ai .
#AI @Kama

Hi there, if you don’t want me to hit you, please carry this sign that says “please don’t hit me” with you always. Otherwise, I can’t possibly be held responsible if I hit you. Because it’s in my nature to hit you. I can’t live without hitting people. It’s just who I am and what I do. Thank you for your understanding in this delicate matter.


#ai #optOut #openAI #chatGPT #bullshit

I guess "the market" decided that it's just better to pay for millions of electronic monkeys and their typewriters, instead of providing decent remuneration to the Shakespeares of this world, eh? :blobcateyes:

To wit: a stochastic parrot is just a bunch of electronic type-writing monkeys in a trench coat. 🤔



So, Twitter :twitter: decided to pull a DeviantArt move and change its Terms Of Services to include anything you post there on their AI dataset, to re-publish your art and benefit from it without your consent or compensation.


I will only leave my contact information there, nothing else.

#Twitter #artistsonmastodon #TwitterAlert #AuthorsRights #AI #DeleteTwitter

You grant us a worldwide, non- exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute such Content in any and all media or distribution methods now known or later developed (for clarity, these rights include, for example, curating, transforming, and translating). This license authorizes us to make your Content available to the rest of the world and to let others do the same. You agree that this license includes the right for us to provide, promote, and improve the Services and to make Content submitted to or through the Services available to other companies, organizations or individuals for the syndication, broadcast, distribution, Retweet, promotion or publication of such Content on other media and services, subject to our terms and conditions for such Content use. Such additional uses by us, or other companies, organizations or individuals, is made with no compensation paid to you with respect to the Content that you submit, post, transmit or otherwise make available through the Services as the use of the Services by you is hereby agreed as being sufficient compensation for.

So an author discovers someone is selling AI-generated books under her name on Amazon and then Amazon (initially) claims they can't remove them because she hasn't trademarked her name...

The books have been removed by now, but probably only because the author, Jane Friedman, went public.

#books #AI #copyright

I think this should be taught to everyone in high school, it's so fundamental.

#AI #Psychic #Skeptic #Software

Large Language Models are a strong contender as a trigger for the Butlerian Jihad.

#LLM #AI #Dune
#AI #Dune #llm

Venture capitalists are parasites that deploy harmful technologies in the name of profit and control. Now they’re fueling AI hype not to improve the world, but to make a quick buck.

On #TechWontSaveUs, Edward Ongweso Jr. outlines why we need to abolish venture capital if we have any hope of creating better technology and actually improving people’s lives.

#tech #ai #vc #finance

#Zoom just changed their terms and conditions to include using anyone's video and audio for training #AI with no option for opting out. You too can help train #deepfake s!

Living with a disabled spouse, I used Zoom a lot to get through the ongoing global pandemic.

What alternatives are out there for remote teaching/meetings?

> If you feel you are being watched, you change your behavior. Big Data is supercharging this effect.

> This could limit your desire to take risks or exercise free speech. Over the long term these 'chilling effects' could 'cool down' society.

> If you have "bad friends" on social media you might pay more for your loan.

> What you post on social media may influence your odds of getting a tax audit.

#privacy #foss #bigdata #surveillance #ai

Back in Feb, when Grammarly said they were going to think about incorporating AI, I immediately canceled my account and uninstalled. And now they've actually done it.

I'm sharing because with everything going on, writers might not realize this is happening.

#AI #writing
Grammarly just announced that they've been using customer work to train their Al. If you still use their service, stop now if you care about your copyright. 4:55 PM - 7/28/23 from Earth


I saw this meme recently which captures the problem so perfectly. People are afraid of AI as if it’s not just a formalization of all the unethical behaviors that are ingrained in our society already. #AI
Variation on the “trolley problem” meme. Instead of two tracks, the trolley is traveling down a single track and running over endless numbers of people, while a man stands at the controls and tells everyone “guys, the train might be sentient someday,” as if that’s the problem to worry about and not the human decisions that already put all the people on the tracks.

It's wild to me that there's currently so much panic & fear about what #AI *might* do to "destroy" humanity, yet - at the same time - so little attention to the way that human behaviors are already, knowingly, putting billions of people & global biodiversity at tremendous risk. 🌍 #climatechange

"However sophisticated or creative AI might seem to be, its modelling is stuck in abstractions drawn from the past, and so becomes a rearrangement of the way things have been rather than a reimagining of the way things could be."

#AI #antifascism
Book cover: Resisting AI: An Anti-Fascist Approach to Artificial Intelligence, by Dan McQuillan

💾 Trying my hand at some #Agitprop. How does this one look like?

🍝 Mi cimento in poster agitprop, come vi sembra?

#AI #Billionaires
Three panels:
- Top panel shows a billionaire funding a techbro to build & train AI
- Middle panel shows the billionaire telling you the AI is a common enemy
- Bottom panel shows you against the billionaire using AI to increase profits

Prasówka 2-9.06.2023

When #AI techbros train their #LLMs on people's works, these works are similarly removed from their individual context, "melted down" into the raw material — training data. Just disembodied words and phrases and sentences for the model to parrot later.

Historical and cultural and social context of these works is destroyed, melted away.

And it also happens without consent.
And it also happens on a gigantic scale.
And it also happens because techbros can sell the output.

#AI #llms

Prasówka 19-26.05.2023

That time in 2023 when Very Serious People started holding flashlights under their chins and intoning "Aaaaaaa Iiiiiiii" in a spooky voice until they all went and hid under the covers.

#AI #LLMs #LLCs #MeredithWhittaker
I think we need to dig into what is happening here, which is that, when faced with a system that presents itself as a listening, eager interlocutor that’s hearing us and responding to us, that we seem to fall into a kind of trance in relation to these systems, and almost counterfactually engage in some kind of wish fulfillment: thinking that they’re human, and there’s someone there listening to us. It’s like when you’re a kid, and you’re telling ghost stories, something with a lot of emotional weight, and suddenly everybody is terrified and reacting to it. And it becomes hard to disbelieve.

“The #Wikimedia movement should launch a WikiAI mission” – says @tarkowski in the 1st part of a study on how @wikipedia could address the challenges of open #AI development incl. #copyright and transparency issues 🔎 #DigitalCommons

Włosi mogą znów korzystać z ChatGPT. OpenAI wprowadziło sporo zmian w swoim działaniu, zgodnie z nakazem włoskiego organu nadzorczego, ale dalej będzie prowadzone postępowanie wyjaśniające dotyczące realizacji zasad ochrony danych osobowych przez OpenAI w ramach Europejskiej Rady Ochrony Danych.
#AI #rodo

Time to treat #AI like we treat faerie folk:

-Never give an AI your full name

-Never accept a gift from an AI

-Never eat food that an AI gives you

-Do not mention that you have a newborn child at home or that you know someone who has

-Do not step into an AI ring

@Mateusz @m0bi13 @look997 @mason O #AI prawdziwej, zaawansowanej będzie można mówić gdy zostanie wykorzystany jakiś wyjątkowy ludzki mózg, sztucznie podtrzymywany przy życiu, podłączony do superkomputera. Myślę że robi się takie eksperymenty, ale sa w ścisłej tajemnicy.

@Mateusz @m0bi13 @look997 @mason #AI w zasadzie nie ma się co obawiać, oprócz tego że parę zawodów może zniknąć, #AI nie ma wyobraźni, nie ma potrzeb którymi my ludzie kierujemy się i tworzymy. Ai to ciągle zwykły algorytm, nie umysł. AI nie ma też wiary, którą można porównać do błędów w oprogramowaniu, ponieważ wszystkim kieruje matematyka, a #wiara wpływa na wyniki. To dlaczego w mózgu nie pojawia się "niebieski ekran", a no zależy on od poziomu skomplikowania.

"Czy Ty się boisz sztucznej inteligencji ?
Nie potrafię sobie wyobrazić takiego wariantu, żeby się to dla nas źle NIE skończyło." -

odpowiada na pytanie #AndrzejDragan , fizyk teoretyk, kompozytor, twórca filmowy i popularyzator nauki.
Ponieważ mam dokładnie takie same obawy, obserwując tempo rozwoju tej technologii a jednocześnie kompletne olewanie aspektów etyki i bezpieczeństwa, to polecam wysłuchanie przemyśleń na ten (i nie tylko!) temat człowieka, który z pewnością ma coś mądrego do powiedzenia:

#ai #llm #si #sztucznainteligencja

A few absolute shockers in the list of websites the Washington Post has revealed are used to train Google's generative AI tools. Apparently including the likes of 4Chan, Breitbart, and RT.

From WaPo:

"Meanwhile, we found several media outlets that rank low on NewsGuard’s independent scale for trustworthiness: No. 65, the Russian state-backed propaganda site; No. 159, a well-known source for far-right news and opinion; and No. 993, an anti-immigration site that has been associated with white supremacy.

"The top Christian site, Grace to You ( No. 164), belongs to Grace Community Church, an evangelical megachurch in California. Christianity Today recently reported that the church counseled women to 'continue to submit' to abusive fathers and husbands and to avoid reporting them to authorities."

#technology #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #GenerativeAI #Google #tech #news @technology @politics #trans #lgbtqia #lgbtq

@steelman @m0bi Użycie jakiś blobów (które były w rpi już wcześniej) to jednak coś innego niż zasadnicza zmiana paradygmatu prywatności: dostaniesz na płytce jakieś extra features, ale żeby ich użyć to chcemy mieć info jak/do czego ich używasz. To nie wydaje się mieć jakiegokolwiek związku z modelem biznesowym. W tej chwili np kodeki video, które potrafią korzystać z #gpu w #rpi tez są osobno płatne a nie mają wbudowanej żadnej telemetrii (o ile wiem...). Jaki jest problem, żeby dostęp do chipa #ai sprzedawać na tej samej zasadzie ?

#rasberrypi właśnie ogłosiło, że wybrało drogę "Internet of 💩".
W kolejnych #rpi będą chipy z własnościowym #AI od #sony , które będzie raportować do bazy "tylko" metadane.
#privacy #fail

🇵🇱 Nowy wpis na blogu! / 🇬🇧 New blog post!

Dostęp do GPT od OpenAI przez API

#ai #api #chatgpt #curl #deepl #futurepedia #gpt #gpt35turbo #gpt4 #llm #max_tokens #openai #php #promptengineer #temperature #tlumacz #tlumaczenie #token #translate #translator


Guess who is apparently starting a new AI project weeks after famously signing an open letter to stop all #AI projects for half a year? :blobcateyes:

> Elon Musk is said to be moving forward with an artificial-intelligence project within Twitter, despite recently signing an open letter calling for an industrywide halt to any AI training for several months.

I am shocked, shocked! 🤣

Captain Louis Renault from Casablanka, smiling.


I am shocked! Shocked!

Join me, Carole Theriault, and our special guest The CyberWire's @bittner in the latest "Smashing Security" podcast - Another Uber SNAFU, an AI chatbot quiz, and is juice-jacking genuine?

#cybersecurity #juicejacking #ai #chatbot #chatgpt #uber #databreach #podcast
Uber car, chatbot, USB port.

Since the hype around AI accelerated, a lot of people have been looking for meaning in the text generated by large language models and tools like ChatGPT. But that doesn’t mean they’re intelligent, and there’s a real danger in thinking they are.

On #TechWontSaveUs, I spoke with @emilymbender about how these technologies work, why they don’t reflect how humans use language, but why we want to believe they’re talking to us.

#tech #ai #chatgpt #generativeai #llm #podcast